Interesting News, Articles & Stuff


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As press freedoms decline in Israel, people there see the war differently from the rest of the world - Advocates say government restrictions, media self-censorship mean realities of Gaza war unseen in Israel​

The Donald Trump I Saw on The Apprentice -For 20 years, I couldn’t say what I watched the former president do on the set of the show that changed everything. Now I can.​

:peace: :leaf:


Well-Known Member

As press freedoms decline in Israel, people there see the war differently from the rest of the world - Advocates say government restrictions, media self-censorship mean realities of Gaza war unseen in Israel​

This is how the oldest newspaper in the only democracy in the Middle East has to tweet to get around the government censor:

Very funny (and ballsy) way to do it.


Well-Known Member

This disgusting prick can't condemn Niki Haley for the same reason they must slime everyone who protests against the mass slaughter in Gaza as antisemitic: "Finish Them!" is the explicit policy of the Biden Administration :shrug:

If you found Haley's actions loathsome but happily support the Biden Administration, it's because you're a Liberal who only cares about aesthetics, and nothing more.


Well-Known Member
To whom is this addressed, really? I know no one who happily supports the BA.

There's definitely a Blue MAGA contingent out there, but fair point. He is the least popular President since they invented polling. Running against a convicted felon and the second least popular President since they invented polling.

I know we're supposed to save democracy, but it's already dead and starting to stink at this point.




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Great Job Reaction GIF

I'm not someone who gets all verklempt about "America's standing in the world". But if I was, I'd be a little concerned that the head of the American Empire keeps getting publicly humiliated by a client state with a smaller GDP than Indiana :shrug:


Well-Known Member

While America is deciding between a felon game show host, a dying lifelong mediocrity from the Senate, and the dumbest Kennedy with LITERAL brain worms, Mexico has elected a female, Jewish, leftist, climate scientist to their presidency. Hell yeah.


Well-Known Member

LOL I thought these corpos HAD to raise prices due to "inflation"? Turns out they were just jacking them up to see if they could get away with it. Frankly because the corporate media, like the NYT, gave them cover by pretending that the majority of inflation was anything other than simple price gouging.

We are in a bifurcated economy. The top 10-20% are riding high on the surging stock market and skyrocketing real estate prices.

The bottom 80-90% have seen modest wage increases over the past few years. But that increase has been completely swallowed up by:

1) Insane rent increases (landlord gouging)


2) Corporate price gouging on consumer products ("inflation")

Regular people have been cutting back on spending. Retailers are running out of rich people to sell to. So now they have to reduce prices :shrug:


Well-Known Member
Inflation can have a couple of causes. What you are seeing now is the result of govt spending money they did hot have (borrowed) during COVID.

"Long-lasting episodes of high inflation are often the result of lax monetary policy. If the money supply grows too big relative to the size of an economy, the unit value of the currency diminishes; in other words, its purchasing power falls and prices rise. This relationship between the money supply and the size of the economy is called the quantity theory of money and is one of the oldest hypotheses in economics."


Putin is a War Criminal
That is the lie we keep getting told. Inflation is a function of government overspending. And it is likely true that in some cases it is, but not in the current case. In the current case the "inflation" is a result of corporations using supply chain issues and product shortages THAT NO LONGER EXIST as an excuse to increase prices on all of their products and services. Not because they're costing them more, but because they see an opportunity screw the public and make windfall profits while pretending that the economy is driving up the prices. In this country right now it is not the economy, it is greed.


Well-Known Member
Inflation can have a couple of causes. What you are seeing now is the result of govt spending money they did hot have (borrowed) during COVID.

Donald Trump GIF by reactionseditor

LOL. Did you not read my post? If it was the "money supply", corporations WOULDN'T HAVE THE OPTION TO LOWER PRICES. Jesus fucking Christ.

The "money supply" is barely a blip on what's causing our recent inflation. It was supply chain disruptions (caused by corporations). And gouging, by corporations.

This isn't an opinion. You're simply wrong.

That there is a Conspiracy Theory, not economics.

The "Economics" you're talking about is ideology or religion, not science.

Honest question, are you a multimillionaire? If not, I'd stop spouting this Milton Friedman bullshit. It's not for you.
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Well-Known Member
I'm sorry...but what the fuck is going on with that country?

This image is so cartoonishly evil, it looks AI generated. Like if we had full color HD cameras during the segregation era in America.


Radwin Bodnic

Well-Known Member
Accessory Maker
I'm sorry...but what the fuck is going on with that country?

What's going on ? Hate.

Edit : and :
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Well-Known Member
What's going on ? Hate.

Here's the thing. If you're an Israeli who lost someone on October 7th, or the Second Intifada, I totally understand the hatred.

But I, unlike the entire American news media, or every American politician save for about 3, extend that same understanding to Palestinians as well. Especially given the lopsided death and destruction they've experienced over the past 80 years.

The stupid fucking media pretending like Palestinians have to be indoctrinated into hating Israelis. No, dumbass. They learn to hate when their school gets burned to the ground by an Israeli plane dropping an American bomb. Or their little brother's head gets blown off right in front of them. No "indoctrination" necessary.

Frankly, The Onion had more intelligent commentary on this whole tragedy than the entire news media:



Well-Known Member

Fuck Putin and modern day Russia. But it's important to remember on the anniversary of D-Day, that America did not defeat Nazi Germany. The Soviet Union did.

Something like 80% of the Nazis who died in that war were shot by a Soviet bullet.

America is like the rich kid in a college group project who didn't show up until the night before it was due and tried to take credit for the whole thing.

One of my roommates in college had a grandmother who survived the Holocaust. She would never tolerate any slander of Joseph Stalin in her presence. She'd shake her head and say "Yosef liberated the camps...he liberated the camps..."
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