Fuck the Parkinson's, the Dr just gave me a reason to smoke MORE!


Well-Known Member
Here is a picture of a kitten

That kitty is way too cute for this thread. What were you thinking!


Well-Known Member
^Squint at that map and you'll see Dorkus in his wig sneaking up on a ripe koala - an ass like a 12-year old boy's on that cuddly muffin!


^Don't wipe little friend - Dorkus likes it that way.


Well-Known Member
Some say you can still see Steve's balls floating there, when the moon is glowing just right, in the Aussie night sky.

Dont tell Bindii, or she will mount an expedition with the discovery channel to search for & then preserve her dads balls.

But its ok, she wants to be like her mum. So, in reality, Steve dont need em & she does.

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