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Don’t Believe John Roberts. The Supreme Court Just Made the President a King.​

Sotomayor says immunity ruling makes a president ‘king above the law’​

:peace: :leaf:
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Don’t Believe John Roberts. The Supreme Court Just Made the President a King.​

:peace: :leaf:

Kinda puts a damper on Independance Day this year, huh?

Although part of me thinks this just makes "de jure" what was already "de facto" because I can't imagine a President ever being held responsible for crimes they committed in office. The O'Bungler murdered a US Citizen when he was going drone crazy, for example.


Putin is a War Criminal
So somebody tell me I'm wrong. Let's say that Trump is reelected. Harvey Weinstein gets news to him that he'll pay him $10 million for a pardon. Trump says great and pardons him. What still exists to prevent that from happening? We know that the presidential pardon power is absolute and it only exists for the President, so any time he's using it, it is an official act of the president. According to Roberts today, the president's motivation can't even be questioned. So even if it used to be illegal, before today, for the president to take a bribe, that restriction no longer exists.

And by the way, that could just as easily be El Chapo (Joaquín Guzmán) as Harvey Weinstein.



Old & In the Way
So somebody tell me I'm wrong. Let's say that Trump is reelected. Harvey Weinstein gets news to him that he'll pay him $10 million for a pardon. Trump says great and pardons him. What still exists to prevent that from happening? We know that the presidential pardon power is absolute and it only exists for the President, so any time he's using it, it is an official act of the president. According to Roberts today, the president's motivation can't even be questioned. So even if it used to be illegal, before today, for the president to take a bribe, that restriction no longer exists.

And by the way, that could just as easily be El Chapo (Joaquín Guzmán) as Harvey Weinstein.

Oh, he'd be allowed to do much worse than that.
He previously already raked in millions as president, and did the pardons as well.

Military, Justice Dept., etc. would be extensions of his ego.

The parades alone would be unbearable!

Biden's remarks last night were just weak.
Of course he should use these new-found powers! Like it or not, he was just made King. He could blow the MAGA camp off the map, in the name of defending the American people, which would easily fit the new criteria of powers he enjoys.


Well-Known Member
Biden's remarks last night were just weak.
Of course he should use these new-found powers! Like it or not, he was just made King. He could blow the MAGA camp off the map, in the name of defending the American people, which would easily fit the new criteria of powers he enjoys.

Looking weak and feckless was definitely Biden's best move here👍👍


He was old as fuck in 2020, but watching video from that year is wild. He looks dead now in comparison.

It also proves to me that Trump did basically no work as President. Every other President looks like they went to the beach that makes you old after their terms. Trump barely aged.

Many reports from the White House say he spent 90% of his time fixing his "hair" or watching TV. Which I was fine with. The less he did the better :shrug:
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Radwin Bodnic

Well-Known Member
Basically Trump is going to win the elections and become the first dictator of the United States ?

He will be 78 at this time so he won't last long. I mean Franco lasted 40 years at the head of the Spanish state...

Also, don't this ruling makes the president powerless ?

Radwin Bodnic,


Well-Known Member
Basically Trump is going to win the elections
Funnily enough, possibly not. Trump also had a disastrous debate performance. It's been overshadowed by the revelation that Biden is a walking corpse.

Trump is incredibly unpopular. It is entirely possible that he will lose to a corpse (which would be very funny). But why are the Democrats rolling the dice by running a corpse in the first place?

become the first dictator of the United States ?

Maybe. Possibly. But it's more likely that there will be a massive Right Wing power grab. They'll destroy the Federal Government even further. But that would be disastrous for the global economy.

I might be wrong, but I doubt they're going to cancel all future elections or something like that. It will be bad. But a Democrat could still win the Presidency in 2028 after the nation is in ruins.

Then again, I might be wrong, and I'll be posting from a camp this time next year. But I doubt it.

Also, don't this ruling makes the president powerless ?

No, it does the opposite. It gives the President even wider authority. The Democrats are just uninterested in using it.

This is terrifying:

Maybe the dam is breaking?

This guy is from Texas, but it's Austin so I doubt he's a Right Winger.


Well-Known Member
Leaked internal polling from the Blue Team:


This is what it would look like:


This is all starting to reek of a soft coup. They're the ones who scheduled that debate for 9pm. Now everyone's leaking on him.


Well-Known Member
This isn't some fringe extremist organization. It's the Heritage Foundation.


"The radical Left" lol, we don't even have a Left in this country, let alone a "radical" one. Democrats write most rules to benefit the rich and corporations over everyone else instead of every rule and law. And it's still not enough for these crybabies. We haven't had a new major social spending program since Medicare. Which rolled out when my 60 year old parents were in elementary school.

I swear to fucking Christ, American Boomer Conservatives are the most entitled whiny crybabies in human history. More soft than the gayest TikTok Zoomer.
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