Fuck the Parkinson's, the Dr just gave me a reason to smoke MORE!


Well-Known Member
Yeah, the classic superhero shows/cartoons were the best. They just had a wholesome flare to them, and great stories.
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Herbal Alchemist
I'm sure the guys all LOVED Wonder Woman. Another one of my favorite shows. :)

**Thought I would add this to the thread since it makes guys so hot. :lol: Lynda Carter was and still is beautiful! I always loved her eyes!



Space is the Place
The Rudester's 80s sounds like Motley Crue "Too Fast For Love" (great album!):


I was more or a Ramones/ Black Flag kinda guy but had to listen to hair metal
( i'd never call that shit heavy).
Usually with my coffee trying to remember the name of the little metal gal I woke up next too. Right before I went searching for a piece of mail with a name and address so I knew where the fuck I was .

Lost a job or two that way . Still no regrets . :smug:

Also no glove , I mean are you going to batting practice or playing golf ?
Handcuffs and a golf glove ?
Maybe a pair of gloves . but why one ?


Space is the Place
It soured quickly after the early Crue pioneering stuff. By the mid-late 80s it was a wretch-fest.
I get a lot of crap from old friends because I don't like a lot of metal bands especially Matalica . Some of them made a living playing it and I always loved to see them jam . But I didn't listen to them on the way to a show . Although even hair metal sounds better then most new stuff to me these days .


Well-Known Member
^Yeah - the punks today don't know the blues! Spoiled sissies!

(don't call me on this - just being a punk today is probably the blues - but NOTHING like the hardships we endured in the 80s)
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