Fuck the Parkinson's, the Dr just gave me a reason to smoke MORE!


Space is the Place
If there is something that the English and Australians can agree on it's the value of meat cooked in the open air over hot coals.
Not meant to offend......
But isn't the method used quite different ? Now I was taught .....and I'm not sure if it was in high school or in National Geographic ..... but somewhere along the line I thought it was a fact that those English people all just Boil their meat and them persons from Down Under build big fires and roast their supper on the end of a stick while saving the babies from the dingoes ..........Well maybe........But Maybe not ..........


Always in a state of confusion and silliness♀
Question of the day cause I don' t make threads. Do you like to see what vapes people have in the sig why or why not? If you do and don't have it in your sig why?

I like to see it and that is why I have it. I think it helps evaluate how someone uses. I also like to see past vapes. I really like to see why they like or don't like but that is way to much for a sig. In sticks sig he does it a little and I love it.
Here ya go Mom,and Dreamerr and Vickie and Lady E,and all the wonderfully F-ed up women I'm to high to remember!

Sorry it takes up so much screen but I don't know how to re-size pics. Whoa...I think that was the first time I apologized for something being to big. :lol::evil:


Frequently up in space with Bowie
RUDE BOY said:
Now I was taught .....and I'm not sure if it was in high school or in National Geographic ..... but somewhere along the line I thought it was a fact that those English people all just Boil their meat and them persons from Down Under build big fires and roast their supper on the end of a stick while saving the babies from the dingoes

Well I'm glad to hear that the American education system is exactly up to the standard I thought it was. I suppose you can't expect a country in which only a tiny faction of the population have passports to actually know anything about world culture.

Over here in England me mainly roast our meat by which I don't mean take turns telling really bad and often very insulting jokes to it's face in front of an audience. While all the meantime it grins and pretends it's having a good time but in fact is slowly coming to hate every single person in the room, both the people telling the jokes and the people laughing at them. We'd never do anything that fucked up to our food let alone someone we knew and are supposed to care about.

However if there is a slither of sunshine then it's out with the charcoal and time to crack open a cold beer. As for the Australians the main difference is they actually get enough sunshine to finish cooking before it starts raining again, that's actually a bit of a lie atm because it's only rained twice in the past 2 or 3 weeks but this isn't generally the case. The locations of our BBQs also differ slightly, the Aussies tend to have them in the street or in fact anywhere with the use of the world* famous "Ute BBQ". Whereas the English have them mainly in garden or fields but we do have them down the beach sometimes, a location we share with our Australian cousins.

As for the big fires and Dingoes thing I believe you meant Dinosaurs not Dingoes and may have been getting confused between Australians and cavemen but that is an understandable mistake.

*By world I mean countries that actually pay attention to the rest of the world and don't consider themselves the only country worth knowing about and think the only use for other countries is as locations to find people with funny accents or vast oil reserves that you can tap into with the use of an oversized army and a "Just Cause". Don't get me wrong back in the colonial days if we saw a people with something we wanted we'd shoot a few, steal their land and then claim we were just trying to improve their quality of life but unfortunately people got wise to it....not meant to offend.


Well-Known Member
Everyone always complains about the cooking over in England...outside of some oddities, I've always been a fan of chefs from the area (never been, but seen on tv/cook books, etc). And I mean the traditional foods... not the guys that come over and try to reinvent meatloaf.

Question of the day cause I don' t make threads. Do you like to see what vapes people have in the sig why or why not? If you do and don't have it in your sig why?...

I stopped, because I got tired of peanut gallery commentary about how many vapes I have, blah, blah, blah.

I also grew quite fond of the two smilies humping and felt they needed to be featured.


Scratchin' Glass!
Accessory Maker
Hello again everyone,

I can't believe the love you all show for me here. You, my friends are truly an inspiration to me in how I don't need cocaine to run from what i suffer; depression.

I am home for today on what is called a supervised temporary release. It turned out that my PD became very aggressive without cannabis therapy. Today marks 5 days sober of any cocaine. I have my head on straight for the first time in a long while and I can tell you all with deepest sincerity that I have no desire to pick up that poison ever again. I do however understand that my addiction is a disease that can alter that thought without notice. But I promise this, I will fight this battle one day at a time while conquering the infamous 12 steps.

While in my first part of my journey they were able to find what it was tearing my heart apart and resulting in what my doctors thought was the underlying issue resulting in my self medication. They use a method in there called cognitive behavioral therapy along with role reversal and immediately realized that I have major demons in my heart revolving around the death of my younger brother Matthew last September. My brother passed away after using coke. He didn't OD but he was that small percent of people that's bodies find cocaine toxic. After trying it, his lungs shut down and the rest is history.

I have some serious sole searching to do and an intensive course to help find the real me. One issue I had with this program is they were trying to convince me that I should be treating my tremors with heavy prescription medication rather than resorting on Mary Jane. At one point I looked on of the doctors in the eye after he offered me pain killers and l-dopa and asked "can you truly from the bottom of your heart tell me that that's better for me than vaporizing?"

He couldn't answer me. Yesterday I met with the head of the facility and he actually said that he felt that my input in group meetings had such an impact on others seeing that on numerous occasions I had my groups either in tears or in stitches with laughter that I was a beacon of hope. Some of the patients prior to my arrival hadn't shown any emotion at all. The owner granted me a one day pass with contingency that upon my return tomorrow I test negative for cola. He said that based on what he and the therapists have seen that I in fact may break the mold in their treatment and for the 1st time in Florida history, they may allow private cannabis therapy for Parkinson's Disease.

For today, I am here and grateful for this short term of sobriety and I am thankful to be alive. Coming back to FC and seeing how much love I have here is a true testimony to what this forum brings. I love you all and thank you for being this amazing support group that I can always lean on. I intend on leaning more, I need you guys. And for the first time I can say this proudly - you guy's need me too.

With my deepest sincerity - thank you.

I'' be back on in a few, going to eat breakfast with my kids.


Vapor concierge
Yesterday I met with the head of the facility and he actually said that he felt that my input in group meetings had such an impact on others seeing that on numerous occasions I had my groups either in tears or in stitches with laughter that I was a beacon of hope. Some of the patients prior to my arrival hadn't shown any emotion at all.

This doesn't surprise me at all. You are a presence that makes a difference wherever you go. Just look how fucked up this forum got after you showed up!

Thanks for the update, buddy...I look forward to seeing you again. Keep setting the bar!
Damn glad to hear your making progress brother! I know what you mean about stopping hard drugs opening a whole new set of issues. I'm still dealing with that shit but I swear sweet Mary Jane helps like no pill I've ever taken,and I've taken pretty much all of them! I can tell your heads on straight,and I know you're going to be ok,not "normal" by any means but you know what I mean.
Dealing with addiction,work and family...thats tough,tougher than my slacker ass for sure!
I know I don't have to tell you this,but if you have ANY problems you know how to find me,and I'm here for you 24/7.
One last thing,in treatment did they teach you to wipe properly? You know,up and down,not left to right? It's no biggie but will save you money on underwear.:lol:
Love ya Bro,so get right with yourself and come home,we tots some partying to do! (Just THC stuff,you ever touch cola again I'll kick your ass so bad it'll make the Rodney King video seem like a Disney flick)!
Your doing good man,and for all the right reasons,all of us here at FC are sending pure,shiny,beautiful vibes your way. Use them as needed but don't ever doubt our powers,you wouldn't want to anger us! :tup:
Call me when ya can,I'll keep the line open for ya.

Bob Loblaw

great to hear from ya mvapes. glad you are feeling well and takin' your bat of truth with you to knock some sense into the "educated". glad they are giving you the structure to help you take care of yourself. you are worth it! enjoy your time with the family while you got it, but just remember, no matter who you are...


Frequently up in space with Bowie
Good to hear from you mvapes and I'm really pleased you're able to tell them what therapy you want to pursue and not letting them give you whatever they want to prescribe. Sounds like your staying the same strong character as always minus the nose candy which is great.

Bob Loblaw

and while ur here, a few gems that needed your attention, mvapes

just in case you were still thinkin' about my cake, you should know i am ginger

if it wasn't for mvapes and sidewalks.....


when ur in the shit...



know that your friends are there with ya...


soon you and fc will be back together on a more permanent basis



Oil Painter
One cautionary note, mvapes m'dear: don't let your natural, inner performer be so entertaining that you aren't getting to the root of your issues. Yes, you are wonderful and kindhearted, but this time is about YOU, not really about you helping others (yet).

It's a tendency I have, which is why I mention it. If you don't, disregard. :)

I saw a great piece of art yesterday, it was a spray-painted painting of Bob Marley with a quote, something about how Marijuana will make you more of who you really are.

Who you really are, is the Universe being present. You are made of stardust, kiddo. Treat yourself excellently.

On another forum, I had access to a hug smiley, and a group hug smiley. Just know they are right here. :)
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