Interesting News, Articles & Stuff


Old & In the Way
I've never really been in to break dancing, so I don't really understand it as well as I might, but I would think this is another one of those Olympic events that are very difficult to score. The more subjectivity there is in evaluation, the further, it seems to me, it would be from an Olympic sport.
There are other Olympic "sports" that have the same problem. I guess my perspective is just one view, but to me, you need objectivity to fairly evaluate someones performance relative to others.

And your gift link worked fine, by the way.
Okay, well you'll never be called to be a judge! 😉
I mean to say, it seems way more subjective to you or to me - because we don't know anything about the finer points.
Yes, there is that "judging" aspect to a lot of the 'sports'. Aesthetic Gymnatics? Huh? Ice Dancing?
But even the aestetic gymnastics is broken down to a point ststem of evaluation for almost every move they make.
I started to learn, from the NYT article, about the 'sections' of the performance, the names of some of the moves, etc, now I'm looking forward to seeing some of it.

Definitely want to hear the commentary!

I remember, in the 80's, all over NYC these guys were out with the big sheets of cardbord on the sidewalk.
It's come a long way.

I don't think this is a case of Olympics elevating a sport, rather the other way around. Hip Hop, breaking have taken a place in the world and Olympics is reconizing that.


Putin is a War Criminal
It should be fun to watch as a spectator, no matter what. I'll give it some time and see if I can figure out how they score. I will admit to having been fascinated by it when I have run across it in real life.


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Whenever a politician wants to increase the deficit by cutting taxes in a way that mostly benefits the wealthy and corporations, they like to tout the downstream economic benefits of blowing that hole in the budget.

I wonder. Do you think writing policy that benefits non-billionaires might have some beneficial downstream economic benefits as well :hmm:


So, the ROI on free school meals is over 100%. We get $2 out from every $1 we put in. You'd be stupid not to take that deal :shrug:


Putin is a War Criminal
I wonder. Do you think writing policy that benefits non-billionaires might have some beneficial downstream economic benefits as well :hmm:
What are you, a communist?
You'd be stupid not to take that deal :shrug:
Or Republican. They seem to be all in on hurting themselves to make political points. Take a look at the politics of Mississippi or Alabama or Louisiana. They seem to go out of their way to punish their poor.


Well-Known Member
Guess it depends on who your constituents are. Because the ROI from free school meals is spread across the economy. The vast majority of the benefits from tax cuts goes directly into the pockets of the rich.
The ROI is spread across the economy, then into the pockets of the rich. The GOP is eliminating the middleman (middle class).
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Putin is a War Criminal


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:peace: :leaf:


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Like Ben, I am a Real American Patriot. We need to prevent SOCIALISM, an evil philosophy that has killed over 700 BILLION people, from taking root in America.

Goal Life GIF

How do we do this, fellow Patriots? By creating a Social Wealth Fund and issuing a share to every American. Then every Patriot can participate in our Glorious Capitalist stock market.



Putin is a War Criminal
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What a fucking embarrassment. American Olympic athletes are getting the preventative healthcare they can't afford in the US while they're in Paris.

Also, speaking of our Shithole Country:

Does Gruesome Gavin understand that stealing the belongings of homeless people doesn't magically make them not homeless? I hope this scumbag's career completely flames out before he's within a country mile of the White House.
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Putin is a War Criminal
Good on you, Lawrence, and you are absolutely right. What the fuck is wrong with the media that they have not learned yet?

Of course, that's a rhetorical question, because we know exactly what is wrong with the media. It's a matter of who owns the media. Duh.
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Politics in Europe and in the states as well and then the Olympics have completely monopolized the media these pasts weeks.

Meanwhile in the Middle East :

With an American weapon. Provided by Joe Biden and the American taxpayer.

On the same fucking day:

Sure glad every problem in America is fixed. So we can afford to give billions to a Rogue State hellbent on dragging us into a regional war 👍

The Fake News Media and disgusting politicians in the US and our proxy Israel all say this is a "war". Ok. Every war ends with a peace agreement.

Israel's position is that they will continue hostilities until every soldier in the opposing army AND their families are dead.

That is an insane, unreasonable position. Absolutely shameful that Joe Biden is continuing to provide support for this.


Putin is a War Criminal
What a surprise, eh? Who would have thought Donald Trump not paying his bills?

I do find it interesting that when they talk about the 20,000 or so people that stood in line to go to this rally for Kamala Harris and Tim Walz in Glendale, AZ yesterday, they don't mention the fact that it was like 110 degrees outside. I would love to go to a rally for them, but there's no way I stand outside in 110 degree weather to do that. I am impressed.
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I'm more impressed with the protestors who had the balls to call her out for the mass murder campaign her Administration has been facilitating for 10+ months.

The first time this happened Kamala, very stupidly, pulled a Hillary and said "shut up unless you want Trump to win". Thankfully she had a better answer the next day, but it was still pretty weak. But that tells me she's movable.

Bibi wants Trump to win. There are two options. He either:

Pulls a Reagan 1980 and keeps the slaughter going until Trump wins so Donnie can look like a peacemaker.

Or... the October Surprise is, Bibi starts an all-out war with Iran. Gas prices go to $5/gallon.

Biden can stop all of this with a single phone call. This was true the whole time. But it seems particularly stupid not to do it now.


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Donald Trump Wow GIF by GIPHY News


Neoliberalism isn't instituting "free market" reforms and letting the chips fall where they may, like its proponents claim. It's writing every rule and regulation in our society to benefit corporations and the wealthy at the expense of everyone else.

When the divine right of kings was the iron law of the world, God didn't literally say these inbred fucks get to rule. That's just some bullshit they came up with to keep the rube peasants in line.
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