Fuck the Parkinson's, the Dr just gave me a reason to smoke MORE!


Well-Known Member
I knew I smelt garlic.



Well-Known Member
Any body piercings? I've got a belly ring. :brow:

I used to have a few, not anymore though...I love piercings, you tease :smug:

I meant Ship!!! I can see with that crew cut you mean nothing but business in private. Probably get rope burns or something from that bristle top.

Btw, congrats on turning over a new page on the Sub thread. A brand new day.

I'm as bald as an eagle. :hmm:


Well-Known Member
"Look, let me explain something to you. I'm not Mr. Lebowski. You're Mr. Lebowski. I'm The Dude."

There was a guy who drove my streetcar route when I lived downtown...he looked just like The Dude minus the white russian.
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There's been a few times I wandered into a grocery store wearing only a robe and one slipper. That's was ok,but I jerk off one time,ONE TIME all of a sudden it an "issue".
Stupid laws


Well-Known Member
exactly, too many favors for sailors and things tend to lose their elasticity so to speak.

so, the best way to remedy this, is to get a leg of lamb, insert it, then rip the bone out, :o

& there you have it,
a new resleeve!:spliff:

all firm & fruity once again, & ready to hit the docks.:tup:
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