Discontinued Inhalater INH05/5S/6


Well-Known Member
@Old School - If they brought back the Q2 design along with some longetivity, it would be up there with the Solo in terms of popularity. IIRC, the Q1 XP had some pretty decent vapour as well, very similar to their INH04 model. I guess they're trying to find a sweet spot in terms of lowering the hot spot and producing vapour, but their current batches don't come close to the old ones, which is a shame.

@hiphiphooray - Ya my friend recieved a Q3, broke in 2 weeks. He then received a defective Q4, which is a shame because he loves my vape haha.


Boy Frederick just received my unit and a replacement was sent out THAT SAME DAY! :clap: Customer service like that will definitely make me stay! :nod: I admit, sometimes I can be a bit whiney but when you can't play with your new toy, well, :cuss::rant::disgust::mental: things can get a little silly!!:lmao:Nice job INH05 team!! :rockon:

nice! i hope to hear they received mine soon. cant wait to get it back.

and everyone... stop with all this talk about the Q2 XPs... you are gonna make me cry. mine was amazing and i kinda wish the 05 was machined from delrin like the XPs were.


Volute of Vapor
Except for the first time charging (6 hours) my unit is really long to charge now (+12 hours) even if I use it before only for 3 or 4 sessions....

Since I heard nothing here about that, I want to ask you if I can use it while charging as the Xp?

I think yes....


I have done it. It is easy.
Use a long pointy stir tool.
SSV/DBV/LSV stir tool is ideal.
A dental tool can work, but would need to be straightened out a tiny bit.
Yo go straight in with the SSV stir tool, and let the pointy tip penetrate any of the screens "spaces"... put a small amount of pressure sideways, as you pluck/lift the screen out.


Hi again TransHumanC,

I don't get it - A bi energy vaporizer?

Well, maybe tri-energy even: i'd bet a suitable proper metal alloy substitution might as well add Induction Heating compatibility as a 3rd option by substituting IH metal to fire heat...

How can my new invention be so?

I thought you meant to use fire on one side plus a glass wand on the other, similarily to this:

Except in the Inhalater theres a simple concentric heat-exchanger wrapped around its bowl. Make that an IH feature and the count shall rise to 3: 1) battery, 2) fire and 3) magnetic induction.

So, how would you like that in version 6?


Old School

Has anyone tried and/or succeeded in removing and re-installing the screen at the bottom of the heating chamber? I'm scared to try it....:\
I have done it. It is easy.
Use a long pointy stir tool.
SSV/DBV/LSV stir tool is ideal.
A dental tool can work, but would need to be straightened out a tiny bit.
Yo go straight in with the SSV stir tool, and let the pointy tip penetrate any of the screens "spaces"... put a small amount of pressure sideways, as you pluck/lift the screen out.
Everything Vitolo said but in a pinch you can use a wooden tooth pick also......:peace:
I recommend aiming for dead center of the screen....


Toothpick has the advantage of being
  1. wooden, so it is soft and can hang onto the screen.
  2. graduated to help wedge the point into an inter-screen space.
  3. easily replaceable at no cost.


I go where the thrills are
Toothpick has the advantage of being
  1. wooden, so it is soft and can hang onto the screen.
  2. graduated to help wedge the point into an inter-screen space.
  3. easily replaceable at no cost.

Thanks for the info. Two follow ups...someone mentioned a commercially available screen that fits perfectly. Anyone know or remember what that was? And 2, any tips on installing a new one, or does it drop into place relatively easily?


I was comparing this to the Pinnacle Pro... and apparently they both melt plastic.

Well, duh.. plastic melts. Not sure how the engineers thought plastic wouldn't melt at those high temps.

The PAX, Ascent, and Firefly don't have this problems thanks to metals and glass. Although they all have their own problems.


the idea is that the plastic never gets to those temps in the first place. its obviously happened to a few units, but others report no such damage. i dont think the engineers are not aware that plastic melts.

i personally prefer the delrin bodies. ok ill stop saying that now.

Vegas haze

but my momma said
I was really on the fence about this vape since I was looking for a vape that I could prepack some capsules for on the go. Even though I'm not looking for a 2-in-1 device, I think I'm leaning towards the Haze now.

It seems like the recharge times are going the wrong way. Pax 1 1/2 hours, ESV 3 hours and now this thing with anywhere between a few hours to a few days (unless you swap batteries).

I think the other think holding me back is the terrible response they've had to the melting plastic issue. None of my other vapes have had to be used a certain way "or else". They might want to think about having someone else from the company comment on here for them too.

Does anyone want to try and help sway me back toward the INH05?


The Inhalater does not melt plastic.

User negligence may damage unit.

It melts plastic.

Using higher temps isn't "user negligence", it's a faulty product. You don't create a product with temps that go high enough to melt the product and then tell the customers "it's your fault, you're using it wrong".
You designed a faulty product. Blaming your customers for using available temperature settings is ridiculous. Even the Vaporblunt guys have acknowledged the problem with the PnP and provided several solutions and updated mouthpieces. They're also in the process of completely redesigning the product to prevent this from happening altogether. Now, VB has terrible customer support but at least they're not ignoring the issue or blaming it on the user. This is disgraceful.


Well-Known Member
There is absolutely no problem using all the temperature available. In fact, max temperature is really great.

Can you drive a car into the wall and say it is manufacturers fault if the car is kinked?

Vegas haze

but my momma said
If the car hit the wall due to a tire that melted then yes it would be the manufacturers fault

edit: are you really trying to go back and forth with this? Do your bosses know your responding this way? Your helping to shoot this company in its foot.
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Well-Known Member
Well, that got out of line quickly.

I do agree that Inhalater could be more tactful in their wording.

'User negligence' is a negative term, which invokes a response. You can get across the same meaning in a more positive tone.


There is absolutely no problem using all the temperature available. In fact, max temperature is really great.

Can you drive a car into the wall and say it is manufacturers fault if the car is kinked?

If the tires melted because the driver was doing burnouts?


You probably just lost the company a large number of customers with your remarks.

Good luck with your product.


Inhalator shill account
I was comparing this to the Pinnacle Pro... and apparently they both melt plastic.

Well, duh.. plastic melts. Not sure how the engineers thought plastic wouldn't melt at those high temps.

The PAX, Ascent, and Firefly don't have this problems thanks to metals and glass. Although they all have their own problems.

LOL You must work for PAX or Ascent or Firefly? You clearly don't make any sense making statements about engineers who don't know that plastic metls.

I've had an Inhalater for the last 2years , no melting plastic on my end. Stop polluting and go play monopoly, you clearly seem to like that game.


Reformed Combustor
Hi Folks,

Previously I claimed it didn’t matter if you have a 0.5, 1, 2 or 100A USB charger; my INH05 will only consume 0.225A max when plugged in and under operation. Else if just plugged in for charging, it only uses 0.150A. I confirmed the above on Apple chargers to PC USB ports; SSDD! And this perfectly explains the long charges as 150mA and 20 hours => 3000mA-hours and that is what the battery is…

I don’t have melting problems removing the capsules after full sessions at setting 9. I typically hold the unit upside down and take a couple of sucks to bring the load fully into the capsule, and then remove the same. As I said in my review, I can and typically hold the capsule by the outer film comfortably as the black mouth straw is too flipping hot. Most often the hygienic straw is used as the holder/puller and I can then easily blow the load into an ABV bucket…

Sorry so short, not much free time…


LOL You must work for PAX or Ascent or Firefly? You clearly don't make any sense making statements about engineers who don't know that plastic metls.

I've had an Inhalater for the last 2years , no melting plastic on my end. Stop polluting and go play monopoly, you clearly seem to like that game.

Yes. Because I acknowledge that there are superior products in regards to build quality it means I work for ALL THREE of those companies. You are a genius for figuring it out.


The INH05 hasn't even been out for that long so please explain how you had it for 2 years? Your last post on this forum, from July 28 2014, mentions how much you can't wait to get the INH05. Apparently 1 month is the same as 2 years? That's assuming you even have the INH05 which I highly doubt. Judging from your post history I'd assume you work for Inhalater yourself as all 25 of your posts on this forum are praising this worthless device.

If you bothered to read through this thread you'd see there are PLENTY of people in here having issues with this device and the rep from Inhalater is claiming the product is FLAWLESS and all defects or issues stem from user negligence. They, like you, are way too full of themselves.
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