Fuck the Parkinson's, the Dr just gave me a reason to smoke MORE!


Well-Known Member
Give 'em hell everybody!


Don't get too heartsick...



Vapor Sloth
The best thing my therapist ever did was diagnose my PTSD . . . I had absolutely no idea, and the way it colors how I look at everything, on such a deep, reflexive level . . . Its why I hate and don't trust people, its why I assume people are out to hurt me before I learn differently, its why I used to drink so much, its the pain that drives my behavior . . .
The best thing my therapist ever did was diagnose my PTSD . . . I had absolutely no idea, and the way it colors how I look at everything, on such a deep, reflexive level . . . Its why I hate and don't trust people, its why I assume people are out to hurt me before I learn differently, its why I used to drink so much, its the pain that drives my behavior . . .
I know how you feel t-dub. I know how PTSD affects everything in your life. I know the loneliness,I know know the darkness. I also know that there IS light,however far away it may seem there is light. I know you will find it eventually,and I hope you find that path soon my friend and put an end to all the darkness forever.
Never stop believing and never stop fighting.
Peace brother.


Scratchin' Glass!
Accessory Maker
My memory is coming back, funny shit too - one time I went to a bar in NYC. I was about 22 and had just blown through about half an 8 ball with a few buddies. Ship wasn't there, we were friends but at this point we hadn't known each other. :hmm:

Anyways, at about midnight we saw a bar that was offering free hot dogs. Free Hot Dog's? We fucking had to check this shit out. We walk in and just like it sounds they have hot plates out with buns and franks for free as long as you were drinking. So what did I decide to do? I grabbed a bun, pulled down my zipper placing little frankie in the bun then walked up to a group of girls while holding my dong and bun in my hand.

One whore screams out "that is the ugliest fucking hot dog I've ever seen, it looks like it has cancer!



Oil Painter
Way back when i was pretty young, and married to my first spouse (may he just rest, okay), he had a really close buddy who would pull his junk out randomly, and show it to women (mostly in bars)... guess he liked sticking his in booze glasses.

We were at his house, and he pulled it out. I had been warned, so I was able to react very unimpressed, and just sighed and shook my head at him. I was probably about 18 at the time.

It was amazingly little, though, I must say.


Well-Known Member

So, lets re-cap this front page.

We have the wiggles, a footballer who has met a grisly end, a competition where the prize is someone ejaculating upon your chest,

and then the main story on the front page where the best man was been wiped out by a flying dildo at a wedding and also doesnt mind posing for a shot reliving the traumatic incident while managing to look like a dildo himself in the pic.

Hang on a sec?????
Of course its in Australia!!!

Nuthing says love like a flying dildo at a wedding. Could have been worse I suppose, a 2 litre soda bottle filled with flies is called a bush vibrator in some parts of the territory.


Always in a state of confusion and silliness♀
I had enough of the mouth today and turned off the connection for the kid now he is sitting here in my room to annoy me. Don't be surprised if you see me in the news tomorrow lol. I am going to cook as he sits and watches the stupid show playing AGT. I didn't bother changing the channel lol.


Well-Known Member
I just emailed that to my hubby...

I really admire your optimism that he might give a damn.:tup:

Q) How do you give a woman an orgasm?
A) Who cares!:lol:

Now terrible jokes like this come from blokes who say terrible things like thus.
(not me tho:uhoh:)

Q) Do you have any Aussie in you?
A) No
Q) Would you like some?:brow:

Q) how about a fuck?
A) No!
Q) Well can you lie down so I can have one?:D


Always in a state of confusion and silliness♀
both guys and gals should find this....

This is the reason why woman stuff is not taken care of and the med community doesn't care. For fuck sakes they finally realized we don't have heart attacks the same way men do ah duh.

starts at 2:20

I have been saying that for years bob but of course nobody wanted to believe that it was the internal part of the clitoris...there problem not mine lol. That was a great article.

I am sending it to a female who is so repressed she knows nothing about her body. I like to make her blush lol.
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