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Putin is a War Criminal
Well, he's an asshole, but as the Israeli ambassador to the UN, it's not at all a surprise that he would say so whether he thinks so or not. The idea of an apartheid nation being considered even a moral country, let alone the most moral country in the world, is laughable. While I can condemn the Israeli people for continuing to allow someone like Netanyahu to run their country, my problem is more with the Israeli Government than with the Israeli people. At least we threw our monster out when it was time to re elect him. The Israeli people seem to be unable to do that.


Well-Known Member
Well, he's an asshole, but as the Israeli ambassador to the UN, it's not at all a surprise that he would say so whether he thinks so or not.

I think it's pretty abnormal for a UN Ambassador for an American client State to talk like a cartoon villain. It definitely doesn't make me feel good about sending his country $20 billion for weapons, just this week. An amount of money that would permanently end homelessness in the United States.

The Israeli people seem to be unable to do that.

Abby Martin did a "man on the street" interview series from about 5 years prior to October 7th. I think it might shed a little light for you.

Look. If you have family who died in the second intifada. Or you have to get into a bomb shelter because rockets are getting launched at your home... I understand being hateful and racist towards the people you view as responsible. But the difference between me and the entire US government and media is: I extend that same understanding to Palestinians, who have experienced a disproportionate amount of the death and violence over the past 80 years.


Well-Known Member
I don't know if Neoliberalism is dead but it's clearly dying.

Both parties are proposing expanded child tax credits. Keep in mind, before Biden's tax credits expired, we virtually eliminated child poverty in this country.

Nobody buys into the Reagan "free markets and free trade are magic" bullshit anymore.

Just gonna throw this out there: the government has ALWAYS managed food prices.

We give billions in subsidies to the agriculture industry.

We subsidize grocers like Walmart, a corporation that pays employees less than what it costs to survive. Taxpayers then make up the difference in Walmart wages by providing things like food stamps.

The entire job of the Fed is to keep bread prices from getting too high causing a peasant revolt.

And I'm seeing a lot of "ermmmmm...maybe you should take an Econ 101 class sweaty" comments from peasant-brains. Do those guys realize there are classes beyond the 101 level?

"Econ 101" does not map on to actual reality. Especially when this is what our food system looks like:



Well-Known Member

Trump has 'made clear' he will turn the U.S. military loose on America if re-elected: NYT​

:peace: :leaf:


Well-Known Member
The guys doing the censoring and the arrests are not the fascists. The guys opposing the censoring are.

Given the history of fascism, I'm pretty sure the fascists are the ones spreading lies to incite a pogrom against brown immigrants. Not the people saying "hey guys...don't do that".

As far as "censorship" goes, maybe this is what you're referring to.

These two dumb Nazis literally said, "everyone go burn down this specific hotel because there's lots of Muslims in it". LOL, that's not free speech. Two months in the pokey for that seems more than fair to me :shrug:

Elon Musk's Twitter is now a Nazi shithole website. His website spread racist lies to millions, sparking a pogrom in the UK against Muslims and brown people generally. What a scumbag.


Well-Known Member

LOL. Pretty good endorsement actually. Having the guys who have been consistently wrong about almost everything disagree with you.

There are good faith criticisms of these economic plans though.

This will never happen, but it's a far better solution to rising grocery prices than anti-price gouging regulations:


$45 billion is like two weapons shipments to Israel. Bombs, once they explode, lose all of their value. But Kroger is an appreciating asset.


Putin is a War Criminal
Right. And I'm sure the government setting food prices would be fine with you...


Well-Known Member
Right. And I'm sure the government setting food prices would be fine with you...

No, dude. I'd rather 4-5 unelected corporate boardrooms set food prices for 300 million people.

A government owned Kroger wouldn't SET food prices. They could just provide a downward pressure on the market by running Kroger at a mild profit, instead of gouging everyone.

Also, the government already manages food prices. Farm subsidies, the Fed, subsidizing the Walton heirs by giving food stamps to their low paid employees, etc.


Well-Known Member
Phil Donahue (RIP) on our media:


Literally nothing has improved over at MSNBC. Their entire daytime host lineup consists of Republicans and Alan Greenspan's wife. They also recently fired Medhi Hasan for not properly glazing Biden's "war" in Israel.
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Well-Known Member
Lots of complaining about gubernment price controls on food being an affront to The Free Market. I got news for you: there is no Free Market. It's made up.


Especially when we're talking about food.



Well-Known Member
US Media:


Israeli Media:


It's amazing how unpopular this "war" is given that our media has been working 24/7 to lie to Americans about it.

Haaretz is also correct: Joe Biden has a lever called "stop the slaughter now" available to him and he wakes up (kind of) every morning and chooses not to pull it.
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Well-Known Member
Ta-Nehisi Coates, up until very recently, was a Liberal darling and lauded by Democratic Party politicians. I think this is a must read.

The DNC has featured multiple Trump supporters. Multiple billionaires. The General Counsel for fucking Uber. But they have specifically said "we do not want a single Palestinian American to speak at our convention".

Last night the Vice Presidential nominee for one of our two major political parties said, "healthcare and housing are human rights". I should be ecstatic right now. Instead, I'm disgusted.

Here's the speech they found unconscionable:

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Putin is a War Criminal
I think it is a huge mistake on the part of the Democrats to not let a Palestinian speak given the circumstances in Gaza right now. We're either a big tent or we're not, and if we are than the Palestinians deserve room under that tent and should be allowed to speak. Doesn't have to be in prime time but it has to be some time. And that speech is frankly quite gentle given the circumstances. I hope they change their mind.


Putin is a War Criminal
Ah, but what does Wallace Shawn say? He is a supporter of the Palestinian people. I think we know what he would say.
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