My Stealth Mv1 experience...
Ordered an MV1. It came and I posted my initial thoughts here as I had to wait until the next day for the battery to charge. In the morning I was heading out to work and I got this brilliant idea that I should take the heat sink apart, clean it so I'd be ready to put it to the test the moment I finished working! Long story short I'm in my dark room rushing to put the device back together, I push in the heatsink, ran out of time without putting everything together and got in my car... Car is heating up, I've got about 3 mins before I gotta go so I'm again fiddling with the MV1... Immediately I realized I was putting it together wrong and had pushed the heatsink in backwards!

It was stuck. Like Extremely STUCK!
I reached out to Nerissa whom I've come to appreciate immensely and she offered kind words of support and optimism as she took the time through out those few days to help me find a solution. Nothing worked so she set up a customer service ticket for me.
It took Ghost a few days to get in touch (very understandable considering it was black Friday time) and they were extremely candid and easy going. The process was very friendly and within a few days i had a brand new chassis delivered to my front door, offered through warranty. I hadn't even used the device!
Easily this ranks for me as some of the greatest customer service I've ever encountered in person or online. I'm very impressed. I wouldn't have received such quality service if the company didn't truly care about the customers. I'm in. Ghost Vapes has a lifetime customer I'll easily without hesitation recommend and invest in their future products!
@ghostvapesofficial. Thank you Nerissa.
I've had the opportunity to only experience a handful of sessions.
I'm not a user guide type of fellow, I've seen probably every video review, tips and tricks etc. In anticipation of so my inconsistencies or misfires were mostly self induced... first impressions:
I'm with the others on the fit of the gasket. I gave up because I was getting anxiety by thoughts of further disappointment so I jammed the cap back on which was slightly off and moved on to trying it out anyway. no problems with dexterity, I did find loading the crucible a pain. Got over that after a few mins. Next, first session I had trouble getting in to temp select mode. I came to realize that I need to hold the button for 3 seconds while the battery power is still displayed.. Slightly annoyed but I learned and got it! First draw, very tasty, amber1. Overall, I got 1 strong pull the others kind of wispy... Session 2 I couldn't get any vapor..watched a quick video where it was mentioned the heatsink should be flush with the chassis. Mine was not flush. Pushed it in further, Made it flush and BOOM!

Wow. Before I leave the cons, after my first session when popping out the crucible, the lid fell off into car oblivion. If not for having more crucibles handy I wouldn't have been able to continue vaping, which made me realize while I love the idea of loading capsules if you lose your lids you'll be unable to use the device completely. I lost a lid on my first use! Scared about that I'll have to be more careful...
I'm a Mighty/Crafty, Vapman low temp style vaporist using Mighty at no more than 370°F as beyond that irritates my throat. It's possible I get to high temps on Vapman but it's unknown and that vapor signature I find quality and smooth.. with Mv1 I crushed 2 crucibles on red 1 and 2. Such smooth tasty vapor. Definitely amongst the smoothest quality high temperature vapor I've experienced! The effects? Pineapple express, then El jefe... Hit like a mack truck. I wanted to continue more sessions but couldn't!
Great vape. Quirky, but Glad i took the plunge. After at least 3 Proper sessions (need more research), I think MV1 hits much smoother than my mighty/crafty, hits harder, extracts better/quicker. Heats up quickly. I'm a fan of on demand vaping. It bothers me at times when I have no time and I'm rushing to finish a 10 min session with mighty... I've never cashed a bowl in 2-3 hits until now. Even my sticky brick Jr, i stay away from high temps for fear of combustion (and the preference for tasty low temps). Impressed so far to say the least! I'll be back once I find time to continue ghost research!
Sorry for the long post, but I had to get these thoughts out. I also didn't post my initial blunder because I was extremely disappointed in myself. Lol. I also wanted to see the outcome with Ghost before I started talking about it. Thanks for all the tips and tricks.
@Summer thank you for all of your valuable input! Nerissa, thank you again and again