lwien said:
bcleez said:
I have even ran the demo of Mass Effect 2 and I am into it... halo campaign is just so awful. I could care less about killing the enemy or the story.
Mass Effect 2 is a great game but it's the story, the voice acting and some of the really funny shit that's said in that game that makes it so much fun...
100% true. true of all Bioware games really. Have you played Dragon Age yet? It has the same dialog select, good/bad choices, choose your own adventure sort of story as the ME and KotOR games, only the setting and gameplay feels a bit more Baldur's Gate. I also like that your character doesnt have a voice and doesnt say slightly diff versions of the dialog option you select like ME does. Some ppl dont like it, but i need my character to be silent for me to get into an RPG, otherwise it just doesnt work as well. Also, on ME I didnt like how you couldnt choose your last name, the one that everyone refers to you by, just the first. I understand that it was necessary to avoid tons and tons of VO work tho, but still it makes it feel more detached hearing everyone calling you shepherd. Although loading up my save and seeing my name, German Shepherd, always makes me laugh at my own creative stoniness

I've beaten DA and all the expansions/DLCs on hard as a human noble warrior and I recently started beating it again on nightmare as a human mage or whatever (mainly because i want to experience it in 3D this time and my god is it beautiful). They're both enjoyable classes to play, but i think i had more fun as a warrior so i'd recommend that to anyone starting off. <nerd rant> I chose to put my attribute points largely into strength, so i do more dmg, and dexterity, so my attacks are more likely to connect. For my skills i went with sword and shield fighting and champion subclass. At higher levels of shield mastery your character doesnt take flankimg dmg and has really good defense buffs, both activated and passive skills, as well as shield bashes and such. And work towards getting the skill "massacre" right away, because its so awesome, instantly kills any enemy nearby thats lower class than you, normal damage on bosses, and criticals on elite and such. The game got so laughably easy once i got my skillpoints up and got good equipment. By the end of the last DLC i played i was pretty much indestructible, between my skills, armor with buffing runes, and the 2 lifegiver rings that gave me like 6-9 health regen in combat lol my sword is of course awesome also because between the base stats on it and runes i put on it, it does high base dmg, fire, ice, shock, spirit dmg, paralysis and buff to attack speed. ... as far as mages go, get healing spells and the spell cone of cold ASAP if you want to make things easier on you</nerd rant>
I definitely think anyone who starts playing the game, esp as a warrior, should go to the elf camp in teh woods and do the quest for the trader there ASAP so that he'll sell you from his infinite supply of elfroot, then all you need is flasks from bartenders in redcliff or denerim and some herbalism skill (

) and you wont have to worry about running out of health potions.