Old & In the Way
Okay, well you'll never be called to be a judge!I've never really been in to break dancing, so I don't really understand it as well as I might, but I would think this is another one of those Olympic events that are very difficult to score. The more subjectivity there is in evaluation, the further, it seems to me, it would be from an Olympic sport.
There are other Olympic "sports" that have the same problem. I guess my perspective is just one view, but to me, you need objectivity to fairly evaluate someones performance relative to others.
And your gift link worked fine, by the way.

I mean to say, it seems way more subjective to you or to me - because we don't know anything about the finer points.
Yes, there is that "judging" aspect to a lot of the 'sports'. Aesthetic Gymnatics? Huh? Ice Dancing?
But even the aestetic gymnastics is broken down to a point ststem of evaluation for almost every move they make.
I started to learn, from the NYT article, about the 'sections' of the performance, the names of some of the moves, etc, now I'm looking forward to seeing some of it.
Definitely want to hear the commentary!
I remember, in the 80's, all over NYC these guys were out with the big sheets of cardbord on the sidewalk.
It's come a long way.
I don't think this is a case of Olympics elevating a sport, rather the other way around. Hip Hop, breaking have taken a place in the world and Olympics is reconizing that.