Fuck the Parkinson's, the Dr just gave me a reason to smoke MORE!


Oil Painter
I really don't miss the 80s.

Well, okay, I totally missed the 80s. I was locked into a strange time-warp parallel universe, where wives were submissive/obedient to their lords and masters husbands, children were beaten "to break their will", and liberals were spawn of the devil, trying to destroy our country. Oh, and I wore a headcovering and cape dresses. I escaped in the mid 90s.

I have, however, discovered amazing music from the 80s! I LOVE 80s music. :)


Space is the Place
Did you wear top siders with that Members Only jacket . You wouldn't have lasted long in the Bars and Clubs I lived in , we even used to cut those little "gators" off peoples polo shirts .
If anyone had shown up in a Red leather jacket and a glove they woulda wished they were dead .
Good Times . :rockon:


Well-Known Member
^LOL - no I never had the real "cool" stuff. I liked to blend in. But I did enjoy watching all the freaks.

500 for the Rudester!!!

Edit: Freaks = MJ. Lame = little alligator, members only and topsiders (I came dangerously close but backed away)
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Well-Known Member
I did love that New Wave Hooker look of girls in the 80s. Heavy blue eye shadow, wild hair and kinky miniskirts with giant polka dots.

Sounds like Enchantre missed that one entirely! Now is your time to unleash! Pictures!


Space is the Place
^LOL - no I never had the real "cool" stuff. I liked to blend in. But I did enjoy watching all the freaks.

500 for the Rudester!!!

In 1979 I was in leather , all leather. Pants , Tee shirts , jacket , belts and spikes . spikes on everything . I had 12 earrings and tricolor hair and road a motorcycle in Florida . I had good reason to carry my Charter arms Bull Dog 44 as I lived in the land of the Rednecks . I still don't Know why people thought I was the Freak . It was a rough and tumble time , and I still don't know how I'm the only person that I hung out with to make it through the late 70s and early 80s without a broken nose . That was when I received the nickname " RUDE BOY " . I'm much mellower 30 years on .

EDIT: I still love "NEW WAVE HOOKER GIRLS " poodle sweaters miniskirts torn fishnet stockings with Doc Martins . You can't go wrong , but Wrap that Rascal .


Well-Known Member
A friend of mine smuggled in a little hash from Europe and I had my Charlie Manson Helter Skelter moment with the newly released "Shout at the Devil" (not that I masterminded demented murders - Helter Skelter is actually on the album!).


Well-Known Member
I loved 80's TV too! This show started in the 70's, but went into the early 80's. We own the whole series and the movies on DVD. We got to meet Lou Ferrigno this past March at MegaCon too. :D

I was just young when that show came out, and every time Bill Bixby turned into the hulk, I took off...it was freaky!


Herbal Alchemist
I was just young when that show came out, and every time Bill Bixby turned into the hulk, I took off...it was freaky!

I was only 10 when that show came out in 1977. I was never afraid of the Hulk. I always just saw him as David. David would never kill, so the Hulk wouldn't either. Except that one episode where David was trying to cure himself (AGAIN) and injected something right into his carotid artery. It went terribly wrong and made David evil, thus making the creature evil too. That was when I started to have the nightmares because they would both kill!

I do love the 80's.....


Well-Known Member
^Ahhh - another one that arrived in time for the summer of love.

I remember that Evil David episode, btw. Another magical series from the 70s I wouldn't miss was 6 Million Dollar Man.
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