We never consider anybody a "Guinea Pig". We had couple issues with the first production run which was "unexpected" and caused by the factory. This does not mean that the first run was "experimental". The production units are all the same units regardless of what phase they got shipped in. They are not upgrades or better units in terms of design and functionality. Any unit that got shipped out with issues, we serviced them, fixed them or replacing them on an ongoing basis. It is natural that the later production runs will come without issues by default but it is the principle of any new product that comes out to the market first time. We want to think that we at least do not put the financial burden on the customer as much as we can.
Please note that what we refer to an "Upgrade" is a new product with a different design and functionality than the original. Our products evolve in time based on suggestions and feedback. There is no "expiration" to this one time upgrade if you preordered our product. The 1 year expiration applies to our service. It means that if your unit requires service after 1 year of your ownership, we will not do it for free unless there is a warranty defect which is caused by material failure due to workmanship or premature material failure and it is covered under our 10 year warranty. Other than this, all preorder customers will qualify for a 1 free upgrade once we release a Square V2 in the future no matter when.
Hope this clarifies.