You are so damn right! Would appreciate!

Plasma bubblers are not very common, but I've seen some very nice ones. But starting at $800?
Hope the gals from HN will get one for themself - perhaps for promotion ;-)?
Ladies, your amazing HN would look so fucking cool with a Plasma! Waiting for first pics of this combo...
Would be nice if you could tell us the current state of optimizing the HN with different nails and vapes.
I'm promoting the HN all over the different threads but people want to know that and when their desired devices will work together. Unfortunately I got never any reply from you to my former questions regarding this topic. Really hope I'll get one now
All I know for sure from your words what's in current developement or intended to pair:
- Sublimator 2.0
- Sublimator 2.5/3.0 (mini XLR)
- New Vape Flower Pot
- DabBulb
- D-Nail Halo
- CCA Liger
...and a lot of other different nails...
What's about
- D-Nail Lotus Flower Adapter
- Herborizer Ti (there were concerns of a FC member about it's 12v PS)?
Would be nice if you could give us an update of the current developement and a certain time frame when it probably will be ready. There are a lot of folks out there who would like to buy an HN instead a regular controller for this device if they would know that their favourite vape/nail is working with the HN.
I like promoting your product in other threads but need some current facts.
Please, give me an answer!
Right now we really can't say on a lot of Flower Vape compatibility (when it comes to variety). We know we want to work on something for the Sublimator & because of the way the Flower Pot works it will be tuned very similarly to any other nail. The Dabbulb is a product / company we were introduced to by one of the locals we're working with (we were introduced to the owner). 2
We don't have the means to purchase every vape / nail out there or the time to tune for them all right now. There's been a loaner or two offered but to cover the wide range of vapes out there it takes a lot of time to even try to contact folks or companies for loaners / trades / etc as well.
What we are currently working on:
- Updating our site & Facebook for the first time in 5 months (Blog & Site) instead of just this FC thread and Instagram (which we only just started using again)
- Finishing the last of our current orders (Including Packing & Shipping)
- Finishing the few 'overstock' enclosures we have to reduce lead time once we do finally start to push sales again
- Finding a new place to Live & Work larger than 800sq/ft (because it's driving us, the cat, and the dog insane)
- Getting marketing material together and in the places it needs to be
- Producing said marketing material in general
- Keeping lines of communication with the community open
- Finding & Solidifying a partnership with a local manufacturer for most of the assembly & QC
- Re-Building & Re-Writing our entire tuning process to be more universal & more accurate
- Re-Profiling nails we have current tunings released for to improve dish temp. accuracy
- Finding sources that are reliable for larger quantities than 5-10 parts at a time so we can reduce our parts cost & actually pay people (including ourselves)
- Finalizing what we hope are the last modifications to the design & Finishing process (inside and out)
- Finding other like-minded partners / a few good sales people that can help us actually make enough money for this to be our full time gig much longer
- Re-Obtain health insurance so we're not paying out of pocket for our prescriptions out of pocket
- Finding a reliable source for concentrates we can afford in our area so we aren't depending on the kindness of others for our meds
Please try to remember that right now we are still only (day-to-day) a 2-person company in uncharted waters for our industry and when it comes to starting our own business venture. We are also desperately trying to find time for ourselves as (life) partners, too. The last 9 months have put a lot of physical, personal, and emotional strain on us and we're trying to get some of the weight off our back so we can breathe. We weren't engaged more than a few weeks before moving to Portland and giving this all a go.
(And sorry if I seemed non-responsive in other threads. I got bonked for talking about the Hex-Nail in other threads so I'm just trying to be careful so we can stay a part of this community.)
EDIT: Oh, and just to re-iterate. The 'tunings' we have are NOT the only products with Hex-Nail is compatible with. We can use any power (110-250v) & have tested it extensively with up to 150w heaters. With it's current specs the HN-01 is theoretically compatible with any wattage up to (approx.) 300w (@110v). The hardware limits are higher than that, but changing to a larger fuse in an attempt to red-line the hardware would result in a voided warranty.
As long as it uses a K-Type thermocouple in the 'Industry Standard' 5-pin config you should be good to go. We really do recommend consulting us before trying anything too far out of your usual set-up for the time being though. We have one customer running a QCB XL Banger & 24mm coil (150w, IIRC). Even sent us one of the coils to get a good baseline for it at some point.