Fuck the Parkinson's, the Dr just gave me a reason to smoke MORE!


Oil Painter
You know Enchantre, you look strikingly similar to how I pictured you, and all I'd seen was your hand on an e-Nano and your foot in a funky shoe. Your personality really does shine through.
You mean...beautiful? :smug:
Awwwwwwww :love:

Of course, that was a whole lot of decades ago... though I FEEL pretty much like the same person.
I figured that photo was old enough that no one would immediately recognize it as me, if it were on the net. Still not out of the weed closet.
I like the direction this thread is heading! More female involvement.
Lady E,your name fits you well. Vickie,love the body art and amount of..skin in the pic. Dreamerr,you're my oldest friend on FC and I love like a sister,but sometimes ya scare me,but in your own goofy/serious stlye...love it!
Which leaves us with the question "where do we go from here"? I'll tell ya where,the place where this thread has been headed along...FULL PENETRATION! And may God help us all if it inspires some of the more blatant perverts among us. (I'm looking at you mvapes,Tweek,Satyrday and dorkus).




Well-Known Member
"where do we go from here"? I'll tell ya where,the place where this thread has been headed along...FULL PENETRATION! And may God help us all if it inspires some of the more blatant perverts among us. (I'm looking at you mvapes,Tweek,Satyrday and dorkus).]
Dude - so forward! Just when I was easing up to it... They don't call you "FULL-PENETRATION-NOW ShipDit" for nothing.
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Always in a state of confusion and silliness♀
That is why my kid is in camp for four weeks and had him not home for the two before camp. Smart mommy...:lol:. He turned 15 last Sunday ouch....an old lady with a young kid...I thought it was smarter to have a kid late but now I am rethinking that...hmmmmmmmmmmm fun 20's spikes, whips and chains or kid...I take s and m:rofl:


Oil Painter
On the bright side, Vicki, this is your own child.

When I married my hubby, he was custodian dad to 4 - the oldest, a 16-yr old girl.(I had two older children previously. So, yes, I have raised six teenagers)

Those first two years, before she moved out, were pretty difficult. Now that we are at 14 years (and still going...), her and I am great friends, and she is the only one that consistently calls me to say Happy Mother's Day (and she sends us Anniversary cards).

Basically, time will keep moving, and all the upheavals and upsets will fade away.


Herbal Alchemist
On the bright side, Vicki, this is your own child.

When I married my hubby, he was custodian dad to 4 - the oldest, a 16-yr old girl.(I had two older children previously. So, yes, I have raised six teenagers)

Those first two years, before she moved out, were pretty difficult. Now that we are at 14 years (and still going...), her and I am great friends, and she is the only one that consistently calls me to say Happy Mother's Day (and she sends us Anniversary cards).

Basically, time will keep moving, and all the upheavals and upsets will fade away.

Oh I love her more than life itself! I just can't believe some of the stuff that's coming out of her mouth now. On the bright side, she will lay down with me when I'm feeling bad, just to try to help me feel better. :)

It's almost like she is David Banner. One minute, calm and mild mannered, the next...what the fuck was that? :lol:


Always in a state of confusion and silliness♀
Vicki, I think what that is called is being a teenager. My son and I are very close and fight a lot cause he won't help me and makes stuff harder. I tell him you can't leave a mine field when there is a cripple around ugh. I love him to death even if I have to kill him or maybe he will kill me first:brow: .
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