Well-Known Member
Yes, thank you...I do know that I can run a VM on my system, then download Win 10, and then use that for the Haze app.
This is not something I am willing to do and IMO this is disproportionate to the benefit (lot of work and risk to my laptop just to be able to manage pre-sets on a vape...really??)
Now this is just my general view...not a shot at Haze or specific to the Square...but to me apps are fine as long as they are redundant to on-device controls. If manf continue to embed key functions only in apps, there likely will continue to be limitations and conflicts due to non-compliant OS in the population and hence impact sales.
So, again...and just my view...apps are fine as long as they are not required in order to access any specific vape feature/function.
I get it about the Bluetooth and had I given it some more thought, I would have caught the bugaboo with no USB on iPhones.
In any case, I look to be out of luck as I'm certainly not going through an OS upgrade (or install of VM and OS) for setting pre-sets and button temp colors. I'm not going to go out and buy a Surface or Android phone in order to do this either. And frankly, if I can't set the temps on a device, I'm not that interested. IMO manf restricting me to temps they pre-program is outdated and no longer a viable model.
So, here I am...still disappointed with no clear path forward for me.

Did the vapes land today as planned?
In all seriousness @Haze Vaporizers did this happen today?
Im so ready for next week.
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