Fuck the Parkinson's, the Dr just gave me a reason to smoke MORE!


Herbal Alchemist
My son and I are very close and fight a lot cause he won't help me and makes stuff harder. I tell him you can't leave a mine field when there is a cripple around ugh. I love him to death even if I have to kill him or maybe he will kill me first:brow: .

That's exactly the relationship I have with my daughter to a T!! She knows things are difficult for me, and will do the same damn thing. :rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
Yep that is just about what his face looked like:nod: ...don't be jealous guys.

Oh you :smug:

This guy can vouch for Molorkus. He is good people.



Well-Known Member
Tweek, how'd you get dibs on the Casanova face? :smug: *shown only for illustrative purposes

I think that's your secret weapon with the ladies. You are scoring points all over the place with that cool cat lounge look. You're kicking dirt in my face. Unfair. I would look like a loser if I all the sudden started using it. There is no other sexy smilie! I could use this :buzz: but it's too obvious.

And this one is a real turn-off :goat:
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Well-Known Member
OK. Post 666 only comes around once in an FC lifetime, so I figure I better make it count. I will use this opportunity to let you know that yes, I am indeed Satan in the flesh. I have come to possess you. But no worries - it's all an illusion (even the excruciating pain I have in store).

I need to do this to get my jollies is all. Nothing personal. Keep telling yourself "It will only last 1000 years". "It will only last 1000 years".

And ladies... you can make it much easier on yourself if you follow this example:


Remember, it will only last 1000 years. Full penetration from the Master.

You will forget you ever read this post once I roll over 667.
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