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Well-Known Member
The shorting the day before is not explained by the secret service being useless.

People have been shorting it for months, because it's a really stupid business model (having a Twitter with no Libs to own).

Also it looks like the whole short selling thing was complete bullshit:


makes him look good and it disturb your image of USA politics, so you do not want to admit it

You could not be more wrong. If you could convince me Nimrata Haley and George W Bush worked with the Biden CIA to have a depressed autistic kid shoot Donald Trump to make Nikki the President, I would literally cum.

Shocked Vince Mcmahon GIF

Unfortunately, you haven't provided anything to convince me. It's just grasping at straws. Like, Lee Harvey Oswald had very clear connections to the Intel Community, almost immediately. There's no indication this kid is anything other than an ambitious school shooter.

It's still early days. Maybe something will come out later and change my mind. And if it was the CIA, I hope this song was the kid's MKUltra trigger:

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Well-Known Member
Rhetorically, if we substitute Trump for someone you (whoever is reading, nobody in particular) hate, what would it take for somebody else to convince you to try and take them out?

Personally I am not sure anything would convince me and that is what makes me think it is unlikely the shooter was put up to it. Humans being human and all ✌️
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Well-Known Member
I would literally cum.
No one wants to see that.

Please don’t

Edit::: to everyone else: If was an Iranian national or Chinese national in the country illegally, i would be highly suspicious that there was some sort of conspiracy.

But this kid was just some special needs kid that got picked on, bullied and called “the school shooter” for 4 years. The kids in that school were literally making this kid a shooter for 4 years.

I would highly doubt that there’s a conspiracy here. Just a damaged kid who was never given the chance to be accepted socially.

And ya know what is SUPER scary? The same shit happens To other kids every single day in high schools all over the Country….and no one does anything to stop it.
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The Field Study of Long-term Meditation Practitioners and the Tukdam Post-death Meditative State

The Thukdam Project - Inside the first-ever scientific study of post-mortem meditation​

The strange case of the dead-but-not-dead Tibetan monks​

:peace: :leaf:


Well-Known Member

The Marshall Islands are due to be wiped off the map.

If there are future people and future museums centuries from now, I'm starting to think it's not gonna look very good for the currently alive generations when they play video juxtaposing entire island nations being swallowed by the sea forever next to Amazon drivers delivering our treats with free 2-day shipping :shrug:
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Well-Known Member
Also it looks like the whole short selling thing was complete bullshit:


Do you realize this makes my point?

Also more "coincidences", they received tips on Crooks ahead of time but said nothing and disconnected the com's.

Even in other countries understand what is obvious:



Well-Known Member
Do you realize this makes my point?

I don't think it makes your point that George Bush and Niki Haley tried to kill Trump at all actually.

Also, a little tip. Because Elon Musk is a fucking moron, you now need to replace the "x" with "twitter" in URL's to get Twitter posts to properly embed. Like this:

I mean this is just foreigners making fun of how stupid our cops are. This indeed was obvious long before a mentally ill Conservative kid pierced Donnie's ear with the revered Totem of the Republican Party, an AR-15 :shrug:

For what it's worth I do think the Secret Service Head should resign in shame.

Radwin Bodnic

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Accessory Maker


Big and Bouncy
I wanna throw something out here about politics and democracy that I've been thinking about. Democracies are fragile and all we have to protect them are a system of laws and bills. Civil law, penal law, some form of constitution, charter of rights and freedoms... etc.

I see two glaring omissions that we need to protect democracies going forward.

1. An anti-propaganda law. No politician or political candidate should be able to openly lie to the public. Yes, some lies are ambiguous and unenforceable but many aren't and lies are the lifeblood of propaganda.

There is already precedent for limiting freedom of speech. There are laws around hate speech, laws preventing endangering the public such as yelling "fire" in a crowded space and we at least *try* and police the truth in advertising. Public officials wield power and influence and must be held to higher standards. You shouldn't be able to claim Covid isn't dangerous or flatly repeat Obama wasn't born in the U.S. when evidence categorically proves you wrong.

We could start with exponentially increasing fines for initial violations and then a permanent ban from office for repeat offenders.

2. No more mud-slinging and character assassination in government. Period. There's no place for this. Dragging public discourse down to the level of WWE rhetoric helps no one and no policy. No more 'crooked' Joe and 'sleepy' Joe bullshit.

All the name calling and pandering to the lowest common denominator dovetails well with propaganda and fascism. There's no place in politics for this.


Well-Known Member
I mean this is just foreigners making fun of how stupid our cops are. This indeed was obvious long before a mentally ill Conservative kid pierced Donnie's ear with the revered Totem of the Republican Party, an AR-15 :shrug:

They are making fun of how absurd and unbelievable the official version is, but I guess we will not agree on this also.


Putin is a War Criminal
I wanna throw something out here about politics and democracy that I've been thinking about.
In principle, I don't object to your ideas, I just don't happen to believe there is really any way to enact them. "Truth" has become subjective to a much greater extent than it ever was. And it's almost impossible to fact check adequately, especially in anything like real time. How would one prevent trump from speaking, for example, given that everything he says is a lie?


Big and Bouncy
In principle, I don't object to your ideas, I just don't happen to believe there is really any way to enact them. "Truth" has become subjective to a much greater extent than it ever was. And it's almost impossible to fact check adequately, especially in anything like real time. How would one prevent trump from speaking, for example, given that everything he says is a lie?
I know there are some lies that are impossible to police but there are so many blatant lies that could be enforced and avoided. And in real-time as well with the fact-checking tech we have. As I mentioned before, we already enforce anti-lying in other public spheres. Why should we not even attempt this?

Can you imagine if Trump received an (increasing) fine every time he mentioned Obama wasn't born in the U.S. for example? I also mentioned that enough violations would lead to a lifetime ban from public office potentially.
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Well-Known Member
They are making fun of how absurd and unbelievable the official version is, but I guess we will not agree on this also.

Cops in this country stood around playing on their phones for like half an hour while they listened to the sounds of toddlers getting torn apart by AR-15 fire. Cops being absurdly bad at their job is very believable, to me at least.

I'm totally open to this all being a plot of some sort. I just happen to believe literally all of the evidence so far points to regular old American incompetence, combined with rampant mental illness and easy access to guns.


Frankly, there's more political upside to cutting Netanyahu off at this point. Any voter who gets mad because Israel was only allowed to go psycho-mode for 10 months is voting for Republicans anyway.
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Abele Rizieri Ferrari

Well-Known Member
I wanna throw something out here about politics and democracy that I've been thinking about. Democracies are fragile and all we have to protect them are a system of laws and bills. Civil law, penal law, some form of constitution, charter of rights and freedoms... etc.

I see two glaring omissions that we need to protect democracies going forward.

1. An anti-propaganda law. No politician or political candidate should be able to openly lie to the public. Yes, some lies are ambiguous and unenforceable but many aren't and lies are the lifeblood of propaganda.

There is already precedent for limiting freedom of speech. There are laws around hate speech, laws preventing endangering the public such as yelling "fire" in a crowded space and we at least *try* and police the truth in advertising. Public officials wield power and influence and must be held to higher standards. You shouldn't be able to claim Covid isn't dangerous or flatly repeat Obama wasn't born in the U.S. when evidence categorically proves you wrong.

We could start with exponentially increasing fines for initial violations and then a permanent ban from office for repeat offenders.

2. No more mud-slinging and character assassination in government. Period. There's no place for this. Dragging public discourse down to the level of WWE rhetoric helps no one and no policy. No more 'crooked' Joe and 'sleepy' Joe bullshit.

All the name calling and pandering to the lowest common denominator dovetails well with propaganda and fascism. There's no place in politics for this.

With a politicized judicial system laws like this bring great danger of being abused to silence opposition. I actually think politicians should be the last ones to have their freedom of speech restricted, because restricting that prevents getting the truth out of them - which ideally would lead to policy that aligns with the majority of the voters want. Of course with the value of this truth these days in a political debate that has degraded to the shit show you describe, this is paradoxical. Still I think your proposed measures harm democracy more than they safeguard it.


Big and Bouncy
With a politicized judicial system laws like this bring great danger of being abused to silence opposition. I actually think politicians should be the last ones to have their freedom of speech restricted, because restricting that prevents getting the truth out of them - which ideally would lead to policy that aligns with the majority of the voters want. Of course with the value of this truth these days in a political debate that has degraded to the shit show you describe, this is paradoxical. Still I think your proposed measures harm democracy more than they safeguard it.
I hear you. Any legislation that limits free speech is a slippery slope but as I mentioned before, we do it already.

Trump openly lied about and mocked Covid as not dangerous long after the international scientific community declared a pandemic. To me, this is far worse than shouting fire in a crowded theatre. The then-president spread misinformation about scientific fact from the highest seat in government, and actively gathered crowds together for rallies during the worst of it.

I think there can can be basic legislation that doesn't lead to something draconian. We don't let Colgate say it'll double your dick size on TV, because there are laws against this. I think we can do better.
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Well-Known Member
Everything is hunky-dory, especially politics. Politics has always been uncivil on all sides, i mean all (and I mean all) sides are nothing but a bunch of scam artist crooks. They wouldn't piss on you if you were on fire and they were overfull of beer unless it benefited them. All of them until they prove otherwise to me. And I will never understand why everyone doesn't expect the same.

The "there are liars, damn liars and then there are statisticians" rule originated with politicians. They're all liars. How many times have the electorate been "campaign promised" the world and gotten nothing. From both sides.

I'm not a negitive, grumpy old man, really. I am, however, realistic. Also apolitical. Have been since Raygun. I find the last two or so weeks disturbing and interesting at the same time. And I'd really like to know where Joe is ... like physically. Are we living in _Weekend At Bernie's_?


Well-Known Member
Politicians have only three concerns: getting elected, getting re-elected, and benefiting themselves from whatever position they got elected to. They have zero interest in fixing problems. They run on fixing problems, but if they actually fixed them, they would have to find something else to run on.
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