Again, not saying this is you or that Jyarz don't possibly leak, but I've never had a "smell" issue with mine.
I was going to say something similar... it was definitely NOT the jar, but the handler or other conditions.
Tell us the story. Come on, out with it?
Ok, here we go, you can thank me later

Please Aldo don't take this as a dissing on your product, I still think that they're great containers, but I was hoping they would pass the dog test.
There's this guy (on IG, YT and with his own site) called Blaze or Bust, who has taken the trouble to test a lot of the "smell proof" containers and bags in the market. He does so with trained dogs, and takes (IMO) a lot of care in not contaminating the surface of the products he tests. Possibly a whole lot more than most of the every day user would (this includes using and changing latex gloves). He actually uses 2 different dogs, and a control, just to be sure. (Un)surprisingly, most of the products that he has tested (many of which he has paid for himself) have not passed the test.
It was a surprise to me, as I could have put money in Jyarz passing the test (instead, I got some more Jyarz

) but now I know what to expect. My motto is "expect the best, prepare for the worse" and in this case, well, you know the rest.
So no juicy details to spill, I'm afraid, but a couple YT videos for you to check out.