Fuck the Parkinson's, the Dr just gave me a reason to smoke MORE!

Bob Loblaw

this is my ass not on weed.....


....... any questions?

on the topic of drugs to get you off drugs...

not that there are shortcuts, you still have to hold on to what you've learned, this just helps the brain reset the pathways
Funny little bit of trivia,while mvapes was in treatment there were absolutely NO reported incidents of beastiality. Not one. The local petting zoo even gave the security guard the week off. The only downside was the local pet shops sold no gerbils that week,rumor has it he buys them by the dozen. Coincidence or something I just made up while taking a huge,black man-eating dump? We may never know,but the gerbils are scared....


Always in a state of confusion and silliness♀
WTF is wrong with this society. You go to rehab and they want to give you poison instead of mj. A lot of us here got off the poison because of the mj. I will never understand docs and as you all know I hate them with there absolutes.

Mvapes you stand strong and proud and don't make yourself sick with that poison crap. As you can see we are all here for you and each other. Head E's advice cause I know I am a helper as well and would sit in something like that and just crack jokes as I did in therapy that never helped.

Please don't come back here today. We all luv you but your family and especially your kids come first and since it is only a day spend it with them and not no the net. Just know we all got your back, front and all the in betweens.

Bob Loblaw

Funny little bit of trivia,while mvapes was in treatment there were absolutely NO reported incidents of beastiality. Not one....


Thanks bob for putting up the lyric as I have said before can't play the long vids. Now the kid made the new rule if it is short and I ask first ugh. I don't bother for music as I don't need the stress.

no sweat, i'll try to keep that in mind in the future for sure.


Space is the Place
Mvapes the Marijuana Maintenance program is what kept me alive . Alcohol , Barbiturates , and coke nearly killed me back in the day .
I did do the 12 step program stuff and it gave me a good start and time away from Drinking and Drugging and time for my Barb and coke connections to move on .
13 th stepping did me the most good but I was a single guy with a house and a good job so I could find a fine little sober gal to shack up with for a time to help keep me in line then a few months later she would get loaded so I'd kick her out and find another , Hey it worked for me .

Today I have over 25 years with only sweet MARY JANE in my system and even with the shit life has thrown at me in that time , Life is still better now .

If you ever need another point of view when going through this here recovery thing shoot me a pm , If nothing else I know how to break most of the " Rules" without putting the Shit in my Body .

M,you need something to take up the time you used to spend doing blow. Get a new hobby,something that adds to you and your families home life. I suggest hunting. I shot a nice,plump turkey this morning,although it did scare the living shit out of everyone in the frozen foods section.


Oil Painter
I am a firm believer in hunting ones own food. I don't, but I admire people that do.

Buying "meat" in a supermarket removes us so far from where our food actually comes from, that we have no connection at all to the natural world that we are designed/evolved/created to live in. The "meat" is from factory "farms", massive processing plants, and does not even resemble what our bodies are looking for.

I can find, in a local meat market, bison, elk, deer, and grass-fed beef. It's not perfect, from wild animals eating nothing but their natural food from a pristine environment, but it's closer.

I also like to make sure my MMJ is organically grown. Outdoors, when I can get it. :)


Well-Known Member
great track tweek, added to playlist. curious tho, is that your subtle nod of agreement ;)

You should've threw me down
Is the content so much

those are the last lyrics from tweek's track, lol

lol no, just a song I love and find comforting when I am down. Glad ya enjoyed it :D

If you shoot an animal I am going to be mad at you shitty. Now shooting them in the supermarket I will cry laughing especially if it is of the human kind.

As sad as it is to take a life, it is just part of the life cycle. As long as we do it as humanely as possible, we are actually kinder than what they do to each other in the wild. Ever see a lion rip apart a zebra? It looks like it hurts. :freak:


Space is the Place
EDIT TO LAST POST after a session with the DV : some Dr Phil folksy recovery mumbo jumbo talk .


laymens translation = be honest with your self . The answer is simple (but not easy ) Don't put the Shit in your body and you won't get Fucked up .



Always in a state of confusion and silliness♀
I hardly eat chicken anymore cause it taste gross with all the hormones and antibiotics. The muscles don't even have the striations in them anymore just one big hunk of gross stuff. That being said hunting is cruel.


Well-Known Member
I hardly eat chicken anymore cause it taste gross with all the hormones and antibiotics. The muscles don't even have the striations in them anymore just one big hunk of gross stuff. That being said hunting is cruel.

Chicken here in Canada has none of that crap in it, thankfully. It is against the law. Hunting is not cruel IMO...deliberately killing an animal with the intent to make it suffer, is cruel.

When I used to go with my dad partridge hunting, (edited for less gore :D)...he made sure his aim was true, so the bird was killed instantly as often as possible. Good hunters think before they shoot...because yes, it can cause the animal to suffer. Plus, if we didn't have him for dinner...some fox or wolf would of. And I doubt they would of cared much about the birds feelings :spliff:

Edit: I'd also venture a guess that it is safe to say, that hunting when done respectfully, is far more humane than the way animals are slaughtered commercially.
That is a cool tune when you're feeling a bit down,props to ya Tweek!
Personally when I'm in that kind of mood Pink Floyds "Shine on you crazy diamond" just sort of oozes me into a better mood. Well that and Slayers "Reign in blood",I guess it's an Indica vs. Sativa kinda thing. Might also explain why my shrink hung himself.
Dreamerr you know I luvs ya,but hunting is not cruel. The goal of a real hunter is a clean kill,the animal never feels pain,never even hears the shot. Plus I always eat what I kill,people that just kill for the sake of killing....let's just say if they're in my hunting grounds they ain't making it back to the car. I think it's just a cultural kinda thing. I was raised in the hunting lifestyle,taught to respect that which I hunt. It's almost a religious thing for me. I also don't agree with those who say it's wrong to hunt defenseless animals. I've taken moose and Kodiac bear with a bow. Moose will fuck you up in a heartbeat and Kodiacs are the most dangerous animals on the continent. I don't enjoy the kill but I live for the hunt. I also love meat,and to get meat something must be killed,that's just the way it works. Ever seen a hog confinement lot? Or a commercial chicken farm? To me that's cruel as hell,and don't get me started on cattle raised in a space to small for them to even turn around in for their entire lives.
I do see your point though,I really do. I just hope you see mine.


Vapor Sloth
I am constantly in "therapy" One thing they are good at is creating "movement" in relationships. Things can be "stuck" for a long time and unsticking creates all kinds of . . . "new communication". Invariably things get worse before they get better . . .
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