Damn glad to hear your making progress brother! I know what you mean about stopping hard drugs opening a whole new set of issues. I'm still dealing with that shit but I swear sweet Mary Jane helps like no pill I've ever taken,and I've taken pretty much all of them! I can tell your heads on straight,and I know you're going to be ok,not "normal" by any means but you know what I mean.
Dealing with addiction,work and family...thats tough,tougher than my slacker ass for sure!
I know I don't have to tell you this,but if you have ANY problems you know how to find me,and I'm here for you 24/7.
One last thing,in treatment did they teach you to wipe properly? You know,up and down,not left to right? It's no biggie but will save you money on underwear.

Love ya Bro,so get right with yourself and come home,we tots some partying to do! (Just THC stuff,you ever touch cola again I'll kick your ass so bad it'll make the Rodney King video seem like a Disney flick)!
Your doing good man,and for all the right reasons,all of us here at FC are sending pure,shiny,beautiful vibes your way. Use them as needed but don't ever doubt our powers,you wouldn't want to anger us!

Call me when ya can,I'll keep the line open for ya.