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Putin is a War Criminal


Oh No! Mr macbill!!
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This Hurricane Season Could be Among the Worst in Decades NOAA Warns

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration forecast — which calls for 17 to 25 tropical storms, eight to 13 hurricanes and four to seven “major” hurricanes — underscores how dramatically the environment has shifted and increased the risk of destructive weather. The prediction is the most aggressive outlook the agency has ever made ahead of the start of hurricane season.
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Putin is a War Criminal
@cybrguy Where did you find this? I tried to google it, to confirm it is true. Didn't succeed in that.
I got it from a post on post. I have subsequently gone looking for confirmation somewhere, and I can't find it either. Clearly, though, whether or not it is an actual quote of an exchange between Merchan and Blanche, we know the facts of the quotes are correct. The emails clearly show that Costello, while pretending to be trying to protect Michael Cohen, was actually working for Trump through Rudy to try and keep him in the fold. The good news (for Cohen) is that all his testimony and subpoenaed emails did was help the prosecution.

Added: I wanted to add that we do know that the judge had a conversation with the defense, without the jury in the room, before they called him. The judge was attempting to limit what Costello could testify about. That is why I just reposted this when I saw it, assuming that it was a reflection of an actual conversation, whether or not it really was.
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Well-Known Member
Israel has been getting a lot of bad press. But there are some absolute heroes in that country, putting themselves at personal risk to stand up against fascism.

Insane West Bank settlers have been attacking aid convoys heading into Gaza for months. Absolute sicko behavior. So Israeli peace activists have gone to the border to stop them. These activists are smart enough to understand that brutality and dehumanization only breeds more brutality and dehumanization :shrug:



(zombie) Woof.
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Well-Known Member
That is not backed up by statements from our government. For example we publicly supported the ICC's prosecution of war criminals like Omar Bashir for their involvement in the genocide in Darfur.

Just because we are not signatories to the Rome Statute doesn't mean we have not used and supported the court when it fits our needs.


Well-Known Member
US does not even recognize the ICC and never ratified the treaty that created it.

You're right. I shouldn't have said "hand picked". But we did praise the appointment of the current ICC prosecutor in 2021. And supported his actions against Putin last year.

Just because we are not signatories to the Rome Statute doesn't mean we have not used and supported the court when it fits our needs.

This is also true. But America doesn't actually believe in International Law, except as a cudgel against our enemies.

No, America believes in "might makes right" and the rule of the jungle. That's why we aren't signatories to the ICC/Rome Statute.

Which sort of begs the question. What are we doing, bitching about Putin? He believes he has a legitimate claim on Ukraine. If he has the military capability to take and hold the country, what's the problem?

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Well-Known Member
It's a total mystery, why America won't recognize the War Crimes Court's authority :shrug:

Like, I'm sure Jeffrey Dahmer was critical of anti-cannibalism laws.


If this dumb fucking bitch told the average Republican voter that her birth name is "Nimarata Randhawa", they'd want to put a bullet in her head for being an "A-rab Muz-lum".

After all, some Arizona hillbilly murdered a Sikh man right after 9/11. "Close enough :shrug:".


Well-Known Member
I used to be a big Atheist Guy. I worshipped people like Richard Dawkins. At one point in the late aughts, I told a girlfriend that "Sam Harris might be the smartest living intellectual". At least a few times per year, I think about that while I'm in the shower and let out a blood curdling scream.



Well-Known Member

Revealed: Lawmaker who gave J6ers a Capitol tour targets ex-Capitol Police intel head​

Spying, hacking and intimidation: Israel’s nine-year ‘war’ on the ICC exposed​

:peace: :leaf:
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(zombie) Woof.
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Well-Known Member
Wow, didn’t expect this

Edit, I am surprised at how quickly this happened and that there was total agreement through the jury, I thought thered be at least one Trump supporter. What a great day though! Definitely a deserved judgement ✌️
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