Herbie has landed in Canada. First thing I did was inspect the coils and they were touching a bit so I spaced them as VE previously instructed, they do seem really close to the mesh screen the herb is on though not sure if that’s an issue. I have a mirage dna75c mod that I picked up super cheap and a paramour on the way, so far messing with a few settings on the DNA to mixed results. Keep in mind I have no real knowledge of these things but so far using tcr ss316, 40w range and 232c is working pretty solidly, on a previous setting I got one round of combustion but this setting is good so far. 6+bowls in a row has me pretty toasted

, flavour is great when it’s working. Also the stock beads are waaay to small, I mixed some 5 and 3s in there instead but we’ll see if I stick with it I find beads clog up too quick, nice feature though. Fun vape so far for sure and I’ll update later after more experimenting.