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What an incredibly bleak 24 hours.


Just a dumb, evil country.
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i'm out game of thrones GIF by Amanda

I've seen Biden Loyalists claiming that people like me are being ableist. After all the man has a stutter. I should focus on the words he said, not the aesthetics. Here is a direct quote, devoid of his cadaverous visage and delivery:


Even if he didn't look and sound like he was moments from dying, this is fucking awful. It was a response to a question on Abortion. The Democrat's best issue. He turned it into an answer about Immigration. Their worst issue. It's also racist as fuck.

If he won't step down willingly, Jill or Kamala need to push him down a staircase. Today. After all "democracy" is on the line :shrug:

Also. Important note to any Euros or Canadians: you are NOT allowed to view any video from that debate! Stay out of Dumbfuckistani Business :goon:

This is OUR personal shame to deal with!


Well-Known Member
We are through the looking glass here if the entire NYT Editorial Board is saying this

This is important because he will not voluntarily step aside. But the Democratic Party does not represent voters. They represent donors. And every Democratic Party donor reads the NYT.

Also, a famous expert at good working brains has chimed in:

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a president Harris in a couple years wouldn't bother me much,

A couple years???? Brother, she needs to be the President by MONDAY.

What are we doing here? The guy's an Alzheimer's patient. This is terrifying.

Two Joe Bidens: The night America saw the other one


Yeah, it's called "sundowning". Grandpa is lucid for a few hours during the day, and the rest of the time he doesn't know what decade it is.

I remember the Trump years. The constant background anxiety, wondering if he's gonna nuke Finland or something. The entire sales proposition for Biden, a lifelong mediocrity, is that we wouldn't have to worry anymore. Everyone could go back to brunch.

Well, I'm sorry but I can't enjoy brunch knowing that a guy who shouldn't be allowed to live on his own has the nuclear codes.

So, yes. It's malpractice to put this guy up for the most important election ever (part 3). But we have a more immediate problem.


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Something I didn't even put together until now: the end of the Chevron Doctrine more or less kills the National Labor Relations Board. We're now back to the pre-New Deal era for unions.

Instead of filing suits with the government, Unions will have to go back to the 19th century tradition of saying "Listen boss. Me and the boys have a list of demands. You can either meet them or we'll burn this factory to the ground :shrug:".

And by the way. If you're not at least a multimillionaire, and you're cheering any of this bullshit on, "Yee-haw, no moar gubernment reg-u-la-tions", you are a fucking rube.

You're the modern equivalent of the medieval peasant who would cheer their local Lord along as he fucked their wife in front of them.

"Yes, m'lord! Your dick-game is so strong, m'lord! Give 'er the 'ol heave-ho, m'lord!"




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Well-Known Member
What an incredibly bleak 24 hours.


Just a dumb, evil country.

Just watching Star Trek Insurrection and this quote felt relevant to the second link.

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Just watching Star Trek Insurrection and this quote felt relevant to the second link.

Fwiw, there's a great DS9 episode about the Bell Riots that end the Sanctuaries, which I mistakenly associated with what I could see of Picard's quote. Anyhow, the Sanctuaries were ghettos for the homeless, speaking of another topical Supreme Court fiasco:
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Well-Known Member
Fwiw, there's a great DS9 episode about the Bell Riots that end the Sanctuaries:

Getting a little off topic now, but I actually watched that in the recent past, basically in the midst of following this list 😅



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Just watching Star Trek Insurrection and this quote felt relevant to the second link.

Wow. Didn't realize my childhood hero was an antisemite :disgust::

But some of the darkest chapters in the history of my world involved the forced relocation of a small group of people to satisfy the demands of a large one. I'd hoped that we had learned from our mistakes, but it seems some of us haven't.

And a fucking communist to boot :mad::

Although, the past week has proved Captain Picard correct on that point :lol:

Fwiw, there's a great DS9 episode about the Bell Riots

That's this September!

But, yes. That is the future. If it's illegal to be homeless, we're a few months or years away from a "final solution" to the unhoused problem.


The only difference is, the American concentration camps will be privately owned and for-profit forced labor camps.

Anyhow, the Sanctuaries were ghettos for the homeless, speaking of another topical Supreme Court fiasco:

I'm getting really tired of problems that are easy to solve not being solved because it might mildly inconvenience the wealthy. It's not like building people homes is impossible by the laws of physics or something. Four fucking walls and a roof :shrug:

There's also the issue that there are multiple vacant homes for every unhoused person.



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So glad that the future of "democracy" (and maybe the world) comes down to whether or not the lady a Right Wing Dixiecrat married back in the mid 70's is a complete scumbag or not 👍
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