Interesting News, Articles & Stuff


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why everyone else doesn't understand that people who have hated each other for thousands of years are never going to "get along". Ever.

With all due respect, as a European American, this is completely untrue. Europeans were murdering each other just about every single year from the Dawn of Time until 1945. They get along fine now. Something that would've been unthinkable for most of history.

There were also centuries of relative peace in the Middle East while Europeans were slaughtering each other and doing pogroms.


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Cy-Fair ISD Trustees Uphold Widely-Criticized Move To Gut Science Chapters​

:peace: :leaf:
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Well-Known Member
Why are the Dummycrats risking "the future of democracy" on a uniquely weak and unpopular candidate?




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Texas Congressman Won't Stop Wearing Combat Infantryman Badge that Was Revoked​

:peace: :leaf:


Well-Known Member
I love how this became a national news story about vicious antisemites attacking a synagogue.


Every West Bank settlement is considered illegal and an act of terrorism by international law. Literally stolen land.


Do you know what's incredibly antisemetic? Acting like shady (and illegal) real estate schemes are somehow integral to Judaism. Joe Biden can take out his dentures and suck my fucking dick.
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Well-Known Member

:peace: :leaf:
Trump is really big on the 10 Commandments, especially Thou shalt commit adultery, yeah his reading skills suck.


Well-Known Member

:peace: :leaf:

"Trump vows to shut down the Education Department", that's good. Famously, a huge problem in this country is that Americans are too educated. I'm always saying, it would be nice if the people around me knew less.


(zombie) Woof.
If I can get my shit done soon enough, I'm gonna fly over and check this out with my new Brunswick (not New Brunswick) friends:
Not very common around here (Cape Cod gets a fair amount of beachings), this one's only like 35 mins away from me...
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Well-Known Member
If I can get my shit done soon enough, I'm gonna fly over and check this out with my new Brunswick (not New Brunswick) friends:
Not very common around here (Cape Cod gets a fair amount of beachings), this one's only like 35 mins away from me...
well, all I can say is, heads up!


(zombie) Woof.
well, all I can say is, heads up!
Ha, yeah, oldie but goodie...!

My buddy texted back that there wasn't much left (they live a lot closer), so I blew it off... they just sent me these, glad I didn't bother:


(Yeah, they're like 10+ years younger than me, so what...? 🤔🖕😎 👍✌️)

Edit: My 1st Ween tour at the HORDE Fest in '97:

Ween - Ocean Man

I dub thee "Album of the Summer '24"

If you've not heard this sea themed MASTERPIECE in its entirety, I HIGHly suggest you do so...:rockon::tup::peace::

Ween - The Mollusk
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Oh No! Mr macbill!!
Staff member


Well-Known Member

This was meant to distract from a far more consequential ruling:


The Conservative Majority does not care about abortion or guns. That's just fodder for their rube voters. No, the Roberts Court has their eyes on the prize: billionaires and corporations having direct control over this country.

They want to remove the ability of the government to regulate corporations in any meaningful way. This ruling was just a shot across the bow. We could see the complete dissolution of the regulatory state within a week or so:



Well-Known Member
The Very Smart and Reasonable Centrist Liberals have finally come around to understanding what dumb, naive radicals like me have been saying for over four fucking years.

He was too fucking old in 2020. What did they think was going to happen? Do they not understand how TIME works?!?!




I did not think it was possible for me to be more livid with liberals and the Democratic Party than I was 24 hours ago, but boy was I wrong!

Biden dropping out of the race is no longer enough. He needs to resign. Today. The man is too unwell to drive or live on his own, let alone be the fucking President.

Also, every staffer and party apparatchik surrounding him needs to resign in shame and never work in politics again. Go enjoy the fruits of Neoliberalism, working at an Amazon Fulfillment Center. I hear they're absolutely lovely in July!

The sad part is, Trump was also brain damaged in that debate. He sounded fucking insane. But it doesn't matter because Obama and all the other Democrat scumbags were so terrified of Bernie becoming President four years ago that they put a walking cadaver in the White House instead.
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