Fuck the Parkinson's, the Dr just gave me a reason to smoke MORE!


Well-Known Member
Should be BuzzCox...not Lox...at least in my case. :party:

This ones for Molorkus:



Well-Known Member
I gotta give credit where credit is due.

The Kiwi's started it, with the 'Magical animal, that can do anything campaign'
I think it went along the lines of
'Mother, lover, clothing, dinner, is there anything she cant do?'

However, there are so many of them Kiwi fuckers kicking about here in Oz, im pretty sure we annexed NZ a few years back & just couldnt be fucked to tell em.
They certainly are big fans of our welfare system let me tell you.:tup:

I imagine they are as bad as the Canadians over your way?? eh?







Space is the Place
Yeah the 80s were great you know the "Cold War" "AIDS" that Fuckin' rubic's cube that made me feel like a complete idiot . Lord knows I had a good fuckin' time , call brands at free pour bars for three to five bucks a shot an oz of herb for 30 - 35 bucks . Some of the best and worst music of all time .

I've read all about these things because I was too loaded to remember much of that decade .
I Must Of Had Fun .


Well-Known Member
Don't forget you were still able to beat the shit out of your kids and there was no such thing as marking every word that came out of your mouth...no political correctness required.

Ha! I not only got it from my Dad, but my gnarly old teachers as well. If a teacher even looks at a kid the wrong way these days, it's over.

Even though a ruler on the knuckles hurt like bitch, I sure miss those days :smug: We would laugh hysterically as a classmate got beat.
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Space is the Place
...no political correctness required.

Political Correctness is one of the worst ideas that came about . Having someone tell you "you can't say that its not nice" is offensive to me hence it must be politically incorrect .

EDIT: Tweek why don't you read well , I know you can . Do you need glasses ?


Well-Known Member
Political Correctness is one of the worst ideas that came about . Having someone tell you "you can't say that its not nice" is offensive to me hence it must be politically incorrect .

EDIT: Tweek why don't you read well , I know you can . Do you need glasses ?

I hate anything PC...takes the fun out of life.

Thanks Rude! I actually read alot...about 4-5 books a month when I have the time. I wrote that as a joke in response to a rude PM I received. According to a member, I was a retard without the ability to read. :D


Always in a state of confusion and silliness♀
Don't forget you were still able to beat the shit out of your kids and there was no such thing as marking every word that came out of your mouth...no political correctness required.


Well-Known Member
I had a young worker over at my house a couple years ago and he had the typical modern shaggy au naturale look that hasn't changed too much since Kurt Cobain. He looked at me earnestly and said that when he watches 80s movies he can't believe how strangely everyone looked and dressed. Like it was this strange island in time. I took pride in that. Felt like wearing a Members Only jacket (Michael Jackson edition).


Well-Known Member
I remember the Michael Jackson zipper jacket. You were the coolest kid on the playground if you had one of those. I recall feeling disappointed that the zippers didn't really connect to pockets.

I also remember a kid coming to school wearing a pair of these:


He tried to bullshit us into believing they helped him see further.


Well-Known Member
None of the fashion of the 80's was truly functional...zippers that led nowhere, sunglasses that didn't really block the sun, hair that got in the way of everything...but that is what was so great back then. Nobody gave a crap.
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