Again? I read your feedback of the Ti and where you said it was not a vape you used much ir enjoyed? I believe you sold the last one? How come you got a second then?
I found the exact opposite of
@Alexis And i for sure get less medicinal benefits and less taste than my other vapes. I dont understand at all it performs worse than the XL and Mighty the taste and actual high are what stand out. I know its not just me as if it were a super vape i would be super high but its not the case at all everything about the high is short lasting and not long term satisfiying.
And to make it worse, It did not even last 5 days until the screen was clogged either and this killed the drag as well. I read your posts and watch what you upload to Youtube so im curious why you dived again into the Herbo Ti? You own so many vapes as well so i will be eager to see what you say a second time. Maybe i need to give mine a second chance but after about 4-5 days i boxed it up and i cannot motivate myself to give it another chance.
Long time no see Rodders!! Hope you are well!
As I have said for many years, not every vape is for every person. No matter the cost, materials etc...
Your comment on the Mighty answers this perfectly! I DESPISE the Mighty!! Worst vape purchase ever for myself! It makes me cough at ANY temp setting and also lives in it's box in the cupboard. Many love this vape but I HATE it. It just does not work for me.
Sometimes I am too quick to sing a vapes praises or the total opposite! Only if they deserve it from my point of view at that exact moment in time.
At the time I owned the Ti, I was into fast heat ups, rapid extractions with minimal learning curve and amazing results that are consistent.
This is quite a lot to ask from many vapes but for me, some do exist that check all the boxes.
The Ti did not and I don't feel I gave it the time it deserved to really understand hot to effectively use it.
For myself, I had to heat soak everything and then try and load a boiling hot bowl to get any hits that were decent.
Cold starts did not give me what I was looking for so I moved it along, something I very seldom do.
Still not quite sure I know why I decided to sell it...
Either way, the Ti is WAY more effective than the OG is any circumstance!
I have the OG and it is packed away...
As for the screen clogging, seriously?

I clean most of my screens every 2 to 3 days to keep the airflow open. If I let them get clogged, it increases drag as you said and it also makes me cough a lot more. So I need to keep my screens clean for my own health.
Usually this indicates that your vape was not up to temp yet and the material is not vaporizing quickly enough, in my experience. Or you are drawing too fast. I would leave it on my set temp for 10+ minutes before using it, try that and see what happens.
Sometimes the right WT will also make the world of difference to your experience.
I have settled on my RooR Vapor WT as it pairs excellently with every vape I use.
I have a box of unused glass in the cupboard and they have been wrapped for almost 5 years now.
As for why I want to try it again, my own video made me realize I missed something...
Look at this cloud machine!!! And I still used water and was doing a lot of things wrong. LOL!
Let's see what I can do this time around!