Discontinued Ghost MV1


Well-Known Member
I just posted on VLF my first impressions and here is the same post, Ive picked up so much from you all here, really big thanks for all of your contributions. :tup:

Hey everyone, hope you are faring well. Okay so Im literally just testing my MV1 now for the second time to see how my allergies will cope more than anything primarily before I would begin to focus more on the device itself. So just initial thoughts to share.

Firstly I charged it fully over a week ago but didn't use it and left it sitting idle when I got it out to try my first ever Crucible last night I noticed the battery was down to 1 Green. This didn't surprise me because I never disengaged the battery after I charged it.

But I assumed that's it might not be performing at optimum and also I would not have long to test it out last night and wasn't going to wait for it to charge first.
So I only did the one Crucible last night and I have just had my second one this evening after fully charging first.

I think it is performing better tonight fully charged. I followed Ghost's recommendation of one full draw on Amber 1, two full draws on Amber 3, finish on Red 1 or 2.

Anyway my first draw on Amber level 1 I could really feel the vapor going in and I got a very good hit that was extremely smooth with plenty of visible exhale and a nice throat feel to let you know you had something without being harsh at all.

To get such a good hit on level 1 so effortlessly makes me think that I have a unit that may be working well. I have a particular taste see strain in here and although the Vapour was very pleasant I was not blown away by flavour but I am spoilt with the Elev8r every day, so the best tasting vapor I just take for granted now and probably don't appreciate as much as I should.

But I did notice that by my 3rd draw the flavour was dropping off but to me this is a good sign that extraction has taken place fairly quickly. I've had four hits from this load now and I am feeling some very nice and enjoyable effects. It's my first vape today on top of some ABV edibles earlier, and one Crucible has had a very decent effect. I like the buzz a lot. For the amount of material I used I am not disappointed at all.

Another thing that please me is that so far I have had surprisingly even ABV with my two crucibles. I have stirred etc, but it wasn't really looking necessary from inspection with a very even golden tan colour over the top and also underneath. Much better than some photos of some users reporting uneven extraction early on.

So my unit seems to be working very well so far and I'm being extremely careful with the latch just in case. It's too soon to say whether I will be able to keep and use this one yet after I finished my load last night which was on Red 2 I did suddenly experience increased difficulty breathing and a tightness in my chest. I only went to Red 1 just now which may be better and just below my tolerated heat level for the airstream alone regardless of the vapor.

The vapor quality is very good and it is extremely smooth and non-irritating by the way. Really not harsh in any way at all. My immune system just reacts to the purest, most healing things though.

So I'm not going to get my hopes up it's difficult to tell what I'm feeling subjectively at first but I can say that if I can keep this vaporizer I think I will be very happy to going by the effects I feel right now from this one Crucible in 4 very easy hits.

I did not struggle with the full 15-second inhalation either I'm sure I could do 25 seconds or more There is obviously the perfect amount of restriction to enable comfortable long inhalations. Much easier and less tiring than the vapcap so far.

Okay that's all for now. Catch you all later. (I may paste this post over on FC as well, I hope that is deemed alright, I don't see why not. I have absorbed so much useful info from here and there so it's nice to then give back on the topic).
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Company Rep
Company Rep
my door catch has just gone on mine only had it a few weeks

Thanks for letting us know. I will PM you and get your account information to start a ticket. I apologize for the inconvenience and we will take care of you.

Nerissa :)


Well-Known Member
I have been extra careful with my latch. I am pushing the door slightly to releass it. This definitely alleviates a lot of strain.
It may be that more exertion is put on the latch while the device is new and the door is still quite stiff. So even if it takes a few weeks to break, it was gradually weakened. If the door can loosen a little without too much extra strain on the latch, there may be less chance of a latch breaking?

Anyway I am certain it does reduce the strain a lot to push the door in slightly to release the lat ch, then also I open the lacth as I close the door and release so it slots into place after the door is closed.
This does help a lot to keep strain to a minimum.

My unit appeared to be working ver6 well anyhow with last night's single crucible.
One hit Amber 1, very good hit. Two on amber 3. Two more on red 1. Hit 5 was decent still.

Hit 6 yielded nothing and taste gone. Very even ABV dark enough to satisfy me on the level of extraction they were a mixture of green and dark aspects when I tipped it out but this was very uniform throughout not in certain areas of the Crucible. I'm confident this is just the nature of the ghost AVB and the way it extracts and those lighter green specs have been extracted from.

Seeing the ABV up close in person convinces me of this. I also am sure I could get away without stirring. Hang on, just off to imgbb to show you what Im talking about...
Sunday night's load after 3 or hits and no stir, a fairly coarse grind:
And last night's load after 5 decent hits. It looks a lot darker due to poor lighting but the way the different shades of specs were evenly mixed throughout the bowl was an encouraging sight:

I got some really awsome effects from that one crucible. Very psychoactive and potent too.

I recently tested the Splinter Z. I didnt tolerate it and quickly sold. I put a good bit more herb through it and I am so far much more impressed with the MV1.
I never got the Splinter Z dialled in right in the short time. I found the whole thing a bit of a headache.

The MV1 has delivered more instantly for me. I was typically apprehensive about it, having followed so long with a barrell full of ideas and impressions jumbled in my head, mixed reports: uneven ABV, crucible dislike, no vapor etc etc.

When it came down to it, out of the box it worked perfectly for me.
I reckon if I started a fresh load on Red 1 or 2, I would get a massive first rip and hopefully a few giants for a fast extraction. Just going by my first hit on level 1 which was very impressive without even trying.


Well-Known Member
You really shouldnt have to baby the latch. Ive had mine for going on a year with no issue. Seems like a batch of the stealth units have this issue.
In other news I recently picked up a bubble straw from sneakypete and wow using that is impressive. Water cooled monster clouds!!! Not at all needed as the vapor is already cool and smooth but if you like water filtered vapor then it is a mist have accessory. @SneakyPeteVaporizers has them in stock and will definitely take care of you!!!


Well-Known Member
I am expecting a silicon adapter from Delta3d, how are you connecting to the bubble straw with your Ghost @skyvaper ?

@Alexis it is good to hear that you are having positive results with the Ghost. I know you have been on a quest for the proper vape for some time now. Sure hope this one turns out to be a keeper!
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Well-Known Member
I am expecting a silicon adapter from Delta3d, how are you connecting to the bubble straw with your Ghost @skyvaper ?
The bubble straw is just like your glass mp. It inserts exactly the same way. If you go to
youtube and type mv1 bubble straw and sneaky pete has 2 videos. I also have the delta 3d studio adapter and it is excellent as well!!

Ohm and Away

Active Member
I ended up being offered and receiving a refund. Would have much preferred a working unit but at least they didn't leave me out of pocket.

I believe the issue is that previous versions had metal coating on the door latch and the stealth version doesn't. I think it's that simple.


Well-Known Member
I have had the Ghost for a while now. I have decided it's too inconsistent to have in the daily lineup. I have ran up and down the settings. I can't find that "sweet" spot you get once every 10-15 uses for every use. The pack, heat, inhale and other variables don't make it worth even firing up. When you get that perfect session, it's fantastic. I want to love it but, I find myself getting so frustrated because it's impossible to line all the variables up to get that perfect session. Also, don't get me started on the crucible size.


Well-Known Member
I have had the Ghost for a while now. I have decided it's too inconsistent to have in the daily lineup. I have ran up and down the settings. I can't find that "sweet" spot you get once every 10-15 uses for every use. The pack, heat, inhale and other variables don't make it worth even firing up. When you get that perfect session, it's fantastic. I want to love it but, I find myself getting so frustrated because it's impossible to line all the variables up to get that perfect session. Also, don't get me started on the crucible size.

Sorry to hear. Once I learned the curve nearly every crucible has been great. It is the one my friends all ask to use when they come over as well.


because it's impossible to line all the variables up to get that perfect session. Also, don't get me started on the crucible size.
I too am sorry to hear about your inconsistent performance. Once dialed in I have had wonderful luck.
nearly every crucible has been great. It is the one my friends all ask to use when they come over as well.
Agreed.. each crucible has been good for me.
While we do not have patients at our home any longer, when going out to do a demo, the MV1 is a unit most patients ask to see in person.


Well-Known Member
Anyone with a Stealth have issues reassembling the heat sink? Specifically, fitting the rubber gasket into the heat sink. I can’t get it in far enough to get the plastic cap on. Any input / suggestions would be much appreciated. Thanks!


Well-Known Member
Anyone with a Stealth have issues reassembling the heat sink? Specifically, fitting the rubber gasket into the heat sink. I can’t get it in far enough to get the plastic cap on. Any input / suggestions would be much appreciated. Thanks!
I did find it a bit awkward and fiddly at first. Make sure it is the correct way around first. I just disassembled mine to check. I put the gasket firmly onto the white ceramic first and make sure it is dead level and flat, no gaps. Then just slode it down into the heat sink, making sure it is facing the right way. Look from above to see it isn't sticking out too far in one direction.

Just now the first time I put it back in it was kind of bulging out a little bit on one side so I lifted it out and I kind of touch that side of the gasket under as I pushed it down and then just pressed everything down as evenly as I could. Mine has looked a little bit uneven when put back together since I first disassembled it but it appears to be completely airtight and worked perfectly well so that wasn't a problem.

It should be pretty straightforward so as long as you can get it back together and get a seal doing the air leak test then it should be good.


Vapor concierge
Disclaimer: My wife works for Ghost Vapes. Take that into consideration when reading my posts in this thread. I will attempt to present factual, impartial information on Ghost products, but won't blame you one bit if you think I am biased towards this company.

@fatbiker - I've come really close to getting it near factory-level, but never quite there. It's very forgiving when it comes to assembly. Early on it had to be just right, but this year a lot of improvement has been made and it seems to perform fine no matter how janky it looks. I've heard a few different ways to order the steps, but they all come down to one thing for me...how well I mash the silicone gasket into the base of the heat sink. If that's done well enough, it works no matter what.

I think it took me about three or four times before I felt like I was good at it.


Well-Known Member
Easy question: I start vaping by pressing the vape button. One buzz after it’s hot.
I pull in... second buzz.
I normally quit pulling, but I could not finde information: What does this second buzz signal?


Well-Known Member
Easy question: I start vaping by pressing the vape button. One buzz after it’s hot.
I pull in... second buzz.
I normally quit pulling, but I could not finde information: What does this second buzz signal?

No more heat is being applied to the crucible.....I think
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Easy question: I start vaping by pressing the vape button. One buzz after it’s hot.
I pull in... second buzz.
I normally quit pulling, but I could not finde information: What does this second buzz signal?

The first buzz is letting you know it's warming up and the second buzz is letting you know it's ready to go. Once you feel the second buzz, start drawing, and keep holding the button until you’re done with each hit.

Nerissa :)


Well-Known Member
The first buzz is letting you know it's warming up and the second buzz is letting you know it's ready to go. Once you feel the second buzz, start drawing, and keep holding the button until you’re done with each hit.

Nerissa :)

You got to be kidding m? I always thought, the first buzz is "Ready to vape" and the second buzz is like "finished vaping".

I practically vaped while it's heating up and stopped, when it had temperature... I did it all wrong... Ok, let's start over with this beauty.


Vapor concierge
Disclaimer: My wife works for Ghost Vapes. Take that into consideration when reading my posts in this thread. I will attempt to present factual, impartial information on Ghost products, but won't blame you one bit if you think I am biased towards this company.
@BangBoomBang check the lights on the front as well. They bounce back and forth sideways when heating up, and flash together when ready. Sometimes I drift and miss a buzz, then I look at the lights...


Well-Known Member
Just want to say I think me and @BangBoomBang have the same concept. Last I used the Ghost, press and hold til first buzz, then start drawing. 2nd buzz, stop drawing/timeout. Since I have changed my grind, this ritual has been producing great clouds at 3 amber setting. I get 1 more session on 1 red setting, and my abv is even and dark. Less in the crucible, no packy works right now best yet!
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