Well-Known Member
Hi, does anyone know where to purchse an IMP from, I've seasrched high and low and found nothing but people talking about it 
Hope someone can help me, thanks

Hope someone can help me, thanks
It's on a hiatus. Maybe Dave will make some more in the future, but there's no guarantee.
Hi, does anyone know where to purchse an IMP from, I've seasrched high and low and found nothing but people talking about it
Hope someone can help me, thanks
I think we're pretty guaranteed he will never make any more unless they change stupid PACT laws... Killed this one unfortunately
But then how are other US makers doing? And apparently, foreign vapes like the TM are still being imported and sold on the US market, so there has to be a way nope? And what about all those Chinese e-cigs and mods?
I don't buy used or anything without gaurentee and not if it's anywhere on planet earth apart from UK since we have these sick horrid nasty charges the brexiters gave us, thanks thoughI think we're pretty guaranteed he will never make any more unless they change stupid PACT laws... Killed this one unfortunately
All you can really do is post here in the classifieds and entexchange discord and reddit frientexchange they were looking for one used... Good luck!
I don't buy used or anything without gaurentee and not if it's anywhere on planet earth apart from UK since we have these sick horrid nasty charges the brexiters gave us, thanks though
what bugs me personally i think all vapes are a con, there should only be 510 screw in's then we can update our mods like to 21700 batteries and so on, but these new splinter like ones have coils, why can't there be a steady flow of splinter like ones made, anyone? you'd be the biggest seller world wide
I have a Tinymight, it's great for an hour, then they go and make another still using 1 18650 dated battery for £300 what a joke
Dave = mistvape
DDave = guy who makes 14mm stems, maybe it can fit to the Impcognito?
and try getting Arizer Solo II's WPA from aliexpress, around 4$ and it may fit to the Impcognito...
I would recommend the generic 14mm OD High borosilicate glass tubes I found on Ali.I keep using and loving my impcognitos. I just have one glass stem (all others broken), so I am always scared of breaking the last one when using it. I made some wooden stems myself but clearly prefer the glass ones
Did you set your resistance based on the cold read resistance of your Impcog, or did you use .219 because it just works for you? My cold read on my Impcog is only .179 or so, that’s why I’m asking. Good to have someone else’s config files to play with though, thank you.I would r
I would recommend the generic 14mm OD High borosilicate glass tubes I found on Ali.
50mm works fine. 100mm and 200mm+ available on the same link(5pieces per order).
80mm works well too if you like it a little cooler. 40mm and 120mm available on the same link(10 pieces per order).
I find the 50mm is perfect if you have a bubbler/water tube(a must IMO, if you like to finish the bowl on a high temp). It's more compact, the 40mm would be best if you only use it with a bubbler/hydratube I suppose.
General Update
This is my full setup and all I need for now personally(except for some spare shallow baskets, anyone found any like for like replacements?), I'm quite pleased with it:
I'll provide links which are all working if any of it takes anyone's fancy, especially since Ali's search function seems useless these days(glad I kept the links).
I use 8 borosilicate glass balls, with a shallow basket at either end to keep them snug. The herb basket is seated about a 1/2 inch from the end of the tube. The stopper basket goes on last, when placing the pieces in. Easy enough if you have a good tamper tool handy(I made my own).
When I finish off a bowl, I pop in the Divine Tribes 14mm male glass adapter, with the o-ring replaced with a slightly thicker one(5.5 ID 2.5mm CS). Then pop on the Hubble Bubble hydratube and bump the temp up to 500F or more until it's nice and brown.
This is my go to Red Panda/Artic Fox profile setting:
It's been left on that profile for months, all I do is change the temp(usually start at 360F, increasing by 20-30F) as I need it. I'm not sure how helpful this will be for beginners or not but here is my redpanda config file anyway:
Impcognito - RedPanda Config (The above is under IMPOG1 now, on that config file)
Alternatively, if you hold the power button and press the up/right button, you can change all the profile options in the menu that comes up there.
PS - If your stem has wobble and has air escaping as you draw, it's well worth replacing the o-ring on the Impcog unit(discussed earlier in the thread).
Original O-Ring Size: OD 18mm ID 14mm Ebay(Size: 14mm ID X 2mm CS) or Ali(Size: OD 18mm ID 14mm)
Tighter Fit O-Ring Size: OD 18mm ID 13mm Ebay(Size: 13mm ID X 2.5mm CS) or Ali(Size: OD 18mm ID 13.2mm)
Shame he's not still making them but I thought I'd share for those who still use it or pick it up second hand.
That seems a bit low for the stock coils. I noted down somewhere that 0.22 is what the resistance is supposed to be(probably read that somewhere on this thread), I'm not sure if that's the cold reading or the recommended resistance setting from mistvape/dave. I suggest you check the contact screw isn't over tight or too loose and check the reading again once it's seated nicely, just to be sure.Did you set your resistance based on the cold read resistance of your Impcog, or did you use .219 because it just works for you? My cold read on my Impcog is only .179 or so, that’s why I’m asking. Good to have someone else’s config files to play with though, thank you.
I’ll check the resistance on a few other AF and DNA mods this evening. That reading was from one of the cheaper dedicated wood grain looking Picos that I have, so maybe not the most reliable read. Thank you.That seems a bit low for the stock coils. I noted down somewhere that 0.22 is what the resistance is supposed to be(probably read that somewhere on this thread), I'm not sure if that's the cold reading or the recommended resistance setting from mistvape/dave. I suggest you check the contact screw isn't over tight or too loose and check the reading again once it's seated nicely, just to be sure.
Anyway, the cold resistance I got on the NToolbox Device Manager was 0.211, on my setup. I added 0.005 to that at first(0.216) and made a few profiles with different TCR values starting at TCR 130. I found myself gravitating towards the TCR150 profile, the more I used the impcog and got used to it. Especially while drinking or longer sessions, it feels like it requires too much effort and concentration to get a good hit on the lower TCR values. Then I upped the resistance in 0.001 increments before settling on 0.219, which feels like the sweet spot for me.
Last I checked, I can bump the temp up to 520F on that profile and there's just a very feint glow on the coils at that point, which I'm happy with. I recommend making sure the cold reading is correct as I mentioned above, making sure the reading is consistent after you've removed and replaced the atty. Then add 0.005 and see how that works, if it's not enough go up in 0.001 increments until you find the sweet spot for your setup and drawing technique. Be sure to check for coil glow on whatever temp you normally max out a bowl at.
Worth a try, also connect it to a pc or laptop and use the NToolBox Device Monitor tool. That's what I use to read my cold resistance and live resistance, after having had it turned fully off for a while. I feel like that's a more accurate reading than on the device screen. Device Monitor allows you to monitor the live resistance while the device is in standby mode, so you can see the value it returns to after it's been heated up.I’ll check the resistance on a few other AF and DNA mods this evening. That reading was from one of the cheaper dedicated wood grain looking Picos that I have, so maybe not the most reliable read. Thank you.
I tried it on 3 different DNA mods, had each one recheck cold resistance and they consistently read it at .18. I’ll check it on Device Monitor as well this evening just to confirm. I don’t use a heat sink with it, and it was one of the last off the assembly line before MV shuttered, so maybe a batch with lower resistance? I’ll try it on one of my Red Panda set ups as well.Worth a try, also connect it to a pc or laptop and use the NToolBox Device Monitor tool. That's what I use to read my cold resistance and live resistance, after having had it turned fully off for a while. I feel like that's a more accurate reading than on the device screen. Device Monitor allows you to monitor the live resistance while the device is in standby mode, so you can see the value it returns to after it's been heated up.
I'd also make sure your batteries are fully charged and in good condition when you first set your resistance, as that can affect your readings too.
Yeah, if you've checked the contact screw of the impcog and that looks ok, that's probably just what the resistance of your coils is. Dave may have found the exact coil gauge he used when he started harder to find in the last batch. I couldn't find any when I tried to get spares.I tried it on 3 different DNA mods, had each one recheck cold resistance and they consistently read it at .18. I’ll check it on Device Monitor as well this evening just to confirm. I don’t use a heat sink with it, and it was one of the last off the assembly line before MV shuttered, so maybe a batch with lower resistance? I’ll try it on one of my Red Panda set ups as well.
You run it up to 520° for coil glow testing, what max temp do you vape it on? Thanks for the updated config files.
Spare coils or spare Imps? Yeah those max temps are way outta my comfort zone, but I stay on the low end with all of my vapes most of the time.Yeah, if you've checked the contact screw of the impcog and that looks ok, that's probably just what the resistance of your coils is. Dave may have found the exact coil gauge he used when he started harder to find in the last batch. I couldn't find any when I tried to get spares.
My max vaping temp is 520F. As I understand it, a feint glow(checking in low light) is sort of acceptable. I suppose you should decide yourself on that if you want to be super cautious about any health risks. I always use a bubbler to cool the vapour down when I get to the high 400s anyway.
I start at around 360F for the first few draws for the taste, I used to even use 340F with the old config file before I altered my setup but you have to put more effort into your technique at such temps obviously(deep long breaths and so on).
Then I bump the temperature up as I take more hits, starting with a 20F increase. For the rest I tend to guess how much of increase it needs by how much vapour I'm getting. Sometimes I finish the bowl on 500F(I check the baket there to see what colour the herb is) it can vary based on how fast it's browning or not(and the flavour). My way of doing it might be too slow for some, I know some just like to get to the big hits straight away. So you might want to find your own starting point and max temp based on your own preference.
I just know the device monitor shows with my settings, it's a fairly fast but smooth ramp up to temperature, then it levels off nicely and stays fairly stable and close to the target temp as I draw from it. Nice smooth curves and staight lines is what I like to see.
What would be nice, is if someone had an infra red temperature gadget or camera. So we can see the actual temps it's delivering with each setting. I'm happy enough with the performance of mine though, which I guess is good enough.
Spare coils. I was trying to match the exact wire but nowhere seemed to have it, all out of stock.Spare coils or spare Imps? Yeah those max temps are way outta my comfort zone, but I stay on the low end with all of my vapes most of the time.
DMSpare coils. I was trying to match the exact wire but nowhere seemed to have it, all out of stock.
Yeah that's fair enough. Like I said though, who knows what the real temp is. The mod is estimating the temp based on the settings you put in(changes in current/resistance etc). It's not combusting at 520F with my settings is all I know. I like having a lot of steps available from my starting point personally. The main thing you want to avoid is visibly/bright glowing coils which can give off harmful gases and age your coils. You should probably just finish in the 400s by the sounds of it either way, if you're using any of my created profiles.
There's 3 different profiles, at 3 different TCR values(140, 135 and 120) and resistance settings(0.211, 0.215. 0.219), offering similar performance.
Shame that.I tried to replace my lost Impcognito after seeing one come up on the classifieds, but it's been stuck in customs for a month now and my hopes of ever seeing it are very low.
Such an awesome little vape! I miss it greatly
Thanks for sharing this, I’ll set up a separate profile for my Impcog and compare. I went through a hoarding phase with AF/RP mods back during the great vape ban scare. Over the past 1.5 years I’ve gone full steam ahead with DNA mod acquisition. Because they now are capable of auto fire, and my preference for their build quality, DNA mods are now my preferred choice for mod hoarding.I had to get a new mod, after my Joyetech Espion developed a problem with the battery readings on one side. It's getting harder and harder to find Arcticfox compatible mods now, sadly. Thankfully, I managed to get a Pico 25 from France, for a decent price. It's only single battery but I'm pleased that I was able to use the Redpanda profiles from the Espion, by simply changing the file extension, just as I'd hoped.
It looks like next time, it will have to be one of the DNA, Quest 2.0 or Axon Chipset controlled mods, with no arctic fox. I've heard some of those make Arcticfox unnecessary(perform even better?), if you can get them for a decent price that is.
The only thing I had to change, was the resistance because the pico had a much lower reading on the coil. I set mine at 0.205Ohms. I always connect a new setup to PC/Laptop and check the readings that Device Monitor on NFE Tools/NToolbox picks up. The live resistance there(which was fluctuating slightly between 0.204 and 0.205Ohms for me) when the coil is fully cold/room temp, seems the most reliable/accurate.
So far so good though.
There's probably not many who can make use of this these days and I'm repeating myself a little but I'll share it clearly here anyway.
The config file again for anyone who wants it(old link gone):
Manual input of my most used profile:
Name: IMPCOG 1
Power: 35W
Resistance: 0.205(change this to whatever your coil reads on Device Manager)
Mode: Temp. Control
Pi Reg = Range: 77%, P Value: 420, I Value: 60
Coil Material: TCR 140
Temperature: 390F [OR 370-380F if you want the fresh bowl flavour to last for a few hits.]
Preheat Settings: All default except for - Preheat Delay: 5 sec
Whatever profile and resistance setting you settle on, it's worth checking for coil glow in a dark room at whatever temp you normally finish a bowl on(your chosen max temp). A barely visible glow should be fine IMO.