Today is my first anniversary!!!
I can't stretch enough how much better I feel since I stopped smoking.
I maybe have to add that in Germany we have the disgusting habit of mixing our weed with tobacco before smoking. I never smoked cigarettes in my life, not even as a rebellious teenager, but I was able of smoking a half-cigarette-mix with one bong draw.
After 13 years the first bad side effects started showing: short breathe, yellow nails/teeth and my lung felt "full". Last two months of my smoking my lung hurt really bad after every bong hit.
Then one day I got to a good friend/dealer of mine and he got himself something new for his birthday:
a Storz & Bickel Volcano.
I knew that vaporizers existed, but the one time I tried it, it tasted kinda like licking raw spinach (it was really cheap product).
And then along came the Volcano.
"So wait a minute, instead of ashes I get stuff that I can turn into butter or concentrate, no active components get lost/burned, my room doesn't need to be aerated every hour, it hardly effects my lung and it tastes THAT good?"
I immediately turned from Saulus to Paulus.
1 day later I got myself a VG, cause the Cano is a pricey motherfucker.
But after 6 days I got my Cano by installments (payed 6 Month for it - totally worth it!!!).
Other friends laughed about me when they heard the price.
I don't know what a chemotherapy costs, but I'm sure it won't be much pricier and I was heading straight towards one.
Since then I coughed up a lot of black stuff and one year later my lung feels absolutely free, my shape is as good as it hasn't been for the last 13 years and I'm way more active.
Plus I think I consume less than when I was smoking, but I'm way longer medicated. These days I have normally 2 sessions with 0.5 g each time, back when I was smoking I hit at least 5 bowls of weed-tobacco-mix a day and after each one it took 30 minutes or so before I craved the next one.
Now I'm at the stage when I cry on the inside every time I see a joint being rolled with really nice weed (WHY THE HELL WOULD YOU BURN THIS GIFT OF GOD? And with what you're gonna bake cookies now?).
I can tell you all with wholeheartedness :
I WILL NEVER SMOKE ANYTHING AGAIN - under no circumstances!!!
Well that's my story.
Thanks so much for reading
HAPPY WINTER SOLSTICE TO ALL [and/or apocalypse]