@ShayWhiteGrow : Excellent review and vids! Thank you very much for that.
Received my Haze V3.0 today right on time with the tracking! Sincere thanks to
@scottg402 for helping it get done!
I'm waiting until my usual bed time 'Hazing'

before testing but during cleaning the new unit, I noted some things I like. Probably already mentioned, but the switch/chamber selector lever on top has a noticeable detent or "notch" near center. I like that a lot.
Likewise, it seems to me cleaning the 2.5 and 3.0 side by side that the hollow rivet where air exits the chamber into the air path has a shallower head on it so I expect that area will be easier to clean.
Much valuable info in this thread and thank you to all contributors for that!
I've read in here that the 3.0 can have a pretty tight O-ring where the mouthpiece slides into place that can sometimes go from too tight to too loose over time. From my car background dealing with O-rings, that suggests some things I've seen before. So I'm going to try a drop of hemp oil on the mouthpiece where the tip engages the O-ring at first until the O-ring becomes 'seasoned' (aka, starts to take a partial set) and see if that keeps things less tight at first and avoids looseness later.
I note that the surface of the glass mouthpiece is ultra smooth as we might expect. Whereas, the surface of the SS mouthpiece is - to my touch and IMHO only - a bit rough. So for the same reasons as the last paragraph (preserving the O-ring for a long wear life), I'm going to try polishing the SS mouthpiece up in grades somewhat. If that flops and things are immediately too loose, the cost is a new SS mp and no biggie. I'll report back if that seems ok or not. Yeah, I tinker with everything so that's the actual reason I suppose you've guessed.
I didn't mean to repeat what's already been said but the fiber reinforced plastic sure seems strong to me. Reminds me of some of the crazy strong fiber reinforced plastics in some of the high speed structural components for RC cars. I'm sure it's very different engineering from that owing to heat, vapor safety, etc. Just saying it seems very strong.
Because my v2.5 was a bit of a slowpoke, I'll time the new v3.0 and post some comparisons.
A sincere thank you to Scott, the Haze Family and the very many upbeat thread contributors! This has to be one of the most friendly threads in FC and it is surely appreciated here!
edit: A mere 30 seconds of buffing with 600# wet or dry sandpaper took the SS mp immediately up to an ultrafine finish. So the machining was very fine to begin with suggesting this work is unnecessary. Wash the mp, dry and oil lightly with a drop of hemp oil and it fits the O-ring perfectly IMO. It 'feels' just like the glass mp's fit in the O-ring so I expect little to no wear. I think the aersolized oil from the cannabis vapor will be plenty of oil for it from now on.
I don't recommend this yet. I'll post back after I've tried it for awhile and let you know if the idea flops or if I think it's actually worth anything.