Your the man looks good when mine goes I know what to do
Your the man looks good when mine goes I know what to do
No kidding. I had overheating issues and they just sent me a new one and didn’t want the original back, even though it’s essentially in decent working order. So now I have two operable units for the price of one. Crazy.
As I have broken my USB port charging optionon my battery and can only charge it with the fast charger I thought I would grab a CreamCityVape unit for US$115, long story short....they do not post to Oz.
Cheaper options are running out!
When it works, it’s fantastic. It’s just pretty damn fussy. And yeah, once the battery starts to drain the performance degrades quickly. (And “keeping it charged” is harder than it sounds. Takes fucking forever, and won’t hold a charge if you leave it in standby mode, which is easy to do to say the least.)For real, I was in a group that did some testing for their app/firmware updates and they sent everyone involved a second free one, a fast charger, and a crucible dispenser.
To this day I think it’s the hardest hitting portable I’ve used and maxing the temp is like turning on easy mode for it (just don’t go too far lol). All you had to do was keep it sort of clean, not overfill it, and keep it charged.
The fast charger fixes both those problems as the unit shuts off the Bluetooth and enters shipping mode whenever the battery is taken out and reinstalled, my only option now anyway!Takes fucking forever, and won’t hold a charge if you leave it in standby mode, which is easy to do to say the least.)
Yeah as I recall the fast charger was totally out of stock everywhere when I got my MV last December. (And at this point I'm not sinking any more cash into it.) Would definitely solve the problem though....that USB charger is the slowest thing I've ever seen. It's actually shocking how long it takes to charge it. 12 hours plus is just crazy.The fast charger fixes both those problems as the unit shuts off the Bluetooth and enters shipping mode whenever the battery is taken out and reinstalled, my only option now anyway!
Boy they are WORLDS apart when it comes to use. The Mighty beats the crap out of mv1 in that aspect. For me personally I don't love conduction vapor flavor but mighty is the best conduction vapor I've ever had.So I'm having a bit of a dilemma concerning my Ghost. When I first started vaping, I went with portables for some reason, starting with a Firefly, and then moved to the MV1. I decided to give a desktop a try and purchased a Evo, and it's been my go to since. I still want to have a portable in my rotation, but my experience with the MV1 has been really inconsistent. I have a lightly used stealth and NIB satin silver, I'm thinking of selling these and moving to a different platform.
Have any of you owned a Crafty or the new Crafty+, and if so how did it compare with the MV1?
So I'm having a bit of a dilemma concerning my Ghost. When I first started vaping, I went with portables for some reason, starting with a Firefly, and then moved to the MV1. I decided to give a desktop a try and purchased a Evo, and it's been my go to since. I still want to have a portable in my rotation, but my experience with the MV1 has been really inconsistent. I have a lightly used stealth and NIB satin silver, I'm thinking of selling these and moving to a different platform.
Have any of you owned a Crafty or the new Crafty+, and if so how did it compare with the MV1?
Still my favorite too brother. Love the experience of the session (flavor, coolness, size of load, etc). Love the simple maintence. Love the ability to carry a clip of refills. yadda yadda. I feel more bummed out than pissed towards Ghost, but I wan'st burned, nor even really aware, of what happened with the Haze Square. Still hoping whoever's brain(s) designed this thing will bring something else back to market. This damn covid is putting a major chiller on those hopes though.still using it, one of my favorite portables, VERY easy to clean too
I was hoping they come out with a single battery version, that wouldve flew off shelvesStill my favorite too brother. Love the experience of the session (flavor, coolness, size of load, etc). Love the simple maintence. Love the ability to carry a clip of refills. yadda yadda. I feel more bummed out than pissed towards Ghost, but I wan'st burned, nor even really aware, of what happened with the Haze Square. Still hoping whoever's brain(s) designed this thing will bring something else back to market. This damn covid is putting a major chiller on those hopes though.
@Djsleepy Hey brother, been a while since I saw an alert with your name attached. Good to hear from you man. And as always, on point with that post. I don't think I'll try to dispute, but it is excellent information.
It amazes me when I see FC folk who remain loyal and emotionally vested in a vape and it's manufacturer when the signs that the business is failing first show themselves and continue to escalate.
I wanted to post this for those that bought a ghost within last 90 can dispute charges with cc or bank as I did with Haze and won stating" that you bought a product partially due to the 5 yr warranty and they just closed up with no notice and ability to get service via warranty. I bought this product under false claims and material ommissions and want a full refund.
That last part is crucial wording, you'll need to provide proof such as screenshots showing you trying to reach out to get assisstance.
Yeah. Lots of us sounded this alarm. I say this now because memories are short and there's a bunch of vape manufacturers that are gunna have problems undoubtedly with the chinese virus.
This is good advice. The matter is governed by UCC and that's generally customer (versus merchant) friendly on such claims. Plus who from Ghost is going to fight you in the dispute?
Just look around at how many vape companies are out of stock with America possibly going after China financially vape products may not be restocked or if factories are changed to making PPE which is needed worldwide and 18 months till are vaccinated could be while if ever stocks are replenished imoI've wondered which other makers COVID-19 will sink. We are nowhere near through this yet so anything could happen unfortunately. I only hope it's the shitty ones that go like G-Pen if anyone.
In my current line up nothingOK now that mv1 is gone what replaces it for close comparison what say you vapers