Interesting News, Articles & Stuff


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The IDF's excuse is "we meant to shoot a different unarmed protestor in the head, not the unarmed American citizen".

I love how we're supposed to believe that every Israeli sniper is Mr. Magoo. Especially because tens of millions of our tax dollars get spent to have American cops trained by the IDF.

Secretary of State Blinken says,

that "in our judgment, Israeli security forces need to make some fundamental changes in the way that they operate in the West Bank" and said Washington would be "making that clear to the senior-most members of the Israeli government."

Oh he's super serious this time!

5 months ago, after the IDF hunted down and murdered a WHITE American citizen:

Flickinger said Blinken did not pledge any new policy actions but said the Biden administration had sent a strong message to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu that the relationship between the United States and Israel may change if the Israeli Defense Forces do not show more care for the fate of civilians in Gaza.

What a fucking farce. Reminder that the World Central Kitchen murders were not an accident.



Well-Known Member
Trigger warning all over this post.

Oct 7th, almost everyone can cite and describe what happened. But what about prior events? Heres just one I can remember.

From the 2018 Gaza protests:

The multi-year protest in question via UN report:

Post Oct 7th:
How many know about the aftermath of Oct 7th? This info isnt widespread for whatever reason (yet everyone can cite what happened Oct 7th)

Yes there is a drone video of this; Israel denied it was them for weeks, then admitted it but said the starving population was attacking the trucks or something:

GAZA: More than 10 children a day lose a limb in three months of brutal conflict (I believe most if not all without anesthesia):

Quote from yesterdays debate, Harris - "Well, let's understand how we got here. On Oct. 7, Hamas, a terrorist organization, slaughtered 1,200 Israelis. Many of them young people who were simply attending a concert. Women were horribly raped."

The same language was used during her DNC speech, a month after these events (im specifically referencing "leaked video" section but the whole page is relevant as well):–Hamas_war

The response to the arrests?

"Subsequently, nine Israeli reservists, including a major, were arrested on suspicion they had sodomized him and suspicion of mistreating the detainee. Protestors, including Knesset members, broke into the base where the reservists were being detained, demanding their release."

Politians and news anchors debate whether there should be a right to rape:

One of the rapists goes on tv:

Later takes off mask:

Trying to make the rapist a celebrity?

You cant write this shit.
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Well-Known Member
No, no, no history began on October 7th, 2023. We're all 11-month-old babies. Goo-goo-gahh-gahh 👶

But what about prior events?

Something that sticks out in my mind, is the murder of Shireen Abu Akleh in 2022. An American citizen of Palestinian descent. And not even a scary MUSLIM. She was a Christian lady. And by all reports was an absolutely wonderful person who was just snuffed out.

Like the 26-year-old American, Aysenur, Shireen was shot in the head by an IDF sniper. The IDF lied about it until that became untenable. Then, to add insult to injury, IDF soldiers attacked her fucking funeral.

If another country's army executed an American civilian in cold blood and then desecrated their funeral, that country would be finding out why Americans don't have free healthcare.
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Well-Known Member
I am not a "free speech absolutist".

You should be locked up for yelling "fire" in a crowded theater.

Similarly, every single person who spreads lies about a minority group needs to be thrown in a fucking cage. Because, historically, that's how pogroms start.

Well, these people got the pogrom they wanted.

I worked in a hotel in my 20's. With a lot of Haitian immigrants. Those people worked harder than JD Vance or Donald Trump ever have in their entire fucking lives.


Oh No! Mr macbill!!
Staff member

Bill with eoPd

New Member
Well, these people got the pogrom they wanted.

I worked in a hotel in my 20's. With a lot of Haitian immigrants. Those people worked harder than JD Vance or Donald Trump ever have in their entire fucking lives.

Bill with eoPd,

Grass Yes

Staff member
This is completely bullshit by the way. Shouldn't even have to debunk this extremely tired racist lie:

I've heard this old bullshit my entire life about whatever immigrant community is the current target. Consider this a warning that I will not allow this idiotic thing to spread on this forum.

Also a reminder that hate speech violates our rules.


Well-Known Member

Scientists have good reason to believe that the asteroid that killed the dinosaurs, unlike most meteorite strikes on Earth, originated from the outer Solar System, far beyond Jupiter. Seems like good news, because it suggests a killer asteroid is less likely to sneak up on us in the future.
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Oh No! Mr macbill!!
Staff member

In blow to Newsmax, judge rules Smartmatic’s case over 2020 election lies will go to trial this month​

A major defamation case against Newsmax will proceed to trial later this month, a judge ruled Thursday, dealing a blow to the right-wing network and setting the stage for the 2020 election to be relitigated during the final stretch of the 2024 race.


Well-Known Member
Well, these people got the pogrom they wanted.

I worked in a hotel in my 20's. With a lot of Haitian immigrants. Those people worked harder than JD Vance or Donald Trump ever have in their entire fucking lives.
Speaking of JD Vance who was pushing this Haitian slander. I cant say I am surprised but I found this article illuminating:

EDIT: BTW this author was ringing the alarm bells ~6 months or so before the insurrection happened. Its kinda hard to read because there are always sources posted in the text that you should click on and briefly take a glance at while reading the article. But I have found the dense reading well wroth it.

I wonder why Trump surrounds himself with people with white supremacist beliefs:? And easily argued fascists?

He had Stephen Miller at the debate, Miller I would guess was on his plane flying in. Same Miller who helped write Trump speeches and was the architect of Trumps administrations immigration policy.

This Stephen Miller, one of many articles written by the Southern Poverty Law Center:

Thats not even including self described white nationalist Laura Loomer who was on his plane as well. Thats low hanging fruit at this point.
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Well-Known Member
Speaking of JD Vance who was pushing this Haitian slander. I cant say I am surprised but I found this article illuminating:

JD is a fascist but he became prominent because of the Liberal media. They were patting him on the head on MSNBC and CNN 4-5 years ago.

I gotta anybody going to stand up for the concept of immigration in a nation built completely on immigrants? Kamala laughs and says "how extreme!" after Trump made the eating dogs comment. Yeah, it is extreme, Kamala. It's Nazi shit. So why are you running on copying Trump's 2020 immigration policy?

Really fucking bleak. There is no floor to the depravity in this country.


Well-Known Member
I gotta be honest. I did find the dog thing funny in the moment. It stopped being funny for me after the bomb threats against elementary schools started.

All of this shit is what's known as a "blood libel". As in, "Jews are drinking the blood of white Christian babies". These vile rumors led to pogroms for centuries that eventually culminated in the Holocaust.

From Jean Paul Sarte:


While Sarte specifically mentions antisemites (he was talking about the Nazis), this applies to all Fascists equally. And while plenty of dumb rubes do honestly believe the blood libel being spread about Haitian immigrants, JD Vance does not.

This motherfucker went to Yale. He's married to a second-generation Indian immigrant. This motherfucker knows better. A sitting US Senator is responsible for bomb threats against his own constituents. What the fuck are we doing here?!


Well-Known Member
This is one of the most insane things I've ever seen.


NYPD Pigs did a literal mass shooting in the subway over a $2.90 fare evasion. And this dumbass wants me to thank them? Plug the hole in the piggie who got shot and throw them all in Rikers.

I can't believe this isn't a bigger national story, but the Feds are circling around the Adams Admin. I bet he'll be indicted on felony charges by the end of the year.

I think New Yorkers need to bring back DeBunglio. Y'all bitched about him because he was freakishly tall and murdered Punxsutawney Phil. Who gives a shit? That rodent can't predict the weather better than a coin flip.


Well-Known Member
Very funny and sobering article.

...I'm sure you have some other workable, sustainable plan for shielding live Mars inhabitants from deadly solar and cosmic radiation, forever. No? Huh. Well then let's discuss something else equally realistic, like your plan to build a condo complex in Middle Earth.

I would argue never is a very long time. Perhaps some miracle technology will come along that makes terraforming Mars feasible. But on any timescale worth worrying about in 2024? No. This is silly business. You may as well be talking about colonizing Middle Earth.

I don't even think having a permanent science outpost makes sense until/unless we crack cold fusion. Because, as the article points out, the "carbon footprint" of a single human living on Mars would be equal to an entire nation of humans living on Earth.
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