Fuck the Parkinson's, the Dr just gave me a reason to smoke MORE!


Well-Known Member
I would avoid experimenting with L-Dopa recreationally....just too many unknowns. But that's just my :2c:
The body's always fighting to regain it's own equilibrium, so effects will vary depending on who you are deep down. I used it as a nudge for my own reasons (not just recreational) - almost a homeopathic attitude. But I agree that long term it may be too disruptive so after a short spell I've curtailed. I never took more than two capsules a day and am still on my first bottle.

I was half kidding about vaping it - I don't think I'll go there although some people smoke the leaves in India I believe (what don't they smoke there!).


Well-Known Member
My big concern is it's ability to mess with your Serotonin levels. Bad news, especially if you are already on SSRI's etc.
Yeah. Btw, I read the review that I posted before trying it so already had a warning. Plus I'm wary of psych drugs, although I feel they have their place (never been on a prescrip SSRI). I like to hear all sides even the potential darkest side. Makes me more cautious for better or worse. Am glad you added even a little more caution because once you stir the brain pot it may never settle down quite the same way (again for better or worse).


Herbal Alchemist
My big concern is it's ability to mess with your Serotonin levels. Bad news, especially if you are already on SSRI's etc.

I recently had Serotonin Toxicity due to a bad mixture of meds. I thought I was going to die, literally. My body felt like it was on fire, and I was puking my guts up. If I hadn't started to feel better when I did, I was going to go to the ER.

I always take Tramadol on a daily basis, but they decided to add Effexor XR to the mix. BIG mistake. Needless to say, I stopped the Effexor on my own, then told the doctor later. Now, I'm on a low dose of Paxil (10mg), and so far I'm ok.


Well-Known Member
Glad to hear you made it through alright, Vicki...it can be really scary. I use Effexor as well, and it does not like to be messed with...I am glad you were able to find something else to help you out!


Herbal Alchemist
Glad to hear you made it through alright, Vicki...it can be really scary. I use Effexor as well, and it does not like to be messed with...I am glad you were able to find something else to help you out!

My GP is just trying to do everything she can to help me with my pain so that I will not be so reliant on the Oxycodone. I trust my doctor's. I just can't believe the Pharmacy didn't warn me something like that might happen.

I'm glad Effexor helps you. I added it to my list of devil drug's. Prednisone is on that list too.


Well-Known Member
Oh, I still think it's a devil drug...I'm just worse off of it then I am on it. That is why I use herb alongside my prescription...it helps mellow things out.

I tried getting off of it a few times, and the withdrawal was brutal...


vapor accessory addict
Geez Tweek, you've got me nervous about the Effexor. I've been on it since October for hot flashes. I can't say it does jack for those, but I don't give a shit about it anymore.... :lol: I'd like to quit taking it since I hate taking pills. I've heard some horror stories about quitting it though.


Well-Known Member
Geez Tweek, you've got me nervous about the Effexor. I've been on it since October for hot flashes. I can't say it does jack for those, but I don't give a shit about it anymore.... :lol: I'd like to quit taking it since I hate taking pills. I've heard some horror stories about quitting it though.

It all depends on your dosage...if you are on just a small amount, then it shouldn't be too bad if you follow the dr's orders on how to cycle off. Someone like me, who is on a larger dose can experience symptoms similar to opiate withdrawl, even with cycling. It's not fun. :disgust:


Herbal Alchemist
Prednisone helps me with swelling and asthma, I don't take it often but when I do I react well. Devil drug for me was seroquel! That and also topamax - that fucking shit made me drool!

Do you find that the Prednisone makes you mean? Like, David Banner.."Mr, McGee, you wouldn't like me when I'm angry." That kind of angry.


Herbal Alchemist
Not really Vicky, I couldn't touch the hulk at least, if anything more like....

I don't know why, but steroids make me a royal cunt to be around. I hate that word, I do, but that is exactly what I become when I take Prednisone. I am dreading going back to the Rheumatologist next month because I know that's one of the first things she is going to put me back on. That and Methotrexate. So looking forward to my hair falling out with that one. :rolleyes: Good thing my husband loves me for who I am.


Well-Known Member
Sublimator threads going to shit


And you bastards ain't no angels either :spliff:
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