Petunia Vanish
Well-Known Member
My settings are 420,430,440,450,460VApe critic was vaping at 400F if I recall.
My settings are 420,430,440,450,460VApe critic was vaping at 400F if I recall.
What is the issue with your unit? Vapor Production?My settings are 420,430,440,450,460
My highest setting is 430 and at that temp the vapor is superrrr thick wvery time. Like pretty close to combustion density and noticibly stronger than at 415. Definitely right before the cutoff of what i can take without water or some other type of cooling beyond the portable world (in my fairly narrow sample size). Definitely something up with yours. Somebody did post about using the WPA from delta 3d. This thread is massive so give it a search.My settings are 420,430,440,450,460
I private messaged you and sent an RMA with the issue.What is the issue with your unit? Vapor Production?
Sorry. Multiple people watch the forum on our end. Did not realize that. I will look for your package and will make a video for you.I private messaged you and sent an RMA with the issue.
My mouthpiece is also quite loose (that’s how I lost the first one). What is the bump out seal?
Thanks, dj. I’ll give that a try.
I just tried two short primes and then a couple of long hard draws. I’m high af, but didn’t get any vapor. Lots of flavor, though. I don’t really care about vapor, as long as I feel the effects and have good flavor. So I guess I’m doing it ok. Spent two minutes looking for the wright emoji I think I just talked myself in a circle.there, that’s the one
Try holding the buttons like you are going to update the firmware and it should reset it. That's how mine would charge.Miss my pro. It will no longer take a charge. Maybe time to RMA. Anything I can do to troubleshoot? I dont have a usb-c drive to update firmware.
I have been using 380, 390 and 430 for concentrates. Concentrates seem to need more that 430. I have the pro but not Windows 10 :^(
What temps are people running for concentrates?
I tried some hash between 2 pipe screens with a lid. Did not work great. Will try between the 2 concentrate pads tonight. I know it works if you mix with flower but would like to vape hash by its self. Anyone figured it out?
I was expanding on my blowing the holes of ss screens out after swabbing with iso to prevent doing a deep clean and I know this is not a cheap way but it is very effective way to blow out the holes....las t night I ran across some electronics dust spray for keyboards,comps,etc. After a quick spray!!!! It was like I deep cleaned it. If you got some around the house try it!
So...has anyone tried using some of these cool little stainless steel concave shaped 3/4" screens?
Well, I thought they might fit on the Square bowls as a way to not only make the bowl slightly smaller, but also keep the built-in stainless screens clean.
They actually do fit. Kinda perfectly. They also don't interfere with the seals (they sit inside them)
Next, will they stay in place? Well, I tried that too...(and yeah, they stay fine). Even if you shake them - they are slightly smaller than the silicon ring, which they sit inside of.
I tried 3 bowls - one at .1g, slightly less than .1 g, and about .15g - all were less than a complete fill, equivalent to my micro-cans in the Dual. All vaped just fine in the Sq. Biggest difference I've found between vaping .1g in the Square vs the Dual is number of hits. I can completely vape .15g in about 4-5 good hits on the square vs 8-10 in the Dual - for what feels like the same effect. And, of course, I don't have to do the entire Sq bowl in a single session (my goal for buying the Sq in the first place).
Only the fine material made it thru the screen -
The ABV looked completely cooked (the one that's really dark was finished at 400f, most done at 385f)
So that's my little update. I'm going to keep using those SS screens, at least until the Haze micro-bowls are available
Videos are coming soon too.
Micro dose concept pictures and information will be posted next week.
More info on other accessories are coming next week too.
Videos are coming soon too.
Micro dose concept pictures and information will be posted next week.
More info on other accessories are coming next week too.
I believe and imo & e that “turning upside down” grinding only works for 3 or up pieces grinders...I feel like my new space case 2 piece (turned upside down) ISN'T fine enough
"Press and hold start button until light is GREEN. Start inhaling 1-2 seconds after green light to avoid risk of combustion."
I think there is also confusion about continuing to hold start button after it turns green OR releasing it when it turns green. Clarification on that in this instruction might be nice too.