Interesting News, Articles & Stuff


Well-Known Member
fueled by conservative outrage and growing unease over the accessibility of sexual content online, especially for children.
So for conservatives when it comes to pornography its the porn makers who are the problem while with guns its not the gun makers its the users who are the problem :|
I was outside for 2 hours and it was so hot I wanted to kill myself.
Let's lock the gov outside for a few hours and see how he holds up. My guess is he's counting on being in DC in soon anyway.


Well-Known Member
Let's lock the gov outside for a few hours and see how he holds up.

Right. He's too busy banning local governments from passing laws to protect outdoor workers from heat stroke. Goes into effect this July 1st. I wasn't exaggerating. On May 1st I could feel my brain starting to shut down like an overheating CPU. And I wasn't doing any physical labor.

My guess is he's counting on being in DC in soon anyway.

He might go back to the House of Representatives after his Governorship is up. But a lot of his recent moves are because he's extremely mad that he will never be President. Now that the whole country saw what an unlikable freak he is.

He genuinely hates every Floridian who lived here pre-2020. And he's enacting his revenge.


Well-Known Member
It keeps on keepin' on


Three-quarters of Texans think ‘extreme conservative agenda’ has captured state, poll finds​

:peace: :leaf:
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Well-Known Member
Our problem is far bigger than just Red States.

Cops watched as Counter-protestors with no affiliation to UCLA violently attacked student protestors. Then the next night, those same cops unleashed their own violence on the students.

CNN was able to easily track down the adult, outside agitators who used weapons on UCLA students. The cops have no interest in arresting them. They instead arrested their victims.

Incredible amounts of Fascism, in the Bluest City, in the Bluest State in the Union. All cheered on by a Democratic Party President.
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Well-Known Member

At Justice Alito’s House, a ‘Stop the Steal’ Symbol on Display​

An upside-down flag, adopted by Trump supporters contesting the Biden victory, flew over the justice’s front lawn as the Supreme Court was considering an election case.

New York Times: Upside-down US flag flew at home of Justice Samuel Alito after 2020 election​

Judicial insider blows up Justice Alito's attempt to 'blame his wife' for latest scandal

:peace: :leaf:
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Well-Known Member
In an era of garbage fake news, ProPublica is a shining beacon of actual journalism.

IMO, this piece does a better job at encapsulating our current age for future generations than the thousand articles about Trump and Biden farting (from either their mouths or their assholes) :shrug:



In America, virtually all of us are a few really unlucky months from ending up like these people. We are never a few really lucky months away from being a billionaire :shrug:


Well-Known Member
In America, virtually all of us are a few really unlucky months from ending up like these people. We are never a few really lucky months away from being a billionaire :shrug:
Maybe for now. But just you wait. As soon as my boss sees how many hours I've been putting in, I just KNOW he'll give me that big raise, and then I will be able to start investing $10 per paycheck into GME calls!!!!!$!$!


Well-Known Member
Just wanted to drop the text messages sent by the guy the Texas Governor pardoned, minutes before he committed premeditated murder.


Kind of hard to argue he accidentally drove into the protestors. This is why a jury in Texas convicted him.

Oh....and Texas gave this murderer his right to own and carry firearms back too!



Putin is a War Criminal
I really wish something like this was a surprise. Not only is it not a surprise, but it is pretty clear that this is the intentional direction the red states have been moving for quite some time. And to be perfectly clear, I am quite certain it is also the intention of the Russian state to help us move in this direction, so as to create as much chaos and distrust of democracy as is possible. The Republican Party writ large, and especially the cult (if it were any different than the Republican Party) has been doing everything it could to weaken America and to make "their" Americans happy with someone who will make decisions for them so they needn't bother. These are scary fucking times.


Well-Known Member
And to be perfectly clear, I am quite certain it is also the intention of the Russian state to help us move in this direction, so as to create as much chaos and distrust of democracy as is possible.

Brother, this "democracy" was founded by slavers who wanted to dodge their taxes. The law protecting white supremacists is as American as apple pie, so I'm not sure why you're bringing Russia into it. Long tradition of cops and politicians protecting lynch mobs in this country.

And is Putin controlling officials in Los Angeles, California too? Because what happened at UCLA is very much in line with the Perry situation.

Do I think Russia encourages division in this country? Sure. We've done the same thing to basically every other country for decades. That's normal international fuckery. But is Russia a major contributor to our sorry state? Absolutely not. Let's take some personal responsibility here.

Australia has had a far more profound negative effect on our politics than Russia. Or, I should say, one particular Australian:



Well-Known Member
lol Bibi and the Hamas guy can share a cell at The Hague :lol:

Bibi rn:


Important to remember as every scumbag politician in America and Israel cries and moans that an obvious war criminal MIGHT face some accountability: the current International Criminal Court Prosecutor is the hand picked choice of both Israel and the US.

From 2021:


Lots of hit dogs hollering today :rofl:
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Well-Known Member

Really galling stuff here. I would bet any amount of money that this unnamed world leader is either Joseph Robinette Biden or Anthony Blinken. And if Trump was the President right now, this is all CNN and MSNBC would be talking about for a full week.

But it's barely worth a mention. Because their preferred war criminals are the ones who called the International Criminal Court and literally said International Law only applies to Putin and The BLACKS. America and her vassal States are allowed to commit crimes against humanity en masse and should never ever have to face consequences for it!


Well-Known Member
Things you do when you're definitely the Good Guys committed to the Rules Based International Order👇

Biden is going to take more action against the International Criminal Court than he ever will against Clarence Thomas for selling favorable rulings to billionaires at our own Supreme Court.

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