Fuck you !!!


Well-Known Member
Dear Andrzej Duda, "president" of Poland:

Pan Najwyższy Cesarz Wzdęć
Lord High God Emperor of Flatulence

Jesteś idiotą.
You are a moron

Jesteś wrodzonym idiotą, którego najlepszymi przyjaciółmi są brodawki narządów płciowych.
You are a congenital idiot whose sole friends are his genital warts

Jesteś takim płaczem, że wyrzucasz swoje małe rączki w powietrze, upadasz na ziemię i zaczynasz krzyczeć, tarzać się i kopać swoimi małymi stopami tylko dlatego, że dziennikarz nazwał cię kretynem.
You are such a crybaby that you throw your little hands in the air, drop to the ground and start screaming and rolling around and kicking your little feet just because a journalist called you a moron.

Cóż, NIE jestem dziennikarzem i zgadnij co? Nie tylko uważam, że jesteś kretynem, ale tak się składa, że wiem - ponieważ uczyniłeś to oczywistym nawet dla kretyna takiego jak ty - że jesteś także gigantyczną chują
Well, I'm NOT a journalist and guess what? Not only do I think you're a moron, but I happen to know - because you've made it obvious even to a moron like you - that you're also a giant dick

Pocałuj mnie w dupę, ty pustulny, ropiejący worze białego przywileju! Pochyl się, w tej chwili, nadciągnij i POCAŁUJ MÓJ ASS, ty śmierdzący kawałku Eurotrasha! IDIOTA!
Kiss my ass, you pustulant festering sack of white privilege! Bend right over, right now, pucker up and KISS MY ASS, you stinking piece of Eurotrash! MORON!

Spójrz na płaczącego chłopca, przestraszonego jego słowami, zwłaszcza takimi jak kretyn, które trafnie go opisują.
Look at the crybaby, scared of his words, especially the ones like moron that accurately describe him.

Zawsze pamiętaj, dąsasz się mały bachorze, tylko dlatego, że nie jesteś pomarańczowy, nie oznacza, że nie jesteś kretynem.
Always remember, you pouting little brat, just because you're not orange doesn't mean you're not a moron.

Również flaga Polski jest brzydka, a wszystkie religie są narzędziami ucisku.
Also, the flag of Poland is ugly and all religions are tools of oppression.

A teraz chodź i weź mnie, dupku.
Now come and get me, asshole.

Aha, a tak przy okazji - PIERDOL SIĘ!
Oh, and by the way - FUCK YOU!

Now go out and buy 300 postcards with foreign postage, and send a daily insult to the President of Poland who is such a giant moron and so thin-skinned that he's ACTUALLY SCARED of words.

Make sure you send postcards, because that way EVERYBODY CAN READ THEM all along the entire length of their journey.

The address? Yes, I would like that as well. I found two sites purporting to give the address, which is:

Chancellery of the President of the Republic of Poland ul. Rural 10 00-902 Warsaw

10, Wiejska street, 00-902 Warsaw

Neither one actually looks like an address. Google translate is no help with this!

I'm seriously considering sending a bunch in English to a certain Yertle-like obstructionist and his mornions (play on words, see - Minions? Morons?) in Congress, only I'm pretty sure he can't read. I'm pretty sure NONE of them can read, hence they had to force the Congressional aides to read the stimulus bill out loud to them.

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Well-Known Member
Fuck having to look up things to be outraged at where there are so many things right in front of us. I wonder if it is the law that is the problem or the ones who enforce it? I'll go with both/either.

The key to those not understanding the problem is in understanding how social media works.


Zulczyk made the comment on Facebook last November in response to a tweet from Duda congratulating President Joe Biden on his election victory, BBC News first reported Tuesday. Zulczyk criticized Duda for not fully acknowledging Biden’s victory, as the Polish president’s remarks suggested he was still waiting for the outcome of the electoral college vote.


Well-Known Member


I would also say FUCK YOU to the guy who stepped over it getting out of his car in the parking lot, but pretty sure he already feels fucked (even though he wasn't actually)


Well-Known Member
I like to keep a spray bottle filled with clean water in my truck. Pulling up to an intersection next to another fine person with their window down, I let loose my best fake sneeze and spritz the sprayer as to allow the mist to drift into their vehicle. Fuck you!


Well-Known Member
Fuck you arizer for not having a 420 sale, damn canadians screwed me again ! Ive been refreshing there site constantly expecting them to have something. I even went to check out and started typing in random promo codes.
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