I can accept that. It is not a forum/thread about climate change. But on the other side: when was this thread the last time really only about vaping? Was it ever? I did kind of struggle in the last months to draw the line for myself regarding which topics to talk about here and which not. I also was annoyed by many posts I have zero interest in. For myself I made this rule: I write about vaping (obviously) but also stuff that I can somehow (creatively) link to the slogan "fuck combustion". With the example of climate change it is quite on the nose, I think, as "fuck combustion" would be the most important thing that stops emitting harmful gases and as the world seems to be addicted to oil like I was to nicotine before vaping. My point is: we talk about thousands of topics in the non-vaping threads, and I don't understand why climate change couldn't be one of them. Too controversial? In the science world the basics of human made climate change aren't controversial, at all (only when getting into specifics the discussions are getting heated, e.g. papers are written and powerpoints are shown). Well then we have to ban any posts about the US election for example, as well? I guess it is about the discussion getting out of hand, not about the topic as such, right? So the next time a guy claims climate change is mass hysteria I simply have to shut up about it? Shall we just stick with posting links? Are comments ok? Can we discuss in other threads?
The policy in this thread and any other off-topic subforum is that we do not moderate until the discussion starts to get inflammatory or too repetitive. Let me remind you:
- Rules are interpreted and applied at staff discretion.