Thanks to @JigMelon i’ve got my queen running in AP mode!!!still some little kinks to be worked out but at least its operational now. There is an issue connecting via Wi-Fi for some reason it won’t connect to a network, but Jig.. has the same issue and he will be working on it
It does try to connect and occasionally picks up my router but when i try to connect it saysIt doesnt try to connect or just doesnt show completed connection ? I know mine had to be close to the router and wouldnt tell me if the connection completed, could only tell when restart normally took 2 or 3 attempts and was the main reason why i never disconnected it lol
It does try to connect and occasionally picks up my router but when i try to connect it says
“received intermediates status.. ssid; associated: false lan ip”
I am now right next to my router and it is not picking it up the main network but it picks up another network that is different then my home but when I go to hit connect after I’ve typed in the password it says what i quaoted above and when i go to turn off the light bar from blinking light blue the steady state compensator turns on and the light bar stays blinking
yes my AP mode stays blinking even when turned off in settings and when i try to turn off the light bar off in settings the solid-state compensator turns on?Hmm defo not the same problem then as its giving you the error sssid is the name of the router and the lan ip would be the given ip. Ah so when your in AP mode it just stays blinking ? And is this with jigs new flashed OS or you not touch that ?
It does try to connect and occasionally picks up my router but when I go to hit connect after I’ve typed in the password it says quote Received intermediate status lanIP associated false SSIDIt doesnt try to connect or just doesnt show completed connection ? I know mine had to be close to the router and wouldnt tell me if the connection completed, could only tell when restart normally took 2 or 3 attempts and was the main reason why i never disconnected it lol
sudo dd bs=4M status=progress if=/dev/sdX of=/some/dir/hn01.img
It does try to connect and occasionally picks up my router but when I go to hit connect after I’ve typed in the password it says quote Received intermediate status lanIP associated false SSID
You are the FN MAN!!! Thank you for all you have done up to this point. I now have a Hexnail with a working AP Mode. I bought this damn thing last November 11/26 and was finally able to use it for the first time yesterday. Thank you again!Thank you for the kind words, everyone. I got the image finished up:!jcxlgKoS!kph6_HrUNripEptfQd3SJajGZafxkXwdKaAPaC3aPMk
I suggest using Etcher to write that to a card:
That image contains the partition table; using that image along with Etcher is the easiest way to get back in business. It should work on any card 8GB+. Possibly a 4GB, but I have not tried.
Note, this is ONLY for RedQueen units. The HN-co's AWS credentials have been removed, so this will NOT work with the official server even if it does come back up. I strongly suggest making a complete backup of your card before proceeding.
Write the image to the SD card, put the SD card in the Orange Pi, turn it on. Once the WiFi network appears, connect to the network:
Once connected, you can go to any of these addresses:
1 - - Webapp
2 - - WiFi Setup
If you would like to use it on your network instead of in AP mode, just connect it to WiFi via the WiFi setup page and replace with the IP assigned to the device by your router when typing in the address.
If anyone would like to login via SSH to look around or make changes, the password for the root and hexnail accounts is "hexnailpass". Please note, this is NOT a secure environment. If you intend on bringing your device to events and connecting it to a public network, I would suggest that you adjust the sshd_config and change the password for all accounts, at the very least. The ssh configuration in this image is less secure than on an official image, and intentionally so. Additionally, if you would like to lock down the device's hotspot, you'll need to look elsewhere for guidance.
Also, the rootfs has been shrunk to make this easier to upload/download. If you would like to expand the partition to fill your SD card, there are excellent tutorials available by searching "expand rootfs". Be sure to use a tutorial that is not RasPi-specific, as you may be missing some of the tools they mention. For most of you, you don't need to worry about this. If your SD card ever fills up, you can simply re-flash it.
@antiburn @alittledabwilldoya' @VaporScript I have a working image from @scalescliffs - you may want to ask him. I haven't taken the time to remove his info and that of the HN team from the image, so I won't be sending that to anyone just yet. I haven't spent any time on the Skynet that I got from @Samson so I don't have any info other than that right now.
@PoopMachine "Soon"!
TLDR for AP-only:
- Use Etcher to flash this image to a microSD card
- Put the newly-flashed microSD card into your HN-02 and turn on the device
- Connect to the network "Hex-Nail--RQ--1000--AP" on the device from which you wish to control the HN-02
- Open a web browser on that device and navigate to
Thank you for the kind words, everyone. I got the image finished up:!jcxlgKoS!kph6_HrUNripEptfQd3SJajGZafxkXwdKaAPaC3aPMk
I suggest using Etcher to write that to a card:
That image contains the partition table; using that image along with Etcher is the easiest way to get back in business. It should work on any card 8GB+. Possibly a 4GB, but I have not tried.
Note, this is ONLY for RedQueen units. The HN-co's AWS credentials have been removed, so this will NOT work with the official server even if it does come back up. I strongly suggest making a complete backup of your card before proceeding.
Write the image to the SD card, put the SD card in the Orange Pi, turn it on. Once the WiFi network appears, connect to the network:
Once connected, you can go to any of these addresses:
1 - - Webapp
2 - - WiFi Setup
If you would like to use it on your network instead of in AP mode, just connect it to WiFi via the WiFi setup page and replace with the IP assigned to the device by your router when typing in the address.
If anyone would like to login via SSH to look around or make changes, the password for the root and hexnail accounts is "hexnailpass". Please note, this is NOT a secure environment. If you intend on bringing your device to events and connecting it to a public network, I would suggest that you adjust the sshd_config and change the password for all accounts, at the very least. The ssh configuration in this image is less secure than on an official image, and intentionally so. Additionally, if you would like to lock down the device's hotspot, you'll need to look elsewhere for guidance.
Also, the rootfs has been shrunk to make this easier to upload/download. If you would like to expand the partition to fill your SD card, there are excellent tutorials available by searching "expand rootfs". Be sure to use a tutorial that is not RasPi-specific, as you may be missing some of the tools they mention. For most of you, you don't need to worry about this. If your SD card ever fills up, you can simply re-flash it.
@antiburn @alittledabwilldoya' @VaporScript I have a working image from @scalescliffs - you may want to ask him. I haven't taken the time to remove his info and that of the HN team from the image, so I won't be sending that to anyone just yet. I haven't spent any time on the Skynet that I got from @Samson so I don't have any info other than that right now.
@PoopMachine "Soon"!
TLDR for AP-only:
- Use Etcher to flash this image to a microSD card
- Put the newly-flashed microSD card into your HN-02 and turn on the device
- Connect to the network "Hex-Nail--RQ--1000--AP" on the device from which you wish to control the HN-02
- Open a web browser on that device and navigate to
Can anyone give me an idea of how long and how labor intensive this process is? Not the most handy dude out there, so I fear dismantling my Red Queen might lead me to break something that I can't fix myself.
Mine is disconnected right now since they shut down the public servers. I need to take it apart and install the OS update, right now I can't change temp or anything, but with the update it can run without the server. Ordered an SD Card from Amazon ( and going to attempt that soon...
My opened hn01. I cleaned up the web of hot glue. Mine wasnt so bad hehe. Now Ill attempt at messing with getting a new sd card in there. Mine boots/ starts and says"localhost refused to connect". Doesn't go anywhere else from there.