Old School
No your correct it is very hard to see from the pics..... I think the 3rd one down would be the best to actually make it out....but there is a Polyimide film now over the opening..... easily noticeable in person at just the right angle you can notice that it is a shiny Polyimide coating the sleeve opening....How can you tell without opening it up. From where I am it looks the same lol
I'll have to work on the video request.... as far as knowing more....ask away and I'll do my best to answer all your questions as best I can....@Old School - any chance of whipping up a quick usage vid? I really want one, but I want to know more about them first... And now that there is an S coming out, I'll likely hold out for that - nothing beats a fast warmup on a cold day!
I think you should wait for the "S" mod..... I know I have one earmarked for myself just as soon as they become available that is.... "more power" I feel my Tim the Toolman Taylor coming on..... Errr er er er errr