Well-Known Member
Recently been playing Black Ops for the 360. Never really got into any of the previous ones, but I find myself liking the game (for the most part). Also have never been much of a console gamer unless I was playing with a group of friends but I can find myself playing this game all day by myself.
Aside from the console gaming, I've always been a computer gamer. Had a love for the MMORPGs of the year 2000+ era, and of course an infatuation of great Blizzard games such as Warcraft 2, 3 and expansions as well as Diablo 2 + expansion (D3 PLZ). Had a brief stint (haha) with WoW where I found it tough to leave my house for a year straight even when friends were offering to smoke me up: "I'm almost done with this raid, dude, just wait!". Aside from WoW, I played Aion, Warhammer Online, Guildwars and a couple other free MMORPGs. WoW was by far the best I played, the most polished and user-friendly with very few glitches. The problem I had was they were producing way too many expansions (go figure, Blizzard) and the game was becoming ridiculously watered-down after I had worked so hard to get all my items on both my characters. Needless to say, I got rid of the game and my account before they released the next expansion.
Other than that, I have always found myself playing this very simple online computer 2d top-down spaceship Capture the Flag based shooter game. So ridiculously plain and simple but the strategy and skill it takes to master is almost never-ending. It's the only game I have NEVER quit and still find myself playing daily because of the small, tight-knit community and also just pure love for the game. It has survived countless owners and mis-treatment but has finally been purchased by a few long-time players with a real passion for fixing and furthering the game as its user-base is almost non-existant aside from a small group of players on a first-name basis who have been friends for a long time. It's ridiculous how well everyone knows each other on this game. Anyways, if you ever feel you are bored beyond reason (and vaked/stoned!) feel free to check out "Spark" formerly known as "ARC" at
There is a strong learning curve and a period of frustration you will encounter due to the fact there are very few new users, like I said, and everyone has been playing the game for probably at least 5+ years. But if you can get over the initial starting period (and the immaturity which seems to never go away) you can really find yourself with a great time-killer and a game that you will NEVER be able to master. I've played for almost 10 years, and while I consider myself a top player by all means, I still find myself going down to a newb every now and then
Thanks for reading guys, would love to hear about any small-type games you guys may partake in because you really get a chance to learn about each player as an individual moreso than the mass produced/marketed games where a user is one upon a million. 
Aside from the console gaming, I've always been a computer gamer. Had a love for the MMORPGs of the year 2000+ era, and of course an infatuation of great Blizzard games such as Warcraft 2, 3 and expansions as well as Diablo 2 + expansion (D3 PLZ). Had a brief stint (haha) with WoW where I found it tough to leave my house for a year straight even when friends were offering to smoke me up: "I'm almost done with this raid, dude, just wait!". Aside from WoW, I played Aion, Warhammer Online, Guildwars and a couple other free MMORPGs. WoW was by far the best I played, the most polished and user-friendly with very few glitches. The problem I had was they were producing way too many expansions (go figure, Blizzard) and the game was becoming ridiculously watered-down after I had worked so hard to get all my items on both my characters. Needless to say, I got rid of the game and my account before they released the next expansion.
Other than that, I have always found myself playing this very simple online computer 2d top-down spaceship Capture the Flag based shooter game. So ridiculously plain and simple but the strategy and skill it takes to master is almost never-ending. It's the only game I have NEVER quit and still find myself playing daily because of the small, tight-knit community and also just pure love for the game. It has survived countless owners and mis-treatment but has finally been purchased by a few long-time players with a real passion for fixing and furthering the game as its user-base is almost non-existant aside from a small group of players on a first-name basis who have been friends for a long time. It's ridiculous how well everyone knows each other on this game. Anyways, if you ever feel you are bored beyond reason (and vaked/stoned!) feel free to check out "Spark" formerly known as "ARC" at
There is a strong learning curve and a period of frustration you will encounter due to the fact there are very few new users, like I said, and everyone has been playing the game for probably at least 5+ years. But if you can get over the initial starting period (and the immaturity which seems to never go away) you can really find yourself with a great time-killer and a game that you will NEVER be able to master. I've played for almost 10 years, and while I consider myself a top player by all means, I still find myself going down to a newb every now and then