So, why a separate web site?
They will be merged over time.
So, why a separate web site?
Shoot them a PM@Hopper Labs
Where do we send io website correction to?
I have noticed 2 so far after a quick read through on my lunch.
I did PM about the proof reading but never heard back, so unsure on where to forward them to.
I found 10 only hours before the site went live. Few were heeded. Oh well. I bought a PFE for my own troubles@Hopper Labs
Where do we send io website correction to?
I have noticed 2 so far after a quick read through on my lunch.
I did PM about the proof reading but never heard back, so unsure on where to forward them to.
I realize the race to market to go live (I’ve been in IT for 30+ years and know this well) and HL’s need for cash infusion after the November fire setback however there’s something to be said for striving for perfection before customers (and prospects) find issues with the site - and same can be said for the product (of course).
Quite possibly. I haven’t been able to re-review my list and what they changed (or not) based on that. PM them if you wish.
There is no direct cooling added to the mouthpiece. Cooling of the vapor has been a topic of discussion for a long time. It has always been our goal to make the device as efficient as possible. Cooling the vapor from the Hopper would be a step in the wrong direction... Perhaps we will build an additional cooling mouthpiece in the future but we do want the stock device to deliver as much of the product as possible.
Oh weird, I thought the coil was the best part of the Plenty vape! I ended up selling mine.That Plenty whip is a prick of a vapor/resin and eventually flavor stealing germ factory, the first thing I replaced on my Plenty for a glass J-hook when I got it.![]()
Mine would clog solid by then, the Plenty is a desktop and I used it as such, 4 to 6 grams a day (4 to 6 bowls) through it when I first gave up smoking.I really only do it a couple of times a month.
The new io site has only been up for a couple of days and we here were given the address just a little ahead of a general announcement. I believe the site will run parallel for some transition period. Grasshopper is to be discontinued.I'm glad I found this thread! I went to the old GHV site to check on my battery order from months ago and there is absolutely nothing on there about a new vape, or the new GHB3 battery! I can see why they would want a fresh start after all the teething issues but I hope they can at least transfer my battery order to the new site, and I'm surprised they haven't emailed GHV owners about this.
That Plenty whip is a prick of a vapor/resin and eventually flavor stealing germ factory, the first thing I replaced on my Plenty for a glass J-hook when I got it.![]()
Really appreciate all the transparency on what's happening with the new IO. One thing I might recommend is losing the photo on the new website of the woman in shorts. Let your device sell itself. Just my 2¢.Regarding progress on the io. We have completed a good portion of the device for the April release and currently are way ahead of schedule. We have all machining and molding completed. A break down of the device:
Front-ends : Completed
Heaters: Completed
Front PCB: Completed
Bodies: Completed
Back PCB: In progress
Backend Parts: Completed
Chargers: In progress
Packaging: Completed
Manual: Completed
Website/info: In Progress
Final assembly of the whole device: 65% completed
Daily and then some. Just keep the temp down - for me it’s the upper 2s and occasional low 3 to finish - and it works just fine. Before my RMA I was running it a full temp increment higher with marginal results. And I only own the native frontend too until purchasing a PFE on the new site (a questionable donation if you ask me but I wanted to help proof the site and throw them a little business along the way too).I have no clue how you guys hit this thing native, for years I barely used my GHV because I couldn't get a decent hit without roasting my alveoli!
Yeah, when I first saw that I it was questionable and unnecessary. I however stuck to editorial content and suggested a design change to “io” in the copy (text) to make it stand out. I’m not a UX person or artistic and some, not all, of the copy seemed it needed a bit of color or an image (or both).One thing I might recommend is losing the photo on the new website of the woman in shorts
One thing I might recommend is losing the photo on the new website of the woman in shorts.
She's there 3x and while I do find it to be a sexy shot, I agree with the comments thus far that she's waaay off-topic.They must have listened to you as I don't see any gal in shorts pic on the io site????
I think that this page is a mess of confusing information, pleasantly presented.Can someone in the know explain the 4-7 vapor chambers?
Is this for ss only or both?
Are you looking at the details page for each type of io? Still there - checked today on both the mobile and full site. And I refreshed my browsers too. Not my favorite pic, I’ll leave it at that...They must have listened to you as I don't see any gal in shorts pic on the io site????
Are you looking at the details page for each type of io?
On the site, go to Vaporizers and under each one you can "learn more" where she is there apparently as an educational assistant
Indeed. They have additional pics in black & white (one with a woman too) below the main info and then some accessory suggestion pics below those. Of course the Hopper appeals to both sexes, as it should, and it could be done better. That’s the last I’ll say about it. Back to (legacy) Hoppering before lighting the grillI also don't see the need for the rest of the "life style of the young, beautiful, and high" pics in a section where I'm looking for more info (as in "Learn More") and not more life style marketing.