Interesting News, Articles & Stuff


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Olympic officials try to crush U.S. probes of China doping, threaten Salt Lake Games​

American Olympic officials' shameful behavior ignores doping truth, athletes' concerns​

Why the Supreme Court loves to reward the rich and powerful​

:peace: :leaf:
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Well-Known Member
This John Oliver segment is great. It covers one of the central issues concerning voters: the Migrant Crime Panic. This panic is almost totally imaginary. Made up. Bullshit.

A summary:

All crime across America is down significantly.

Undocumented immigrants are far less likely to commit crimes than citizens. If you're undocumented, you want to avoid run ins with law enforcement.

Practically none of the fentanyl in this country is being brought in by migrants. What a stupid lie. Why would drug lords give their product to people who are nearly certain to be searched by authorities? Utter stupidity. Documented American Citizens are the ones bringing fentanyl through the border.

Democrats are extremely stupid for giving into Right Wing framing on this issue.

It's incredibly depressing that, after the economy, the second biggest issue Americans are worried about is totally imaginary. There are very real issues facing this country.


Well-Known Member
All crime across America is down significantly.

Undocumented immigrants are far less likely to commit crimes than citizens. If you're undocumented, you want to avoid run ins with law enforcement.

Crime is not down, a bunch of big cities have stopped reporting crime. Which is the biggest bullshit ever and should not be accepted by anyone.

And since statistics are cooked any conclusion you base on them, same.


Well-Known Member
Crime is not down, a bunch of big cities have stopped reporting crime.

Do you mean to the FBI? I don't know if that's true or not, but even their own local statistics show crime is down in all of our big cities.

I think cops are lazy too, but they still have to fill out some paperwork if someone's loved one is murdered. They can't just ignore that.

It's also pretty wild there hasn't been a big mass shooting in 2024.

I agree cops have been lazy for a long time when it comes to most property crimes (at least when a non-rich person is the victim). But the current complaints about the police are that they refuse to solve crimes. They still fill out a report, then shrug their shoulders. This is required because victims often want to fill out an insurance claim.

Also...if there were truly no valid crime reporting statistics, how is anyone claiming there's some unusual major crime wave? People just FEEL like it's happening?

It's also pretty weird that the oldest people are the most likely to buy into this. Because crime in America today is absolutely much lower than it was in the 60's, 70's, 80's, or 90's.

Grass Yes

Staff member
And here is a longer explanation:

Tldr: crime is not down, reporting is lacking.
Reading that Marshall project article to say crime is up is a wildly incorrect take. Linked from the same article:
In all of these data collection efforts, the violent crime trend is the same, with fewer murders and shootings each year since 2022.
When the FBI’s crime statistics started to show a decrease in violent crime in 2023 and 2024, Trump and his supporters cast doubt on the finding, going as far as claiming that the FBI is manufacturing the crime statistics in favor of Biden.

Several criminologists told us this claim is completely unfounded.

On the contrary, because so many police agencies already publish weekly — if not daily — crime data, and because so many non-government organizations are tracking crime statistics on their own, these sources provide another layer of verification for the FBI’s crime data.

Not to mention that we can see crime is way down in recent decades even with the pandemic spike. To say otherwise is fear mongering.


Well-Known Member
Like I said, even if they're not reporting to the FBI, each of the individual big cities have reported big drops in crime recently.



Well-Known Member
Reading that Marshall project article to say crime is up is a wildly incorrect take. Linked from the same article:

Saying that crime is down is also incorrect.

@florduh there is also shenerigans in how the cities are counting crime, as in they have changed what needs to be logged as crime.


Well-Known Member


No thoughts, head empty
Saying that crime is down is also incorrect.
What is your definition of crime then? All crime, violent crime or something else? Are you going off raw numbers, a per capita measure, or vibes?

My city has seen a spike in all crime, but particularly property crime with the pandemic, but violent crime has returned to pre pandemic levels while property crime (eg car and mail theft) is dropping but still above pre pandemic rates.


Well-Known Member
The John Oliver video was specifically about Migrant Crime. A major politician said "hundreds of thousands" of Americans are being murdered by migrants every year.

This is absurd. Being charitable, maybe he was talking about fentanyl. But migrants aren't the ones bringing fentanyl over the border. To the extent that Fentanyl comes over the border, it's almost entirely carried by US Citizens.

Which reminded me of this story from last year:


Maybe some politician should start calling for pogroms against cops instead of brown people :shrug:

I almost never click through on these news articles, but the 2024 writeup was quite interesting! I’ll have to add this site to the news sites I frequent.

I was a little skeptical since the site was shared by an account called "End Wokeness" but the Marshall Project seems pretty legit.


I wonder why half the country believes there are roving gangs of Brown Migrants doing crimes when there is literally no data to support this delusion?


Well-Known Member
Ol' Gruesome Gavin is sure taking advantage of the recent Supreme Court rulings!


You know, you'd think Gruesome Gavin would be taking a long hard look in the mirror right now. Literally no one is breathing his name as a potential VP pick. Because he's the head of what most people think of as the Homelessness State. He's political cancer until he solves this problem.

Finland solved this problem. California's GDP is more than 10 times theirs. This guy's a schmuck.

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Well-Known Member
Ol' Gruesome Gavin is sure taking advantage of the recent Supreme Court rulings!


You know, you'd think Gruesome Gavin would be taking a long hard look in the mirror right now. Literally no one is breathing his name as a potential VP pick. Because he's the head of what most people think of as the Homelessness State. He's political cancer until he solves this problem.

Finland solved this problem. California's GDP is more than 10 times theirs. This guy's a schmuck.

I saw a news article that said because of the constitution (US Constitution maybe?), California residents couldn’t vote for both Harris and Newsome at the same time, so the Democrats would automatically lose the electoral votes from California. There are lots of bizarre interpretations of legal wording, so I have no idea if there is any truth to the statement.


Well-Known Member
I saw a news article that said because of the constitution (US Constitution maybe?), California residents couldn’t vote for both Harris and Newsome at the same time, so the Democrats would automatically lose the electoral votes from California. There are lots of bizarre interpretations of legal wording, so I have no idea if there is any truth to the statement.

That might be true. I'm not sure. Generally, VP candidates are from a different State than the Presidential candidate.

I still think Newsom has no political future outside of Cali until the homelessness issue is taken care of. And having cops beat the shit out of the unhoused won't magically make them able to afford the insane rent prices in Cali.

The options are, put them in housing. Or put them in prisons. One of those options is much more expensive.


Well-Known Member

I'm not so sure that the "fever is about to break". I remember Obama saying those exact words 10 years ago. The fever has only gotten exponentially worse.

If Trump loses, the Republican Party has no mechanism to stop him from being the nominee in 2028, 2032. Pretty sure his dad lived until he was like 95.


Putin is a War Criminal
The fever will break the first day of Donald Trump's imprisonment. Once he's in prison, people will stop paying attention to him, like they stopped listening to Rod Blagojevich. His political career, such as it is, will end.


Well-Known Member

Whistleblowers allege widespread torture and rape is occurring at this prison camp.

Things got pretty nuts in the US after 9/11. But I don't remember American Hogs doing a January 6th to demand we execute the prisoners we were torturing at Abu Ghraib.
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