I have troubles with other dogs being off leash when walking my rottweiler. He doesnt like other dogs very much and there is a lot of tension when they approach.
I have given up on asking the owner to put their mutt on a lead like the law requires, because 9 outta 10 times they are self entitled morons.
I now just firmly tell the dog to piss off in a low menacing voice, advancing one step forward (while the dog is still some distance away of course) & pointing in the opposite direction.
Its amazing how effective it is. I am having more success with that approach than talking to empty headed pet owners who are perfectly happy to let their little fluffy leap into my dogs jaws.
I have had that many runs ins with these fuckwits that I have some video sunglassess on order to document our walks in case I ever need evidence to protect my dog.
as far as hitting on everything in the room at parties...............
I am sorta ok, until I get a camera in my hands. Then every pic I take I seem to ask, 'get your tits out ladies'. I went thru a phase (not that long ago) where that was a common occurrence.
Hence I no longer go to parties anymore.
On the upside, I def saw more boobies than I ever expected to when I left home on those evenings, and I got pics of them too!
Mind you, being at a party with a high lesbian to hetro ratio,
this sort of behavior does not go down well. (insert bawdy joke here)
Bob Loblaw
thats a cool quote dude!
I have an interesting 'feature'(purely cosmetic) from birth that made going to school hell when I was a kid.
When you have people staring at you and those same people whispering, say on the bus, on your way to your school hell.
Throw in being freakishly clever at some things and totally fucking retarded at the things all others found natural. Add to that a massive handful of an abusive homelife.
By the age of seven I was convinced all adults were morons and didnt know anything at all.
The downside of that was, I was convinced I was smarter than everyone else.
At the age of seven, that is a massive call.
But I did quickly formulate a retort that I still use to this day.
People look at my 'feature' and ask/ blurt out 'whats that?'
My answer is always,
'Thats the difference between me and the rest of you mere mortals'
I have worn that statement like a shield for nearly 35 years.
and I might add,
what a mighty shield it was and continues to be.