Fuck the Parkinson's, the Dr just gave me a reason to smoke MORE!


Well-Known Member
We're going to have to recruit a new member with Parkinson's since mvapes and ship have been so scarce. I'm afraid they're going to shut us down for non-compliance.

I'll contact Michael J from my "days" as a backlot prostitute (sorry for stepping on your territory Dorkus - you've got the docks and I've got the Kojaks of the world ... I'm the hot young thing since Stu hit the wall).



(whenever the cross is hanging down low near the nature trail...
you know something not so fishy is going on in boystown)



Well-Known Member
'what would jesus drink?'

a) not Stu's shitty beer:lol:

b) Considering he is mexican, corona would be my guess.:o

I just asked Muhammed Ali if he would join us here to give us some legitimacy, but he sadly declined.

It seems all that memorabilia he signs 24/7 has turned his hands into just 2 sharpies and he just waves his hands about like Dr Zoidberg. so no typing for him.

His minders did say he would make a personal appearance at the local strip mall of my choice, provided there was adequate wheelchair access. (for a fee of course)

If I wanted a wave, ala weekend at bernies that was extra. the intitial fee only included a hotlap of Mr Ali in his wheelchair just after he has nodded off in the sun with his milky white tea.

*Disclaimer- my tongue firmly in my cheek (or Stus not sure) it is sad to see such a champion pensioned off in such a way. Paraded about like an old character from bonanza, and the assembly line of shit that has his autograph on it. Very sad.

@ Sat-Kojak huh, an old boyfriend of Stu's actually. ask him for the stills of when they lubed ol Tellys noggin up, just to see if it would fit up Stu's bum! Bwhahahahaha!

Imagine ol telly with some piercings (perhaps a prince albert) and some hardcore ink.
Fuck me!
Its ship's fucken dad!!:nod:

Hey Stu, you know you was fucking ship's dad??
bet cha feel bad now, dont cha ya dirty little fucker?? Bwhahahahahah!:o


Staff member
It appears that ol' Dorkus is on another one of his ayahuasca "walkabouts". The Aborigines leave their punch bowl out once in a while and this is what happens.

Or as Aussies call it: Wednesday.



Scratchin' Glass!
Accessory Maker
I'm here, let the party begin....

Actually, it's been a rough few days since my incident at the doctors office. I was told that one of my meds (mirapex) could potentially cause compulsive behavior. So, I go to the doc on Monday as this was my rescheduled visit since last weeks was canceled. Upon arrival I'm told that my doctor is on vacation and I'll be seeing his PA. No problem, right? Well, this bitch walks in the exam room with an attitude like someone shoved a banana up her ass!

During the exam I realize that this mother fucker isn't listening to a word I'm saying, I tell her I've been having muscle spasms and lock up in my abdomen and during my recent visit to the ER the doctor there mentioned that it was caused by PD....something called Dystonia. Assholes response was, well we don't treat the stomach here, I'll just send you to a gastro! Hello, is anyone fucking home? I never said my stomach, What I said was the muscles in the abdomen! I go on to tell her they treated me with Soma (muscle relaxer) and it helped enormously! Again, this mofo says "well we don't treat PD with Soma!" :mental:

At this point I was furious, now I give up on that subject and go on to tell her that I notice some compulsive behavior. She ask's me what qualifies as compulsive to me? Well, how about he blow, the hookers, and the refrigerator I bought? Fridge? That's not compulsive! I bought the mother fucker at 2 AM online! She goes on to say that she wants to stop the mirapex immediately! I ask as anyone would, what are we replacing it with? You guy's ready for this? Her reply - "lets just wait for the doctor to get back next week before we start something new!"

I lost my shit! I said are you out of your fucking mind? You want me to suffer with PD effects for a week because you obviously are an asshole? Let's just say the appointment was cut short with me storming out screaming! I also farted while yelling at the office manager. I couldn't help myself, when I'm that mad and I don't have ship with me to burn the place down my but trumpet has a mind of its own!

Regardless - anyone got a good neurologist in Florida?


Well-Known Member
Ha! That Jesus is actually from a Canadian film called "Jesus Christ Vampire Hunter"

And Molorkus, you have any of these in your house?


mvapes, I am sorry to hear that bro...I have the same experiences with docs all the time...some of them are so impersonal these days...wish I knew someone in the states for you. :( Part of my issues involve compulsive behaviours as well...probably not a good idea for me to hang around this place. :D


Herbal Alchemist
I'm here, let the party begin....

Actually, it's been a rough few days since my incident at the doctors office. I was told that one of my meds (mirapex) could potentially cause compulsive behavior. So, I go to the doc on Monday as this was my rescheduled visit since last weeks was canceled. Upon arrival I'm told that my doctor is on vacation and I'll be seeing his PA. No problem, right? Well, this bitch walks in the exam room with an attitude like someone shoved a banana up her ass!

During the exam I realize that this mother fucker isn't listening to a word I'm saying, I tell her I've been having muscle spasms and lock up in my abdomen and during my recent visit to the ER the doctor there mentioned that it was caused by PD....something called Dystonia. Assholes response was, well we don't treat the stomach here, I'll just send you to a gastro! Hello, is anyone fucking home? I never said my stomach, What I said was the muscles in the abdomen! I go on to tell her they treated me with Soma (muscle relaxer) and it helped enormously! Again, this mofo says "well we don't treat PD with Soma!" :mental:

At this point I was furious, now I give up on that subject and go on to tell her that I notice some compulsive behavior. She ask's me what qualifies as compulsive to me? Well, how about he blow, the hookers, and the refrigerator I bought? Fridge? That's not compulsive! I bought the mother fucker at 2 AM online! She goes on to say that she wants to stop the mirapex immediately! I ask as anyone would, what are we replacing it with? You guy's ready for this? Her reply - "lets just wait for the doctor to get back next week before we start something new!"

I lost my shit! I said are you out of your fucking mind? You want me to suffer with PD effects for a week because you obviously are an asshole? Let's just say the appointment was cut short with me storming out screaming! I also farted while yelling at the office manager. I couldn't help myself, when I'm that mad and I don't have ship with me to burn the place down my but trumpet has a mind of its own!

Regardless - anyone got a good neurologist in Florida?

Oh wow! What a shitty PA!! My Rheumatologist also uses PA's for appointment's sometimes, but they have never been uncompassionate assholes. I wish I knew a good Neurologist. I go to Rheumatology Assoc., but I don't think they see Parkinson's patients.

I would try to find another doctor in your network. I had to go through a couple Rheumatologists before I found one I could live with.


vapor accessory addict
Well, this bitch walks in the exam room with an attitude like someone shoved a banana up her ass!
Considering Dorkus was the patient ahead of you, I think you're lucky that all you got was attitude!!! :lol:

mvapes, you like your doctor, right? Just make sure you never have to see this bitch again. Tell your doctor about your experience with his PA. Tell him you don't want to deal with this person again and if you do, you'll have to change doctors. See if he will give you his cell number. Believe it or not, some will.

The unfortunate truth is that almost every doctor I have (and as I get older,I seem to "collect" them :rolleyes:) has at least one staff member I despise. But the doctor is so good that I stay. :shrug:


Scratchin' Glass!
Accessory Maker
Dear Dr - I had the opportunity to meet your PA the other day and with that being said I would like to share something with you...

If you EVER make me see that woman again I promise that prior to my departure from your practice I will go into your restroom and help you understand what a true accident is. I will paint your walls with my feces like a baby monkey! On top of that, I notice that most of your patients are elder. I am sure it will comfort them when I tell them that your PA said that her favorie treatment for PD is testicular massages and analy induced ejaculations! Their prostates will surely bust through their poop chutes to scream out loud, that you as well as your PA should fuck off and keep your damn fingers to yourself!

Unless I bring Ship with me in which then it would much much much worse! Up for the challenge?



Well-Known Member
At this point I was furious, now I give up on that subject and go on to tell her that I notice some compulsive behavior. She ask's me what qualifies as compulsive to me? Well, how about he blow, the hookers, and the refrigerator I bought? Fridge? That's not compulsive! I bought the mother fucker at 2 AM online! She goes on to say that she wants to stop the mirapex immediately! I ask as anyone would, what are we replacing it with? You guy's ready for this? Her reply - "lets just wait for the doctor to get back next week before we start something new!"
Hey mvapes, remember my post mentioning Mucuna pruriens, which is a natural source of L-DOPA? I thought this review was very interesting:

Reminds me of what you're going through w/ Mirapex. I bought some of this by the way just out of curiosity - can't let you getting a leg up and I remember you mentioning something about it being hallucinogenic :science:.

It really did give me a rush of positive buzz and extra mental energy, but I can see how too much of it (Mirapex?) could make me careless, so I've taken it easy with the stuff. Haven't vaped it yet ... hmmm. Careful out there kiddies!
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