If you used a credit card you're probably protected. If they don't budge contact your credit card company and see what they say. It's one thing to pay return shipping if your device broke 6 months down the road but dead on arrival is on them and any respectable manufacturer needs to cover the cost to make it right imo.I'm from EU, so i don't know how it goes in the USofA ... but if we get sent a busted device ((DOA)... we have RMA processes to get it back to the manufacturer without making costs for the customer ...
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Apparently HL sees this differently?
is this legal? can i take action on this?
Ha! Thanks for that SquirrelMasterIf you used a credit card you're probably protected.
Yes Momor,Then realised that I don't really feel any differences in heat between temp 1 and 5 and there is no way any vape can produce so big of clouds at 150°C (what should be temp 1).
Until then I was taking 1 draw at each temp setting and my last draw at 5 was giving me really nice dark abv.
I then tried to stay on temp 1 until vapor trail of and bump to 5 to get what should be left/unvaped and got nothing and the AVB is as dark as it is after big draws on 5.
So I can confirm there is no real heat settings with my io.
Ha! Thanks for that SquirrelMaster
Payment was made by PayPal, but as i see it, i can open a "dispute" on PayPal;
that would be the same process?
From the PayPal payment page:
Do you need help?
If there's a problem, make sure to contact the seller through PayPal by 29 May 2021. You may be eligible for purchase protection.
Yes Momor,
this was also the issue with me ... Hopperlabs confirmed my issue, and want me to send them the device back ... on my expenses
So they could confirm tour issue before you send it ? They ask me to send mi IO so they can check if there really is an issueYes Momor,
this was also the issue with me ... Hopperlabs confirmed my issue, and want me to send them the device back ... on my expenses
I paid ~30€ to send it back although my IO was defective out of the boxIt just doesn't seem right to me that a company would expect you to pay return shipping on a device that didn't work from the get go.
Not yet. I sent it in last week from France and it just arrived in the states, not to HL yet.Hi Momor,
how did that story end for you?
So now you paid a Hopper, paid a return shipment ... and do you have anything that works now in your hands?
OK,Not yet. I sent it in last week from France and it just arrived in the states, not to HL yet.
I actually linked the below in another post for another vape that I also use it on, but this is what I use on the go with my Hopper IO and it provides nice cooling. I also have some glass jacks and screens coming to rig some cooling turbulence above the 14mm mouthGot some new glass this week in the form of 14mm & 18mm j hooks and my IO inaugurated the 14 last night. I had a silicone tip on it and finished off a partially used load (don’t recall what it was) and then filled it with pure Sativa, all on 4.5 which is much higher than I usually run it. Wow! I got baked in 4 draws which were a bit longer than I do natively. Vapor was cool as anything and I got decent clouds (could’ve been denser but I’m not a cloud chaser anyway). But the effects were amazing! I haven’t used my IO or OG for that matter on that high a temp in like a long time. But wow, it’s nice to have a nice and longer cooling option than my little glass spoon pipe that I’ve occasionally used with my IO. The IO still shines brightly in my vape lineup and new glass will help when I’m home (the j hooks won’t leave my house but my Hoppers usually do).![]()
That's what I use when I'm at home. Its got a great little chug to it. I keep one for my sic DTV4 (my primary dabber) and one for my hopper/other flower vapesI’ve been rocking my io’s with one of these for a few months now, I’m in love to say the least! I’d highly recommend this pairing, plus Matt’s a good dude
I keep one for my sic DTV4 (my primary dabber) and one for my hopper/other flower vapes
Yo this looks nice..know anyone else who carries it?I’ve been rocking my io’s with one of these for a few months now, I’m in love to say the least! I’d highly recommend this pairing, plus Matt’s a good dude
Divine Tribe carries theseYo this looks nice..know anyone else who carries it?
That looks like hard water stains mixed in with some reclaim. You need something to break it down like CLR or Dark Crystal. You can avoid it by using distilled wateranyone know how i can clean this? been using 90% ISO for days..is there a special tool or another method? Thanks
yea thanks! it's exactly that..I was thinking clr but also if there was anther method so ill be getting some clr....Ive tried the dishwasher and boiling it haha still didnt helpDivine Tribe carries these
That looks like hard water stains mixed in with some reclaim. You need something to break it down like CLR or Dark Crystal. You can avoid it by using distilled water
I’ll let some vinegar sit in mine for a bit inside a plastic baggie after I’ve cleaned with ISO, usually does the trick. Like @Jah75 mentions, CLR works great too if Vinegar and ISO don’t do it, however be mindful to rinse it well.anyone know how i can clean this? been using 90% ISO for days..is there a special tool or another method? Thanks
PBW definitely works and I have no idea why vinegar didn’t come to my mind lol. Much better on your glass than CLR (or easier to ensure it’s rinsed at the very leastI’ll let some vinegar sit in mine for a bit inside a plastic baggie after I’ve cleaned with ISO, usually does the trick. Like @Jah75 mentions, CLR works great too if Vinegar and ISO don’t do it, however be mindful to rinse it well.
I’ve also had good luck using Powdered Brewers Wash over the years, found on Amazon. Works great and is faster in cleaning vape residue IMO.
Not good news.... With a new TI on the way for Tuesday delivery.I received my stainless IO right before Christmas. Unbelievable Instant on experience. I was back in board. So I took advantage of the TI sale... and yea. It is lacking. Not even close to the performance of the stainless version.
My OG TI and Stainless worked identically with each other. For the IO i am seeing a trend here with the TI units.
It does appear to get hot. But it doesn’t seem to extract hardly anything. Very little vapor at 4.5.
I emailed hopper labs for the next step. Very unfortunate.
Likewise, my Ti is due this Tuesday but now I'm worried about these reports of the units being underpowered. For comparison, my OG Ti is an absolute beast, delivering massive clouds even on temp setting 1. I will report my findings once I receive my IO.Not good news.... With a new TI on the way for Tuesday delivery.
Thanks for your service. Quite disappointing that you never received it back!now MIA