Interesting News, Articles & Stuff


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LOL. Amazing how "gubernement deficits make inflation" doesn't count if you're running the deficits to help wealthy people and corporations. Almost like it's all bullshit :shrug:


Every time the government runs a deficit, they are providing a subsidy to the private sector. The question is, who's benefitting from these subsidies? For my entire life these deficits have been run to help the wealthiest at the expense of the poorest.

Frankly, when I look at that chart I don't think "look how fiscally responsible Kamala is!"

No, I think "those blue bars should be much bigger!"


The Iraq War has already cost trillionS, and we're STILL paying the bill.

I like how our Fake News Media never asks, "bUt hOW wiLL wE PAy fOR iT???" when it comes to spending billions or trillions to turn children overseas into clouds of pink mist.


No thoughts, head empty
Looks like it’s a WW2 landing ship that was headed to Marietta, OH as a floating museum:

I grew up near a few military bases, and these museum ships are a lot of fun to tour. Would be really neat if they open the landing door as the entry point, looks like the museum will be opening September 12th.

Edit: and the ship has a wikipedia entry:
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Happy Labor Day! Israeli Unions are doing more to secure a ceasefire than Joe Biden or Kamala Harris.

The brother of the Israeli American hostage who was murdered:

The war "serves political interests that do not jibe with the needs of our country, nor the region, nor Gaza," Seigel said. "President Biden… we know you will not give up. But not giving up at this point means doing whatever is necessary. The United States can leverage many different interests, issues within Israel, within the region… They need to make some very, very hard decisions now that we have crossed a red line, where everything is available in the arsenal of the United States government to bring a cease-fire, to bring quiet and return hostages."

So is this fella an Antisemite? Because it sure sounds to me like he's asking Joe Biden to pull his decaying head out of his ancient asshole and force a fucking ceasefire by cutting off weapons shipments. At a minimum. And I've been told that's an antisemitic position :hmm:


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So, this story is complete bullshit.

This reminds me of another dumb moral panic. Every Right Wing outlet and politician was talking about how a school had litterboxes in them. Because the Woke Teachers were turning kids into trans Furries.

Now, there was litter in one classroom. But for a far more horrific reason.

The only known official instance of cat litter being placed in school classrooms for potential use by students was in the late 2010s by the Jefferson County Public School District in Colorado, where the 1999 Columbine High School massacre took place. Some teachers were given "go buckets" that contained cat litter to be used as a toilet in an emergency lockdown situation, such as during a school shooting.[4][43][44]

Whatever happened to shame? Right Wing talkers keep making up bullshit out of whole cloth, specifically to attack minority groups, and they NEVER face any consequences for being liars.


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The the Reich wing had to make a choice. Trump or shame. They chose Trump.

That implies they were totally normal in 2014. They were not. Shit, I remember being a little kid in the 90's and my dad blasting Rush Limbaugh (rest in piss you won't be missed) in the car. I didn't know anything about anything but I remember thinking "boy, this guy really doesn't like black people!"

Before my time, but The Gipper ran a straight up racist, lie-filled campaign in 1980. He also engaged in a little light-treason, making a deal with the Iranians to not release American hostages until after the election. Sounds kinda familiar....

The plot thickens on the Venezuelan gangs fake news:

Aurora Evictions Draw Attention to Owner's Neglect at Other Apartments

The building in that video is owned by a slumlord. He hasn't been doing any maintenance or trash removal in these $1400 per month apartments. He wants to evict everyone, probably so he can sell to some condo developer.

He hired a Florida based PR company to concoct this story about Venezuelan Gangs taking over the building. Right Wingers on the city council saw an opportunity to push the nationwide anti-migrant panic (and protect a slumlord).
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So many interesting sports related news/articles
The Russian far right social media influence campaign extends to Canada

Meet the right-wing Canadian influencers accused of collaborating with an alleged Russian propaganda scheme​

:peace: :leaf:



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People who think Trump is worse than Bush/Cheney have a shitty memory. Motherfuckers literally did a successful January 6th.


Also remembering the "Centrist" meltdown when Bernie got endorsed by Joe Rogan.

Rogan is a wanker, but he isn't one of the biggest criminals in American history.


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Putin is a War Criminal
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