I just have to say fuck you to this passed week! Without saying how my political opinions lie , I will say this. In these unprecedented time's of adversary and challenges now is the time for unity and cooperation, of respecting each other differences and not belittling others beliefs. Do not demonize your political adversary's, they are your neighbors and co-workers, they serve you your food and do your taxes, their children go to school with your children, you sit side by side with them and community functions and celebrations. In the words of one of your great leaders "we are not enemies but friends, we must not be enemies, though circumstance has strained we must not let it break our bonds of affection" Abraham Lincoln. America's one of the greatest countries of possibilities on the planet and your freedoms will not be stripped away with the changing of the guard, they are guaranteed to you by your constitution and inseparatable from who you are no matter what political allegiances you have. We need America strong for the good of the world and balances of power. When you set your minds to something you can move mountains and make the impossible possible, "we go to the moon not cause it's easy but because it's hard" JFK. Times and tough all around and the easy days of taking for granted our daily lives seems like a distant memory, horrible things that shake us to our very core happen on a daily basis. Rest assured that this will not go on forever and there's much hard work ahead but America and it's people have always been up to the challenge and isn't afraid of hard work and doing the things that others say that can't be done. You stand on the precipice of change and change can be scary and that ledge is very high up overlooking a vast abyss, only coming together can you build a bridge to cross the vast expanse leading to a new plateau of prosperity but you'll only reach it if you walk hand in hand together. To my American friends I wish you God's speed in healing as a nation and to come through this pandemic stronger than ever and may we all learn from everything that has happened and have the wisdom to guide us towards a better future because there's many lessons to be learned. By the grace of God may we all be protected.......... Fuck dude!