When you think the brown rain is finally over and you are getting out of the pit and you slip back into it.. Just managed to pull myself together after the break up of the 5 + years long relationship . Managed to get funds for renting a apartment and the night before i had to sign ,i broke up a tooth... and it was bad.. I have to wait till Monday to know if it can be saved or it should be removed. If removed i will have to go trough antibiotics treatment , bone graft + implant and anti-rejection meds for a few weeks and it would cost me the world...
Fuck being in this position and this third world country where almost everyone is striving for their meal.. I just wanna be healthy and happy,is that too much to ask ? I don't want to be a millionaire or a rock star... Fuck also that Covid-19 shit that is messing with my employment status ,almost no one is hiring here ,because everyone had shrinkage in staff and shit.
Hoping for a better tomorrow some day,but until then... FUCK THIS SHIT.